the guy says, that order of definition of functions in a file doesnt matter
but thats clearly not the case when i try to run the example
what am i missing?
mcstar, he's incorrect
ousado has joined #ocaml
ah great, thanks
lexical order in files matters
he must be confused with haskell
I could be wrong, but I have _never_ seen anything that suggests you could reorder the statements like is stated here
this is just wrong (and not grammatical?) -> "In Ocaml, so you can define a function after you call it, so long as it is called and defined in the same script"
yeah, that grammar is funky
wtf really
maybe the author was testing this in the toplevel and just picked up earlier definitions when trying with different orders
good excuse for the _book_ author
The sequence point is actually an operator, like +. It takes a unit on the left and anything on the right and returns the right
eni has joined #ocaml
he is explaining ;
but if its a normal operator, like (+), why cant i print its type?
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i wouldn't say it's 'like +'
if anything, it's like :: -- they're both ostensibly operators, but are implemented as syntax
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you can't get their value and you can't reassign to their value
and the 'unit' type is not enforced, it gives only a warning, if the left expression actually returns anything else but unit
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and its weird, that he suggests to "#use "printf.ml";;", and not "open Printf;;", he never mentions 'open' in the book, afaics
could be a bad book
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is there a reason, that the ocaml prompt # would change to >>> ?
multi-line input maybe?
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>>> michael = 1
>>> print_twice michael
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i get it
he just edited the Python version of the book
Think like a computer scientist is in Python originally
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ok, theres another error, he forgot to use "" instead of '', and the example gives wrong output
i wont bother you guys again with that book
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(maybe except when i see some serious errors)
i read some bad reviews of Practical Ocaml
what is the most recommended guide to ocaml nowadays?
ssbr_, delete all of your .cmx{a,} files and try again
Apparently this means "recompile Buddy"
(works now)
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Can anyone explain to me the signature mismatch in the following code, and how to possibly fix it? http://ideone.com/n7Q5t
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I suppose there is no way to debug code that is compiled to machine code, right? Only bytecode?
this project has makefiles I have a hard time editing. :<
(so making it output bytecode seems.. difficult)
Sometimes with Makefiles you can find a variable used globally that dictates what line it compiles with
ssbr_, 'debug' how
_habnabit: with a debugger.
I want to play with a variable at a certain step in the program
_habnabit: I think so
ha ha, good luck
ssbr_, a patch that allows for debugging native ocaml code with gdb is ported to svn trunk and will be released in 3.13 (aka 4.0)
still, «Reading and writing OCaml values is not supported; however, it is possible to read OCaml values (when you know its address) using the mlvalues.py script from ygrek»
What do you do then? just step through without seeing anything?
the description sums it up.
It says "debug", but I'm not sure what that means.
Well, anyway, it's no use to me for now. But thank you.
you're welcome
Can anyone explain to me the signature mismatch in the following code, and how to possibly fix it? http://ideone.com/n7Q5t
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there is probably some need for a variance annotation of a "with ..." annotation, but I'm not an expert enough :)
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module AssocList : DICTIONARY with type 'a t = (string * 'a) list
fixes the problem but does not look quite cool
gnuvince: I think I can sort of explain the problem
when you write "module AssocList : DICTIONARY", you say to the external world "you may only assume that AssocList satisfies DICTIONARY"
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In particular, the DICTIONARY sig is abstracted over t
so when you "include AssocList" in AssocListPlus, you don't really include is as a "textual" include, but rather as part of the outside world, that does not know more than what DICTIONARY tells
so, the fix is to tell more
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this is often referred to as a "sharing constraint"
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Ptival: thanks
And indeed, it's kinda ugly with the "with type ..." part :)
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how come (-) is polymorphic? i.e. it accepts ints and floats? jason hickey says you need -. for floats
mcstar, it isn't polymorphic
it also doesn't accept ints and floats
so - in -5 is not a unary operator?
the unary operator is (~-), not (-)
ocaml just allows it to be written as - sometimes
-5 is a int literal -5 instead of (-) 5
he was pretty thorough in listing the operators, he should have mentioned this there
is this still the same book? it doesn't seem very good
btw, i found an error in his assoc function
_habnabit: no, this is the one someone suggested here
can there be user defined unary operators?
unary operators all start with ~
(except (!))
Imho that shouldn't parse.
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so in 1 + + + + 1;; the first + is binary, the others are unary?
why does the grammar allow multiple unary operators?
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why not?
because that makes no sense
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it could, if you define your own unary operator
_habnabit: what troubles me, is that you dont have to put ~ in front of them
# let (~++) = succ in 1 + ~++ ~++ ~++ ~++ 2;;
- : int = 7
multiple unary operators sometimes make sense
I'm thinking ~ ~ P in logic
_habnabit: no, i mean in my exmaple, + is automatically made into a unary operator ~+
if i unerstand correclty
mcstar, yes, I know
mcstar, that was not for you
_habnabit: can you help me understand why an eta expansion alleviated monomorphism?
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mcstar, ocaml only allows polymorphism in function parameters
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_habnabit: how is this different from haskell's polymorphism?
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I don't know haskell
in haskell, id id :: a -> a
while in ocaml, id id : '_a -> '_a
mcstar: '_a means you forgot to set the type contravariant.
i never heard it desribed that way
it becomes basically an existential type, in haskell lingo i think
'_a means "one of something but I don't yet know what" while you want "anything"
i dont 'want', im just asking about the differences between the 2 type systems
# let f x = (id id) x;;
val f : 'a -> 'a = <fun>
ik, not a contravariant problem, a value restriction problem
the book argues, that this behavior is necessary, because ocaml is impure, and there are mutable types
but unfortunately either im dump, or it isnt explained very well
I don't think one would put it like that but I think that is essentially true. The value restriction comes into play so that you can't mess up the type in mutables.
doesn't haskell have similar problems with typeclasses?
I don't think they are "similar"
Basically consider: let x = ref [] let () = x := [1] let () = x := ["s"]
yeah i guess not
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mrvn: well, in haskell that kind of thing 'ref []' would just create an action, and that wouldnt get evaluted, and you could use it many times, while in ocaml that really allocates, and mutates state
so it is understandable, that the 'a list needs to be specialized
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also, this specific example seems to be not working in haskell
ill probably harrass #haskell
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/join #haskell
/join #haskell
haha a convert
Somehow xchat only accepts join in the server window :-\
you had a leading space
alex-hu: space
mcstar, How could that thing (asked on #haskell) be done in ocaml?
mcstar, as for "what's wrong", actually, nothing --- I prefer ocaml for any practical projects, but I'm also learning haskell
alex-hu: memory mapped files?
I know it's done with bigarray module, but it doesn't resolve the dilemma I have.
im know more haskell than ocaml, but not very much either
Unless the array itself were put in a separate file, which is not always practical.
btw im hungarian too
The question I have is how could I access data (array of doubles) from a memory-mapped file with header (specifying some meta-data) without reading the whole array into memory?
The array itself is quite big (more than ram available).
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mcstar, I think this problem is easier to solve in haskell, btw
alex-hu: the file being mmaped doesn't mean that it's actually read from disk
mfp, I understand very well how mmap() works.
there's no pb with it being larger than the RAM you have as long as your address space is large enough (i.e. 64-bit) and your *working set* fits
sorry then, it seems I misunderstood this > without reading the whole array into memory?
mfp, But how could I do what I want (accessing values in an array which is a part of a binary data file with header) in ocaml?
You could ignore the "without reading..." part --- I just didn't see how could I approach this problem without reading from stream, which is lame.
I don't know if bitstring allows to work on mmap'ed files, though
i think it doesn't
I checked it out once. A good thing, actually.
alex-hu: "The optional pos parameter is the byte offset in the file of the data being mapped;" from the bigarray doc
so if you have a header in that file, you could set pos to that size i believe
mcstar, but how would I access the file to parse the header before that? Just use an ordinary stream interface?
probably, id do that
mcstar, Ok, that might work. Thx.
mcstar, what about a more complex problem: we need to map multiple arrays in a single file?
alex-hu: im sure you know about the tools available to ocaml more than me, i was just giving some general advice
mcstar, In principle, I could use the same handle and different offsets, right?
know more*
depends on the layout of the array
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