noob question: let's say I want to have a list that contains ints or floats, are variant types the best/only way to go? what about a "sum x y" function wich takes int or float arguments?
there's no such thing as a "list of ints or floats" in OCaml types
pango_: I know, I'm asking if the best way to simulate it is using variants
same for the sum function.
There is no good way to write overloaded functions in OCaml.
Variants are probably the best way to implement lists like you described, but you haven't given enough context for me to say for sure.
I'm just exploring the language while studying programming language semantics, so the question is not in any context, it's just that I'm curious.. OCaml seems a good language to describe formal semantics, so I guess it could be a good language to use to implement new languages.. So comes my interest :)
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also, is there a way to detect integer overflow? I noticed that OCaml doesn't raise an exception.
shadow operators with ones that detect overflows
let (+) x y = let z = x + y in if (not x = (-y)) & z = 0 then raise IntegerOverflow else z
something like that?
in case of overflow the result won't be 0
mhm, I recall that it printed 0 with printf yesterday, but I can be wrong. let me check
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there's an Overflow module in the Hump, but un-unusually, the page died
I'm working on ocamlyacc, and I get an error when compiling that says "Unbound type constructor sexpr" but I have a "type sexpr ..." in the %{ %} block... Its complaining about the "%type <sexpr> input" line
actually, it's complaining about the generated .mli file
The code in that block doesn't go into the .mli file, I think.
So you can't refer to it in %type directives.
pango_: lol, yesterday it printed 0 just because I was testing with powers of 2..
Smerdyakov: er... so where should I specify it?
Another .ml file.
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how do you convert a char into a string?
seems like it should be just string_of_char... or at least listed in the "string conversion functions" section
... or in the String module
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hmm... actually... if I was working on a compiler which output ocaml code as a target language, would it just be easier to use camlp4?
instead of ocamlyacc/ocamllex and manually generating ocaml code
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let char_of_string = String.make 1;;
i actually prefer haskell's way of handling strings as just a list of char's
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hmm, perhaps that apostrophe wasnt a good idea there
but "chars" isnt a word. i just dont know
Doesn't SML use a vector of chars?
* mbishop
looks at Smerdyakov for an answer
mbishop: you mean vector in the sense of array
well, "vector" is the proper term for a single dimension matrix
but generally yes, vector is the same as array
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I'm very new (as of about 10 minutes). How do I start cameleon?
I never did cameleon to build right
I installed through Adept on Ubuntu, but I can't find the executable. I looked everywhere. I see an executable named "cameleon2.byte" in usr/bin
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guess I bought the only book on ocaml :(
Which one is that?
pratical ocaml
il me lire francais au apprendre cette lang?
if there's a better book in french I can do that
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what release is that in ubuntu?
1.9.13, same as debian :(
1.9.13 if you were asking me
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Ober: there are a few good french books about Ocaml
Ocaml for Scientists is a nice English one, a lot better than Practical OCaml heh
looking for something for general purposes vs say math etc.
Well Ocaml for Scientists has quite a bit of math, but nothing like The Art of Computer Programming or anything heh
yeah looking to replace my ruby prototypes :P
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Ocaml for Scientists is expensive though
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online help looks goo
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hello ocamlers
hello hsuh !
i need help with a little problem today :)
go ahead ! :)
lets say i need to print numbers in the range 0 to n, randomly
but most importantly without repeating
i have two ideas: either use a hash to mark the numbers that have already been printed (i dont like this solution)
true random ?
or make a list from 0 to n and then remove the sorted number from the list (but this would need some extra functions because array and list don't have remove, right ?)
no no
just the ordinary pseudo random.. no scientific work here.. just play
hsuh, you want an "unsort" function
xavierbot, restart
Objective Caml version 3.10.0
Camlp4 Parsing version 3.10.0
unsort, yes
good name
just a sec, I have one
x*vierbot is so nice
first define swap, like this:
let swap xs i j = if i <> j then ( let c = xs.(i) in xs.(i) <- xs.(j); xs.(j) <- c ) ;;
val swap : 'a array -> int -> int -> unit = <fun>
then unsort for arrays is:
let unsort_array xs = let n = Array.length xs in for i = 0 to n-2 do let j = Random.int (n - i) in swap xs i j done;;
val unsort_array : 'a array -> unit = <fun>
then unsort for lists is:
let unsort xs = Array.to_list (unsort_array (Array.of_list xs)) ;;
Characters 45-63:
let unsort xs = Array.to_list (unsort_array (Array.of_list xs)) ;;
This expression has type unit but is here used with type 'a array
oops, I mean:
let unsort xs = let xs = Array.of_list xs in unsort_array xs; Array.to_list xs ;;
val unsort : 'a list -> 'a list = <fun>
then you need a range function:
let rec range a b = if a <= b then a :: range (a+1) b else [] ;;
val range : int -> int -> int list = <fun>
range 0 10 ;;
- : int list = [0; 1; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 7; 8; 9; 10]
unsort (range 0 10) ;;
- : int list = [0; 9; 6; 2; 5; 7; 3; 4; 1; 8; 10]
unsort (range 0 10) ;;
- : int list = [9; 3; 5; 7; 4; 0; 1; 2; 6; 8; 10]
rwmjones: thats exactly what i need... many thanks man
it's not very efficient ... if you need speed, you could do better by taking the algorithm from unsort_array and applying it directly to an array
no, i just needed to unsort 400 elements for making a file for povray
unsort (range 0 10) ;;
- : int list = [8; 9; 0; 5; 7; 3; 4; 1; 6; 2; 10]
I think there's a bug in that actually :-)
unsort (range 0 10) ;;
- : int list = [9; 7; 8; 4; 3; 2; 5; 6; 0; 1; 10]
I think the end point of the iteration in unsort_array should be n-1 instead of n-2
well, there you go, you can experiment :-)
of course!
let unsort_array xs = let n = Array.length xs in for i = 0 to n-1
do let j = Random.int (n - i) in swap xs i j done;;
Characters 1-3:
Parse error: illegal begin of top_phrase
do let j = Random.int (n - i) in swap xs i j done;;
you have to paste it in as a single line, it's a pain
let unsort_array xs = let n = Array.length xs in for i = 0 to n-1
do let j = Random.int (n - i) in swap xs i j done;;let unsort_array xs = let n = Array.length xs in for i = 0 to n-1 do let j = Random.int (n - i) in swap xs i j done;;
Characters 1-3:
Parse error: illegal begin of top_phrase
do let j = Random.int (n - i) in swap xs i j done;;let unsort_array xs = let n = Array.length xs in for i = 0 to n-1 do let j = Random.int (n - i) in swap xs i j done;;
let unsort_array xs = let n = Array.length xs in for i = 0 to n-1 do let j = Random.int (n - i) in swap xs i j done;;
val unsort_array : 'a array -> unit = <fun>
hsuh, also, if you just redefine unsort_array, then you have to also redefine unsort, because otherwise unsort will continue to use the old definition
that's the way ocaml works
let unsort xs = let xs = Array.of_list xs in unsort_array xs; Array.to_list xs ;;
val unsort : 'a list -> 'a list = <fun>
unsort (range 0 10);
unsort (range 0 10) ;;
- : int list = [10; 9; 5; 4; 6; 3; 2; 1; 0; 8; 7]
unsort (range 0 10) ;;
- : int list = [10; 1; 8; 5; 6; 3; 2; 7; 0; 4; 9]
heh, still wrong
unsort (range 0 10) ;;
- : int list = [10; 8; 0; 7; 2; 3; 4; 5; 6; 1; 9]
odd, my local version is working
or not
unsort(unsort(range 0 10));;
- : int list = [9; 8; 2; 7; 10; 1; 3; 4; 0; 6; 5]
so ugly :)
for i = 0 to n-1 do let j = Random.int (n - i) ...
why don't you use for i = n - 1 downto 0 ?
let's do it with a tree now :)
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or a hashtable...
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let unsort_array xs = let n = Array.length xs in for i = n-1 downto 0 do let j = Random.int (n - 0) in swap xs i j done;;
val unsort_array : 'a array -> unit = <fun>
let unsort xs = let xs = Array.of_list xs in unsort_array xs; Array.to_list xs ;;
val unsort : 'a list -> 'a list = <fun>
unsort (range 0 10);;
- : int list = [4; 5; 9; 7; 3; 0; 10; 8; 2; 1; 6]
unsort (range 0 10);;
- : int list = [6; 10; 0; 9; 1; 3; 2; 8; 4; 7; 5]
maybe we should not restrict the range of int which the Random.int can generate
it was Random.int (n-i) before
so the last elements could only be swapped with the nearest neighbors.. or something like that
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let unsort_array xs = let n = Array.length xs in for i = n-1 downto 0 do swap xs i (Random.int i) done;;
val unsort_array : 'a array -> unit = <fun>
let unsort xs = let xs = Array.of_list xs in unsort_array xs; Array.to_list xs ;;
val unsort : 'a list -> 'a list = <fun>