the last line says that the functor "Make" takes as argument a module M of type S and returns a module of type S where the key is "M.key list"
it confuses me how M.key is not key, and how 'a t is not M.t
ok, think about a concrete application - one thing you could use as M is an integer map.
this has key = Int and 'a M.t = maps from ints to 'a
when you apply Trie.Make to this, you get a module where key is "int list", and 'a t is a trie structure mapping int lists to 'a
how can 'a M.t do any mapping? is it a function?
it's a type, just as 'a array is a type
so by integer map, do you mean Map int?
if that's how it's written in f#, then yes
I thought the trie was suppoed to handle the mapping?
in ocaml, one creates it with another functor; Map.Make(Int)
the trie handles the mapping from int list to 'a, but this implementation is parameterized on an implementation that is int to 'a
(or whatever your key is)
maybe a different example would be useful - one common use of tries is in dictionaries
each node has 256 children, one for each ascii code
instead of using a Map, one can use a 256 entry array
so M.key is char
and 'a M.t is 'a array
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the rest of the functions have to be defined so that they work on this array
but only for a single character
how are those functions defined?
with a new struct?
then, one applies the Trie.Make functor to the module with key=int, 'a t='a array
in ocaml, one uses a module for them
module CharArray = type key = char type 'a t = 'a option array let empty = Array.create 256 None let is_empty a = Array.find (not null) a ... end
so I understand now how to create a Trie of the correct type parameters, but I don't understand how to give the function definitions for how to work on that specifical type
ok, keep going
in ocaml, one defines a module that holds types and values
hmm, actually the array example won't work for this S because the signatures won't end up matching
but anyway...
Maybe you need to start with a simpler functor example
have a look at this - it's the definition of sets from the ocaml stdlib
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In this example, S is the output type of the functor and OrderedType is the input type
(module type)
well, I think I almost got it
say that the CharArray module worked, how would we pass it as a parameter to the functor?
ocaml doesn't use objects or structs for carrying functions along with types, it uses modules and functors
i thought ocaml used structs
module CharTrie = Trie.Make(CharArray)
(not like F# structs)
ocaml has records, which I think correspond to structs better than modules
ya, I mean the actual struct keyword in ocaml
module Make(Ord: OrderedType) =
yes, struct just begins a module definition
just as "sig" begins a module type definition
but it defines a module, not a struct
ya, I understood that :)
so, could we make Trie with some type of CharTrie?
that is, could we make its signatures match?
I don't understand why your signatures didn't match - was it just an accident?
my signatures aren't going to match because 1) the variance annotation; arrays are not covariant, iirc
and 2) the definition of empty - "val empty : 'a t"; using arrays either requires copying the array each time you perform an operation or creating different arrays and mutating them; the first is inefficient and the second is (unit -> 'a t)
ya, I'm trying to keep it persistent
so instead of an array I would use a list
so then you just use a persistent structure
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unfortunately list has slow look up
perhaps I should use a Map
yup, so the best is a Map
ok, now I think I get it ;)
thank you thelema
you're welcome
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===> PCRE not found
Consider adding GODI_BASEPKG_PCRE=yes to godi.conf
How can that be fixed besides adding what it says to godi.conf?
Is there a specific reason you'r elookign to not do the obvious solution?
orbitz: well, I would like to know what the programmer was thinking.
orbitz: because I don't see how he could have messed this up.
messed what up/
It's not exactly rocket science.
Finding PCRE.
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So, either it exists, or he should say 'it doesn't exist, please install it'.
Or it should just auto fall back to whatever that option says.
what are you installing?
orbitz: I am bootstrapping godi.
godi has a builtin version of pcre
or you can use the system pcre
and the option sets which one is in use. whats the issue?
avsm: yes, that's what that variable says.
avsm: the issue is that it doesn't work out of the box.
well, do you have a system pcre installed?
what doesn't work? does the bootstrap fail or is it just letting you knwo PCRE wasn't found so it'll use the builtin?
avsm: If I don't have a system PCRE, it should inform me of that.
fasta: you just have to install the libpcre-dev packages
also, german people speak english but with weird ideas
adrien: who is German?
If you set teh variable does it use the the installed oned?
godi's author
adrien: better than people who still write manuals in German.
Just out of interest: how do you manage your development machines?
I.e., how do you make sure that they have similar packages, etc.?
godi_console -> update
No, beyond godi.
Unless you only use Ocaml.
when the distribution packages have changed and I need a rebuild, godi_console -> rebuild
Let's say someone destroys your machine, can you get up and running with the push of a button?
fasta: I imagine most of us here don't manage machines
In place I have worked we use chef, puppet, or cfengine
reinstall linux distribution, reinstall godi or ocaml packages from the distribution, copy back the few bits of configuration; so, "yes" but I'm not sure I'm the general case
orbitz: well, often developers get root.
Honestly I haven't had much luck with godi, I make scripts to install what I want from the internet or use odb
fasta: having root doesn't make you a sysadmin
orbitz: it does when the system admins lag.
orbitz: if doing it myself takes 5 minutes and asking the system admin takes hours, then it's quite easy what is going to happen.
Maybe, in any reasonable sized organismaiton devs don't have root
I can't even get to our prod machines
fasta: I also install ocaml to its own dir, and all deps in there, so as long as I know all the machines are teh same, i can just tarball that and push it everywhere
orbitz: I think the best is some combination of tools.
orbitz: e.g. use puppet for whatever they have already automated quite well.
orbitz: and custom scripts for the rest which might or might not be called from puppet.
fasta: With teh tarball thing, chef can just install the tarball i made
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orbitz: I think a full workstation requires thousands of packages.
orbitz: which is something chef, etc. generally doesn't do.
It's more targeted at managing a bunch of servers.
You can make it do other things, of course, but the tools themselves only help when you can make use of existing scripts.
Or recipes or whatever they call it :P
I would always call my next tool Shit and running a program would be called eating.
Eating Shit works really well!
er almost
fasta: I'm not sure hwy chef can not handle thosuands of packaegs
orbitz: sure, it can, but it wouldn't help anything.
fasta: you would setup a workstateion role in teh chef server and ocne you boostrap it to running chef it will just isntall all of it
what wouldn't it help?
orbitz: what does it more dan apt-get -q=2 install $(cat list_of_packages) ?
btw, my linux distribution is slackware: installs are "full", i.e. I don't have only runtime stuff but also developer tools and files, and servers
saves a lot of time
fasta: doing that would be sufficient, if you have a workstation role it is nice to have all of them be the same, and when you add a new package you can push out changes trivially to all of them. But chef also has a lot of support for playing with config files on the fly
orbitz: I wrote scripts to setup my usb over ethernet networking for example.
orbitz: I think such things are much harder to setup in Chef.
I don't see why
Chef is really just a wrapper around ruby
orbitz: so how could that be done then?
orbitz: or do you mean to just write something custom in ruby?
orbitz: it's basically a matter of just called 'sed' for lots of these things.
fasta: I'm not sure what the exact problem is, clearly you need a network connecitn touse chef, but a chef recipe is jus ta ruby script so I don't see why it would not be possible to implement our USB setup thing in it
orbitz: ok, so then it is possible, but does it do anything better than scripts?
It depends on your use case obviously
a Chef server isn't that useful for me on my home laptop, but if I were managing 1000 workstations it is
orbitz: for example, I would like to install godi in multiple chroots.
orbitz: or I would like to have the latest ruby installed and have Debian's standard ruby pointing at this latest version.
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Debian doesn't have any way to automate that via an API.
fasta: Like any tool its specific viability depends on specifics. Chef is made for managing hosts, not a host. So if your usecase falls inot that area then chef is probably useful, if not it ins't
Speaking of OCaml: is it possible to write a parallel accessible data structure in OCaml?
AFAIK, the answer is basically 'no'.
fasta: parallel as in accessed by threads running on different processors?
thelema: is there any other kind?
thelema: because the data is in some in memory data structure.
thelema: if you want to synchronize that, I don't think you can do that in any other way.