sdschulze, an alternative would be to have the whole module be recursive. that would allow direct access to all the functions in Node_set, which might be what you're after..
sdschulze, of course, if you just stick in the 'interface' class, you can cast your actual object into that
(infact it might not even need casting)
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Another general question about sets: what data type is used for their internal representation and why are manipulations on them purely functional?
for sets?
ah, yes :)
they are red-black binary trees
and they are functional, because that's how we roll in functional languages..
if you want 'mutable', you can make-do with a reference type
if mutable was the default, there would be no going back to immutable
Doesn't adding an element involve reordering of the tree?
it might, but you can usually use a great part of the original tree as-is
and the new tree is mostly shared with the old one
what really is new is the path to the newly inserted nodes, and some other nodes if rebalancing is required
in red-black trees the r/l branch can be at most 2x the depth as the opposite branch, so it is not rebalanced continuously
actually it turns out I misremembered, they are not red-black-trees. looks like avl trees, not sure.
btw, map.ml is only 200 lines (and doesn't depend on anything), so it's feasible to read ;)
I already found it before, but my knowledge on trees isn't that good, so I didn't recognize it at once.
Is immutability better for the compiler?
(can it maybe store the payload unboxed?)
Yeah, ocaml set/map is avl tree
well, the compiler might be geared towards immutability, but afaik one big winner is the garbage collector, which like immutability
which likes, even
flux: avl trees w/ height distance at most 2
thelema, I guess that assertion changed in the RB/AVL mixup :)
I think immutability is over rated
det: immutability is nice when it's nice and inconvenient when it's inconvenient. Having few immutable values in a program makes it easier to reason about
I think immutability often makes the program convoluted
det, well, as I said: it's much easier to go from immutable to mutable than the reverse
Sometimes a "for" loop + mutation is much easier to understand than a fold
flux: Why exactly? If you consider the easier example of immutable lists, you cannot change the tail of a list, but you can still refer to it, so the respective object must be known to the GC.
I must admit I have sometimes written some quite convoluted folds..
me too
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Many folds are just while loops in disguise, true
very tempting to convert to iter/mutation
fold, map etc. are simply cool 8)
for and while are not cool at all
sdschulze, I don't know the details, that's just the general concensus I've seen from mailing lists. apparently immutability is somehow exploited by the gc.
foreach is really just iter
what det probably means are situations when you usually use fold
det: and the difference is again: coolness
det: foreach is not cool, but iter is
for example if you need to fold over a structure that has static three levels and keep summing some values
well, obviosuly you can do it as I've done it quite a few times
flux: OK, it might give you a factor of two.
but I cannot help thinking that simply putting three foreach-inside-foreach updating a mutable variable would be simpler
yeah, that is a good example
As the tutorial says: loops are second-class citizens in OCaml.
i never have the urge to use while or for in Ocaml
sdschulze, btw, I put up a new mutrec.ml, it demonstrates the fully recursive module -based solution
flux: OK, thanks
det: It's probably about as cool as trying to do a fold in C...
there are counter-examples to mutation though. for example I hate the interface of the Arg-module, as it requires using mutability ;)
I've never used the Arg module
I agree though, I'd like both options available
my fold-based (simple) version allows separating the argument list fully separate from the variables themselves
but there is a price to pay..
(["--port"; "-p"], CmdArg.int (fun c port -> { c with c_port = port }),
("port", "Set the port to listen (default: " ^ string_of_int default.c_port ^ ")"));
ya, I cant help but think mutating a record would be simpler than function record update
why not use Printf
I usually do, infact..
but it looked more similar to other strings that simply concatenated other strings
printf is always easier for me to read
The general problem I see about using things like lists is that the number of GC objects is linear to the length of the list.
obviously it's not if you never modify the end?-)
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I was actually thinking a simplified case. for example for a list of ints the gc could know that if all its elements are already moved into the long-term gc pool, it doesn't need to scan it ever again?
not convinced that gc would do that kind of analysis though :)
So polymorphism is rather bad for unboxing?
yes, unless you throw out the uniform data representation
Are there any papers that describe the way OCaml works internally?
sdschulze: if you're interested in the data representation and some GC details, the "Interfacing C with OCaml" part of the manual might help you
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sdschulz`: <mfp> sdschulze: if you're interested in the data representation and some GC details, the "Interfacing C with OCaml" part of the manual might help you
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mfp: thanks
which ocaml lib can be recommended for parsing command line options? it should respect the POSIX standard, i.e. accept short and long options for example (the Arg module from the stdlib falls therefore out)
derdon, I haven't tried, but atleast ocaml-getopt promises that in its name..
flux: good. thank you!
many ocaml projects lack of good documentation
or of documentation in general
mli-files go a long way
flux: mhh
flux: online or pdf files are much better to read
ikaros has joined #ocaml
.mli files don't include the variable names for the function arguments, so they suck for documentation.
it is rare you see functions like val frabilucate : int -> int -> int -> int -> int
so value and type names and library's purpose both need to be taken into account :)
of course, if you're lucky, there is a comment with parameter names at the value declaration site
and if you're really lucky, there's some actual genuine well-written documentation on how to use the library, with examples!
flux: and this is what I expect!
this is what I am used to from other programming languages (python)
see the pocoo projects on dev.pocoo.org
they have great documentation
perhaps there's less social pressure or something to make ocaml writers write documentation
or perhaps they are not immersed in examples of other people doing that
so we'll start with good documentation to impress other ocaml programmers and make them imitate us :D
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where would the best starting place to learn ocaml be?
jimi_hendrix: the official tutorial, ocaml-tutorial.org, and the o'reilly book
no particular order here; I read from everything every day a bit ;)
i see
and what would be a good simple project to make to test my knowledge?
i have not used a functional language before
jimi_hendrix: hm. the typical excercise is "guess a number"
these excercises don't have to be related to functional programming, btw
you can try to write an addressbook
I love lexing & parsing, so I wanted to start with ocamllex and ocamlyacc very early
a few days ago, I started with an invented esoteric programming language :D
jimi_hendrix: and it's very important to learn a lib which extends the standard lib of ocaml, e.g. the batteries
why is that?
jimi_hendrix: because the stdlib of ocaml is rather small
and it doesn't offer nice functions for I/O, for example
I don't know how the batteries work with unicode, but I know that the standard lib of ocaml is bad at it
i see
what lib would you recommend?
jimi_hendrix: surprise, surprise: the batteries :D
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11:00 < det> i never have the urge to use while or for in Ocaml
det: the algorithm that most encouraged for loops in my ocaml was:
pimmhogeling has joined #ocaml
All pairs shortest path -- with three nested for loops
which I can't seem to find at the moment...