I am having this weird issue involving types in ocaml.
I currently have a nullable type (type 'a nullable = null | notnull of 'a;;)
Why not use [option]?
mutew: which is identical to 'a option
and I am trying to extend this to create a tree type
Also, the type definition you gave doesn't parse.
Constructor names must be capitalized.
mutew: type 'a tree = Empty | Tree of 'a * 'a tree * 'a tree
thelema: That's what I have been doing for binary trees..
mutew: type 'a list_tree = 'a list_tree list
I just figured that it'd be interesting if I could incorporate my nullable type into the tree.
mutew, you should stop using your nullable type and use [option] instead.
type 'a nullable_tree = 'a nullable tree
thelema: Current nullable looks something like : type 'a nullable = Null | NotNull of 'a;;
mutew, please be aware that many of us here are going to stop helping you unless you at least acknowledge that your [nullable] type is a confusing duplication of standard functionality.
thelema: My tree type was : type 'a node = Null | Node of 'a * 'a node * 'a node;;
mutew: or did you want something where the empty tree = a null type?
type 'a tree = ('a * 'a tree * 'a tree) nullable ??
Smerdyakov: I started learning ocaml 2 hours ago, I am not even sure what you mean by the [nullable] type.
mutew, I'm just using brackets to quote code.
mutew, I'm talking about the type you started out telling us about.
mutew, i.e., the one named "nullable".
mutew: ocaml has defined a type [option] which is the same as your "nullable" type, just different names.
Smerdyakov: ahh, my bad. I was going through a tutorial and they were showing how to declare new types.
Smerdyakov: and they started with the [nullable] example.
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So, since there might be different people around since I last asked, does anyone want to help me test something I'm working on with my ML-like web application language? If so, join #ur!
mutew, OK. In "real" code, you wouldn't define that yourself, since it's in the standard library by different names.
Smerdyakov: Right..
As for your original question, I have to confess that I still don't understand what you're trying to do.
So would something like : type 'a tree = Tree of ('a * 'a tree * 'a tree) nullable;; work?
That looks like it would be accepted by the type-checker.
Smerdyakov: Ok, here's the scene - the nullable type was used as an example for user-created types.
I don't know what you're trying to accomplish, but I wouldn't be surprised if this does it. :)
Smerdyakov: and then this was extended to trees since it would require null/notnull for child nodes.
Well, you still haven't said what you're trying to do, but I think you came up with your own answer.
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Smerdyakov: So the final type I want is a binary tree, catch is integrating the nullable type into my type definition.
And it looks like you did that above.
Trouble is my match no longer works..
Which shouldn't be surprising at all, if you understand how datatypes work in OCaml]
I mean I match Null and NotNull, but not Node.
correct - you'll have to match Null -> ... | Not_null (v,l,r) -> ...
thelema, not quote, given his definition.
correct - you'll have to match Tree Null -> ... | Tree (Not_null (v,l,r)) -> ...
I've just started with OOP in ocaml
thelema: Then using this definition would this be a valid tree - Node(1,NotNull(Node(2, Null, Null), NotNull(3, Null, Null)));;
do I see it right that I must use getters ans setters like in Java if I want to access instance variables?
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lets say I have a list of tuples and I dont know what is going to be in the tuples. Can anyone suggest a way to find all strings within the list of tuples at any depth?
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I'm not quite sure what you mean, but it's probably not possible.