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hey, I have a slight problem with my recursive code
can I pm anyone for help?
No. You should explain your problem here. Never ask to ask; but also don't paste many lines of code or otherwise take up too much space. Best is to post a URL to pertinent information.
let rec sep_concat slist =
match slist with [] -> ""
| (x::xs) -> x ^ " " ^ sep_concat xs;;
well the problem here
is that i get an extra " " at the end
and i dont know how in ocaml to detect if its at the end of the list
Please don't split sentences across lines needlessly.
so i can leave out the " " at the end
sorry about splitting the sentences
Can you clarify what you mean by "detect if its at the end of the list"?
meaning if i input a list ["this";"is";"a";"test"] it will give me "this is a test " so I need to detect if its at "test" which is at the end of the list
Ideally I would want the output "this is a test"
Can you write a recursive function in pseudocode that does what you want?
I can write it in c/c++
would that do?
If you know how to do it, that's good enough.
Can you name the precise piece of your C++ code that you don't know how to translate to OCaml?
the part where I detect that I am at the end of the list
because when i am at the end I will with hold the extra " "
What does that mean in terms of the recursive C++ function?
meaning I can check the length of an array for example and if it is at the end I will not append a " " to it
I guess you understand that a recursive function over lists, even in C++, will have no concept of "current position"?
in a list i will know which is the tail and which is the head
by a simple check
the structure of a list will have a head and a tail and nodes inbetween
That's not the way you do things in OCaml, at least.
well thats why im confused
You consider each list anew.
yea which is a huge problem
No, it's not at all.
It's a much nicer way to doing things.
Makes for much simpler definitions.
i didnt say it wasn't nicer, Im just making a transition and its tough
infact I think ocaml and haskell are beautiful languages
Its just very tough for a beginner to do this
Instead of thinking about "what to do at a certain position," you need to think in terms of just examining the list you have in front of you.
You can't figure out how to omit the final space from that perspective?
Ive tried for an hour
Then I gave up and googled up this irc channel
I recommend this: Pick a couple of example lists.
Look at the recursive call structure of your definition for each example list.
Ask yourself what you could do at some predictable point in that structure to solve your problem.
well it would be to check if its an empty list after the element but I dont know how to check for that
I have tried this: if (x::[]) then etc
Ah, good, now we're getting warm.
but that doesnt work
i already thought of this
But that code snippet you just gave is complete nonsense. Don't try to make up syntax. :P
I just don't know how to do it in ocaml
What tools have you learned for examining lists?
I am not supposed to use built in functions to do this
this is an excercise for a class of mine
That's sort of a non-answer to the question.
I don't know how to answer then
What tools are you _allowed_ to use that you've learned?
pattern matching?
That sounds like one.
Do you know how to use pattern matching to test if a list ends after the current node?
thats what im trying to ask here
That's very strange.
Can you summarize what you know about how to use pattern matching?
not really, the teacher just gives examples and we have to learn through experimentation
I'll send you a link to the website
Ah, then step one is to find a good text.
but can you teach me how to use pattern matching to test if the list ends after the current node?
I don't think it's in anyone's interests to try to learn a programming language that haphazardly. You should have a clear textual exposition, not someone asking you to learn from examples alone.
I'll just throw you this bone: you tried to use pattern matching with 'if', but did your teacher show you any example that used pattern matching with 'if'?
no the teacher did not
I had to experiment with it a lot before i got it
Why not try something closer to the examples that you _do_ have available?
because I don't think its possible with those examples
can you please look through the stuff, I am sure you will get what I mean once you see the material
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I know exactly what code solves your problem. I just don't think it's helpful to just give you the answer.
I mean, do you understand that 'match', not 'if', introduces pattern matching?
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I am using match
have you see the code I pasted before?
I'm talking about in testing if a list is one element long.
You gave an attempt with 'if' before.
yes, and the main part of my code does not use if
i have even tried this
| (x::[])
as one of the cases
but that does not work
Do you understand that case order matters?
yes I do
If i put that case under the main case I have
it will not even go through
Can you paste the code with that change made, so I can see what you are saying doesn't work?
oh shit i just noticed i put a double semi colon in ther eby mistake
ok but i still get the same error
it highlights the - on the -> before the ^ x and says syntax error
I can't think of a less direct way to say it than this: something foul is going on to the _right_ of the arrow in that case.
well i have it now
let rec sep_concat slist =
match slist with [] -> ""
| (x::[]) -> x ^ ""
| (x::xs) -> x ^ " " ^ sep_concat xs;;
well i can even leave out the ^ ""
OK, so you knew how to do it all along. :)
i did like i said its just syntax issues
and if you look at my teachers slides, i had to deeply deeply infer from them to get how to do this
Yes, you should read the book I linked cover to cover, if you want to avoid further pain during a semester-long course.
But anyway I love functional programming in terms of how powerful it can be
however it is a huge huge pain transitioning from an imperative language to a functional one
Probably some portion of this can be blamed on an instructor not handling it all properly.
I'm wondering though can I directly relate my experience from ocaml to haskell
because I hear haskell is even more powerful than ocaml
I don't know what meaning of "powerful" you're using.
as in it can do more than ocaml and its also faster
All of these languages are Turing complete, so "do more" is a weird thing to say.
As for "it's also faster," compiled OCaml programs tend to outperform compiled Haskell programs.
really? I thought haskell performed faster
Haskell has multiple compilers, so you can't talk about "Haskell's performance," but all of the Haskell compilers underperform the OCaml native code compiler.
On programs written naturally, at least
"Haskell is more feature-full (with unique laziness semantics and advanced features like type classes and monads)"
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that was what i was referring to
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Haskell with GHC extensions has more features than anything, sure.
Often doesn't lead to practical benefit, though.
they do ok with the mllib dll, but if you want full compatability, go with OCamIK
well i was just answering msingh's question
meaning he could just compile his stuff in ocaml instead of f#
P_1, thats cool .. cheers :)
otoh i dont understand why F# is being pushed for scientific computing
what qualities of it make it apppropriate for such tasks?
err i guess it is because ocaml is as well
ms just wants to provide an alternative
to ocaml and haskell
the syntax is nearly the same from what im reading
it doesn't follow though that if ocaml is suitable for scientific computing then so is F#
the reason ocaml is touted as suitable for scientific computing is because of its functional programming style
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where you can just define things as equations and etc
i see
so a similar thing could be said about Erlang?
well that and the fact that it's "fast as C++"
mbishop, that's not true of F# though :P
microsoft marketing? :P
its faster than c++ and c isnt it?
speaking of ocaml that is
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ocaml is typically just as fast as C++ (I've seen examples of it being faster), not sure about C, I think I remember Xavier saying 50% on average?
50% faster or 50% of c code speed
50% speed, which is pretty good for an average
SML (using mlton) probably gets you a little more speed
but Haskell is usually faster then most c code
and if ocaml is faster than haskell
it would be logical that ocaml is faster than most c code
Doubtful, people might like to CLAIM haskell is faster than C, and there are all kinds of blog posts about it, but those are usually just special cases
or very small benchmarks
But ocaml is generally faster than haskell
there was a darpa paper or something on it
haskell is slow afauk
is ocaml a small language, do you think?
if c code is pretty much supreme
why look at haskell and ocaml at all
c is easier to program in and faster if what you guys say is true
programmer convenience?
c is more convenient for me
wow, really? :)
its a lot easier to do things iteratively
recursion is beautiful but if it slows things down
why do it
P_1 you don't have to use recursion
P_1 also tail recursive recursion is a fast as iteration
i understand that its not necessary to use recursion, but its a lot more attractive to use recursion in a functional programming language
and yes i understand that tail recursion is just as fast as iteration
yes but for performance reasons you can also use iteration
but what im saying is that it sucks since recursion is so beautiful but its slower in a few cases
what im saying is that it would be nice to have nice performance coupled with the beauty of recursion
i just tried to say that you don't necesarly have to use C because you can use recursion in ocaml too :)
err, iteration
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yes but what I'm saying is, its faster to think it out in C than in ocaml and if C produces faster code on average
why not just code stuff in C
c doesn't necesarly produce much better code
then you get a lot more features in ocaml
that you don't have in C
well the features comes with a heavy price in syntax
it's not that bad, i've got used to it :)
it's just different :)
from an old presentation made by tim sweeney of epic games
definitely, if you can write faster code in a faster fashion in C, and the code is better maintainable to boot, it makes sense to use C
he was talking about haskell and c
however, many people feel that more expressive languages allow to write complex code that is still readable, with less effort
and how haskell and c are both non options to the future of programming in terms of multithreading and data parallelism
the reason he says haskell isnt viable is because of the hard syntax, and the reason that c isnt is because it doesnt have really good support to make threading easy
P_1 do you have a link to the presentation?
hard syntax?
yea hold on ill try to find it
that's one weird reason :)
let me phrase it the way he wrote it
it has a syntax optimised for the way it works
the presentation has been quite much around programming.reddit and other sites.. should be easy to find.
not for the way C works
"Learning a functional language will scare off a lot of programmers"
I don't think haskell was criticized for its syntax
hold on ill just get a link to it
so you don't want to learn a functional programming language because it would scare other programmers? :)
I think he didn't like global type-inference (or rather, the error messages) and perhaps lazy evaluation was also in the list
global type inference, I think local one was ok. and I believe the problem was the error messages, which I admit, can sometimes be difficult to penetrate for the unexperienced.
it makes things so easy
C has lots of problems, I think they've all been said before however
but those are all fluffy arguments
not anywhere near as impenetrable as c++ template errors, though..
go to page 58
it talks about the haskell syntax right there
i can't see any serious argument against
i was right, he talks about the syntax scaring off programmers
i agree that the syntax could be improved, i would like a C-like syntax too, but the syntax is not that bad
and it's efficient too, good for it's purpose
it's just different from C
I hate C syntax
C syntax is fine for that kind of programming
but i wouldnt like a FP language with C syntax
for starters, every block would need to be an expression
well anyway the point with sweeney and haskell is that the syntax scares programmers off, but it could enable easy programming for multiple cores compared to c
which is what got me interested into functional programming
i wouldnt mind swallowing the syntax if it allowed for better performance
but from what you guys said its opposite of what i was expecting
what kind of programmer gets scared of a bit of syntax?
read above
i wouldnt, but if it doesnt provide extra performance why learn it
P_1 in what way different from what you expected?
i was thinking that haskell would produce code that runs much faster than c code
languages aren't just about looks
no, usually haskell produces much slower code
yea which is a bad thing
P_1 but that's because of bad implementation
well how does proper haskell implementation look like
Haskell probably COULD, in theory produce faster code, since you (and the compiler) can reason about the code a lot more
C has major problems with aliasing and such, so you can't really reason about the code
P_1 the point is that haskell has a lot of barriers to optimisation removed
P_1 while C has a lot of problems, so other imperative programming languages
P_1 but that doesn't mean anyone actually implemented a good optimiser :)
well i want to know how proper haskell implementation would look, is it all done in recursions, or tail recursions, or iteration?
haskell people will usually spend time discussing the new fashionable metaconcepts, rather than work on the compiler :)
optimizing compilers are hard
well some guy did it
the more you optimize, the less helpful your error messages are heh
and apparently made some code run faster than c code
with this guys "supero" compiler hes able to produce compiled code working faster than c code
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"The reason for this is an advanced optimisation that has managed to remove <i>all</i> the intermediate lists. In a normal Haskell program, <tt>getContents</tt> would build a list of characters, <tt>lines</tt> would take that list, and build a list of strings, then <tt>length</tt> would take that list and consume it. With my optimisation, no intermediate lists are created at all.<br /><br />While in the previous benchmark it was easy to examine and understa
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you can optimize stuff away until you're faster than C, but most people prefer the code to be helpful (with bounds checking, etc) and correct rather than super fast