kig: Phase 1 is using too many semicolons. Phase 2 is exposing underlying modules (recursive modules). Phase 3 is rewriting stdlib. :)
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| [] -> failwith "foldr1"
you should use invalid_arg
(imho, fold_right : ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> ('a t -> 'b -> 'b) is the good parameter order)
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I want to have a list that contains ever-changing preconditions required for a function. Would the best way to implement this be to simply store the conditions as a string that build a parser for?
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CrawfordComeaux: can you not represent them a closures ?
if your function is 'a -> 'b , then a ('a -> bool) list could be enough
(that suppose uncurrified functions)
apparently I need rest...I should've known how to do that
* rwmjones
wants jacques garrigue to answer the question about extending immediate objects ...
bluestorm: good point on invalid_arg, thanks. imho, the list-last arg order of foldr is more in line with the rest of the list funcs (plus i started it as a port of haskell's prelude, which uses the list-last arg order)
rwmjones: weren't you impressed by the ugly Obj.magic solution ?
heh ... no because basically it's not type safe :-(
the point is to have a typesafe solution, and casting the return value is not that
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bluestorm, your answer to the 'what is the current function' question is the one I thought about too, but surely the same information is available, at least in bytecode, using whatever the stacktrace mechanism uses
rwmjones: you're right, but i don't think this code is easy to access from the outside
whereas camlp4 is quite comfortable in that aspect
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I have a Map from int * int that I want to initialize with the coordinates of a 9x9 grid ((0, 0), (0, 1), ...).
I'd like to do it concisely, but the best I've gotten so far is http://pastie.org/233102 (making functions init_square, init_col, and init_grid)
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uh oh, university exercise?
sudoku ?
tar_: i suggest a reference and two for loops
bluestorm got it <--
Oh, that would work
ewww loops
the other solution would be to declare a seq : int -> int -> int list primitive and use it for good
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bluestorm: Could you explain that a little more?
let seq = Array.to_list (Array.init 9 (fun x -> x)) in List.fold_right (fun x -> List.fold_right (fun y -> M.add (x, y) seq) seq) seq M.empty
my idea was to have a seq 1 9 = [1; 2; ..; 8; 9]
but actually you only use [0...8] so a value is fine
tar_: actually, if you want your sudoku to be efficient, i would suggest you use an int list array array instead
tar_: your init_grid () function (why "()" btw ?) is quite exactly a fold_left
as your init_col actually
if you're not already familiar with fold_[left/right], you should play with them a little, it's quite cool and good exercise
It's still so new I hadn't thought of them. Actually, I was about to rewrite those to take a function and then it really would have been fold_left.
The () was because my editor's syntax coloring seemed to fail without any arguments listed. :)
it's still far from the haskell [(x, y) | x <- [0..8], y <- [0..8]], though :/
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* tar_
switches to Haskell
tar_: no need
I thought I'd seen a sole () argument in the standard library somewhere. Is that for when refs are involved?
you add a sole () argument when you don't want your declaration to be an immediate value
I may also be remembering wrong..
for example
let foo = print_endline "Hello World !"
will be executed once
le foo () = print_endline "Hello World"
will be executed on callsite
Oh yeah, I think it was print_newline
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$ camlp4o Camlp4Parsers/Camlp4ListComprehension.cmo -str '[(x, y) | x <- 0--8; y <- 0--8]'
(List.map (fun x -> List.map (fun y -> (x, y)) (0 -- 8)) (0 -- 8))
tar_: regarding "your editor coloring", iirc tuareg won't highlight the immediate values (or thought so) and the functions wich explicit parameters the same way
but that should not influence the way you code
and my head went weird from writing too many unfolding examples. two maps better
Where did you get --?
tar_: he declared it himself
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let (--) a b = Array.to_list (Array.init (b - a + 1) ((+) a))
or let rec (--) a b = if a < b then a :: (a + 1) -- b else if a > b then a :: (a - 1) -- b else [b] if you want both directions