seems the problem in python part of it - __import__() doesn't work properly
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whats python
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whoman: py 3.6
less chars and more numbers help me sarcastically to clarify my question? =p
what is the exact error or are you guessing ? maybe it cant find the 'module'
companion_cube: join the dark side
whoman: it does import the module, if I modify that lymp.py to print module name after __import__(mod) it prints ok. But if you dir(mod) in that python script (lymp.py), is shows only standard stubs, without my arguments - e.g. simple function "def some(): return \"some\""
whoman: if I do same __import__(mod), dir(mod) in regular python3 REPL - everything works
hmm that is strange. i dont know too much python, only from blender scripts. i cant guess what could be going on, unless the dir() is changed after __import__ somehow
Drup: well, yes.. the performance way better with thunk lists then I guess?
flux[m]: oh yeah
like, one order of magnitude
for transient transformations, which is most of the use cases for iterators, lazylists are so bad it's not even worth it
you might as well use normal lists
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rgr[m]: having recently writen functions doing fairly delicate stream manipulations, I assure you, you don't want to write them with Core's sequence
that reminds me I should update the `product` combinator…
(and even if gen is faster, you *really* don't want to write them with that easier, it's too painful)
heh :D
I wrote many combinators with gen, and it was ugly indeed
what's wrong with it?
rgr[m]: it's painful
you have to constantly deal with the current state of the iterator manually
every time you would recurse in a non-tail-rec ways, you have to use a stack instead, etc
god forbid if you want non-linear walks
Yes, Sequence.Generator cleans up a lot messes
Why "have"? Only if you're using the constructors. You can use it like a normal stream and never worry about the state
rgr[m]: I was talking about "Gen"
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rgr[m]: the question is "can you define your own walks easily"
ie, the case where the provided functions are not sufficient
oh yeah, Gen's awful I agree
how is it different, though? It's the same as base.sequence with the state in a ref, isn't it?
(the weird thing is how fast it is nonetheless…)
Sure, why not? At least I don't see how oseq has the advantage there
Isn't recursion a problem for the inliner? Also, doing it with a ref introduces the write barrier, doesn't it?
rgr[m]: defining a walk over oseq/iter is very easy: it's almost like for lists, except you sparkle with thunks where the typer tells you
same for lazylists
Drup: same for Sequence. Use Sequence.next and it's basically oseq
defining a walk over Base.Sequence.t doesn't seem easy at all
rgr[m]: I'd like to know more about how the inliner works, honestly
rgr[m]: that's only for construction, not deconstruction
I'd hope it gets better on seq if seq become standard
err, for deconstruction, not construction
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for construction, I guess you are supposed to use Base.Sequence.Generator and a monadic API ? so yeah, not nearly as easy
and the perfs are very similar anyway ...
does Base.Sequence.Generator incur perf overhead?
well you have `shift_right` for `cons`
but yeah, I'd recommend using Sequence.Generator
wait, what's the semantics of >>= for generator ?
because, if that's just a depth-first, let rec traverse_bst = function | Empty -> return () |Branch (left, value, right) -> Oseq.append (traverse_bst left) @@ OSeq.cons value (traverse_bst right)
there is nothing interesting about this
You don't need a monadic interface or anything, you only need append
Drup: except for perf
append is a bit more expensive I think
which is why I use a stack in the stdlib's PR
companion_cube: compared to the Generator version ? That seems unlikely
As we say: [reference needed]
yeah, I don't know
Not only that but your example isn't as lazy. You have more traverse_bst calls than necessary just to yield 1 element
by real, I mean "the one I posted, but that actually typechecks)
Btw Drup it's definitely slower than >>= and yield. As those are constant time in Sequence.Generator.
rgr[m]: but run isn't, isn't it ?
But there's no magic, I'm sure your'e paying for it elsewhere
yeah, you are paying it all in run
Still, what you're doing looks fishier
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I wonder if you're getting quadratic behavior from the recursive append
No you don't =')
That's the point of using lazy streams
Btw, still Sequence.Generator will be faster if you consume the stream partially
I also wonder though, there are nested `append`
I don't think you will pay for `run` in the elements that you don't consume
rgr[m]: but append is constant time as well
you must pay for them somehow, rgr[m]
companion_cube: why? if you don't consume them you simply let the closure gc
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Drup: ah yes, that's true
with Drup's version you should pay upfront for the traversal of the left branch of the tree, or something like that
rgr[m]: I mean, if you were to give me *any* generator, I would use append/cons as well
companion_cube: nah sequence also traverses left eagerly
depth-first tree traversal is a bit of a 101 thing ...
rgr[m]: wait, how is it possible?
companion_cube: if you do `take 1` it's going to unfold the left traversal
Drup: we can do something more coomplicated :P. I've written enough python generators
ah yeah ok
got to go to work
rgr[m]: my point is the following: 1) perfs are so close that it doesn't matter (even tho oseq is not so well optimized) 2) OSeq's traversal are much easier to write, because you can write the naive list code with some additional "()", and in 90% of the cases, it's the right one
no monad and other things
you also have better control of where the lazyness lies, thanks to the thunks
(and OSeq is *much* simpler)
Drup: Sequence has the same primtives
shift_right = cons, append = append
knock yourself out either way
rgr[m]: I'm not talking about bst traversal, I'm talking in general
if append/cons are all that you need, companion_cube's Sequence is going to blow everyone else ;)
Hmm, but why do you think the difference is so great? I actually think the 2 approaches are very similar
As companion_cube said, it's a matter of keeping the state in a ref or in your type
keeping it in your type seems to have practical advantages
I don't think the 2 approaches have any fundamental differences
rgr[m]: eh, practical experience ? Manipulating state in the midle of multi-way traversals is ... not nice