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<gtrak> hmm, does anyone know how to make string literals that represent paths absolutized in jbuilder?
<gtrak> this -exclude-file is breaking merlin, since it's relative to project root when it actually runs, but merlin isn't: (pps (ppx_jane bisect_ppx -conditional (-exclude-file email_report/src/.exclude)))
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<rgr[m]> you can specify your path relative to ${ROOT} or ${SCOPE_ROOT}. Though I'm not sure if it will help.
<rgr[m]> otherwise, your best is to use that config file functionality in bisect
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<Ulrar> Hi, quick question, is there a way to do "multicase" pattern matching ? Basically I want to do the same thing wheter I match with 429, 503 or 529 (those are errors codes, of course)
<Ulrar> I can write the same thing 3 times and change the code, but if I can avoid it ..
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<zozozo> Ulrar: match errcode with | 429 | 503 | 529 -> print_string "error" | 42 -> print_string "the answer" | x -> "?"
<Ulrar> Oh yeah
<Ulrar> Thanks a lot
<Ulrar> Started playing around with mirageos, but I've been using haskell for so long I don't seem to remember that much of the ocaml syntax :)
<zozozo> ^^
<zozozo> there have been quite a lot of additions in recent years actually
<zozozo> you can also do : match Map.find x some_map with res -> () | exception Not_found -> () which is pretty useful
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<Ulrar> Oh yeah, that's neat
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<Leonidas> is there a way to make topkg output .tar.gz instead of bzip2?
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<gtrak> rgr[m]: I tried using ${ROOT} and ${SCOPE_ROOT} and it doesn't get parsed. From the documentation, it seems like it's not universally available.
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<rgr[m]> Those 2 should be universally available, so you could file a bug
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<Leonidas> hmm, ok, I gave up on tbz2, but now how do I tell topkg publish to use my proper GitHub credentials instead of trying the username of my organization? :|
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<gtrak> I managed to work around the bisect-specific issue, and created github issues, thanks rgr[m]
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<rgr[m]> NP. I'll try and get this issue fixed for beta21
<rgr[m]> Though real bisect support is also coming soon, so it might not be an issue for much longer
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<gtrak> that's exciting :-)
<gtrak> yea, seems like bisect controlling switching itself off is a bad idea
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<gtrak> ppx's should be as simple as possible
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<t4nk250> Perhaps I misunderstand something simple, but can anyone suggest how best to export Set and Map functions to javascript using js_of_ocaml? If I create a module Foo and submodule Bar that defines equal and compare functions on a type t, and then include Bar in Foo, and then define Map.Make(Bar) and Set.Make(Bar) in module Foo, how do I make all those functions available to javascript? Do I have to manually do that for each Map and Set
<t4nk250> If so, what about name clashes like Set.add and Map.add? I am a novice user of js_of_ocaml; thanks for any advice. I have not seen this addressed anywhere in the documentation outside of simpler user-created functions such as here
<Drup> t4nk250: you want to export a whole module to javascript ? that's not really the usual way of doing things
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<t4nk250> Drup, thanks for advice. I guess then that I should manually export on the subset of functions I actually need? But again, if I want very basic mem add and remove functions on both sets and maps available to javascript, what to do about nameclashing of the function names?
<Drup> t4nk250: using the node module system should take care of that, no ?
<Drup> I'm not extremely expercienced with doing things in this direction.
<t4nk250> Drup, thanks. Didn't know that. Haven't read up on that yet, didn't know it would address the issue. I will take a look.
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<Kalpatitoo> hi
<Kalpatitoo> does someone know of a dynamic/resizable array library on opam?
<Drup> Kalpatitoo: CCVector in containers. I'm sure there is one in batteries and base/core as well
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<Kalpatitoo> oh, Batteries is an opam module in itself, I see
<Kalpatitoo> (i tried "opam install dynarray", and didn't find it on an opam search)
<Kalpatitoo> thx
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<djellemah> Kalpatitoo: "opam install batteries", then use module BatDynArray
<Kalpatitoo> djellemah, yep, I got it
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<pmetzger> Drup?
<Drup> pmetzger: drup was shoping for groceries, and thus unable to merge pull requests :3
<pmetzger> Oh, I didn't want to discuss the pull request. The last set of changes to add the \n tracking put some bad grammar into the documentation. I was wondering if we could sort it out. If you can help me understand what was meant I can rephrase and put in a PR.
<pmetzger> Also I wanted to discuss some thoughts on sedlex extensions before I actually start work on them. One of them being that I was thinking of adding a concrete syntax that looks like "normal" regexps using the {| |} notation.
<Drup> pmetzger: yes, I was planning to do that before the next release, because the grammar was really awful, even for my frenchiness.
<pmetzger> And another issue was this, right now, sedlex uses strings as byte arrays, presumably because ocaml has no unboxed arrays of bytes. Is this okay style? (I presume so but I'm a newbie.)
<pmetzger> (It uses them for its tables. They're really not strings at all.)
<Drup> yeah, string as byte arrays is a common optimisation
<pmetzger> Too bad there's no better way to do that. It's ugly (and OCaml is generally very beautiful.)
<Drup> it's only ugly if you consider that strings are necesarely text
<pmetzger> :P
<pmetzger> Generally I think of them that way. (I know there's facilities for unboxed arrays of floats. I presume there's a reason that's not more general?)
<Drup> (there is a proposal to make the notion of array more uniform, but that's another debate)
<Drup> (well, less uniform, but more systematic :p)
<pmetzger> Also, I was thinking of adding some documentation. Yes, I know, a shocking idea. :)
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<Drup> as for regexs that look like regexs ... this is relevant:
<Drup> the situation for lexing is in an odd place currently that is a bit annoying
<Drup> there are at least 4 relevant libraries/technologies in the space, but all of them have different pros and cons, and it's not very feasable to make them strictly compatible
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<pmetzger> So would your notion be that sedlex should use a syntax similar to the ppx_regexp syntax? It could.
<pmetzger> It would also be nice to update the package to use the latest ppx technology now that things are converging on these new libraries.
<Drup> pmetzger: sedlex is already ompified and dunified, so it's rather up to date on that part
<pmetzger> cool. As I've said, I understand this part way insufficiently.
<pmetzger> but I can write parsers. :)
<pmetzger> I suppose a parser for {| |} regexps for sedlex should use sedlex for lexing. :P
<Drup> I'm not sure it's a good idea to basically dupliate ppx_regexp
<Drup> ugh, please, no :D
<pmetzger> ppx_regexp uses pcre though?
<Drup> that's fixable.
<pmetzger> The :P was intended to convey non-seriousness. :)
<Drup> also, no, it doesn't
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<Drup> just the syntax
<pmetzger> it uses the re library...
<Drup> as a backend, yes
<pmetzger> Interesting.
<pmetzger> So here's the question, how would we merge these? The automaton here needs to take many regexps and glue them together, recognizing a particular token on the longest (or for non-greedy, shortest) match of a subexpr.
<pmetzger> The machinery is all there I presume but it would require a bit of messing around.
<Drup> So, yes, that's one of the big problem
<pmetzger> For what it's worth, I've often thought lexers and parsers should just be syntax extensions so you can use them really casually in your code. It would be neat if you could use them as easily as one uses regexps in a language like perl.
<pmetzger> Want to parse a config file? Just put in a few lines of grammar and go. But I don't know what that would look like.
<Drup> on one side, we have sedlex: static regex compilation, streaming-enabled, very limited expressivity
<pmetzger> very limited expressivity, not even leading/trailing context or submatch capture.
<pmetzger> Drup: ideas?
<Drup> on the other side, we have re with several associated libraries (ppx_regexp, tyre, etc): proper composition, rather rich language, very efficient *inline* DFA but limited facilities for static compilation, no streaming, no proper utf8 support
<Drup> ideally, we make re support streaming and utf8 support, and we have a much better situation. Unfortunately, the implementation of re is not easily ammeanable to this (streaming a bit, utf8 ... is delicate)
<pmetzger> Dt the very least, sharing a parser and DFA construction engine would be useful. Really one wants just a couple of modes (like static vs. runtime construction of the DFA) but most of the machinery could be shared.
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<Drup> yes and no. sedlex builds a program that encodes the automaton. re builds an automaton
<pmetzger> Also there's the question of duplicated and non-standard Unicode machinery.
<pmetzger> Isn't the parsing and DFA construction going to be pretty much the same either way, but one constructs an automaton as ocaml code and one constructs an automaton it interprets? but the algorithms are quite similar (ideally).
<Drup> ahah
<Drup> no.
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<Drup> also, you might be interested in
<Drup> To answer your question more precisely: re builds a NFA that is lazily determinised online during matching
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<Drup> it has a few functions to determinise offline, but they're not really exposed and nobody has touched them for 5 years, so they need to be brushed a bit
<Drup> it's the next link
<pmetzger> BTW, there was a thesis a grad student at Columbia did on efficient submatching in 1990 or so...
<pmetzger> GPL 3.0. Dunno if that's a problem.
<Drup> there are lot's of papers on efficient submatching :D
<pmetzger> I believe most of OCaml is LGPL 2, yes?
<pmetzger> Anyway what would you recommend as an idea here? is the goal to unify all the regexp engines somehow, generate both efficient precompiled stuff for things like lexers and efficient run-time stuff?
<Drup> I don't really have a definitive answer
<Drup> I personally think we should focus on having an excellent dynamic regex engine instead of a static one that is useful only for lexing
<Drup> but that's just my personal opinion
<pmetzger> For myself, I need a good lexer that's Unicode aware as well.
<pmetzger> (which is why I'm hacking on sedlex.)
<Drup> in the long term, we sort of need a lexing utf8 aware equivalent of re
<Drup> (which would mostly deprecate sedlex)
<Drup> in the short term, maybe local improvements to sedlex are enough
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<Drup> s/lexing/streaming/
<Drup> pmetzger: also, if we have a re-like lexing-proof library, we don't need a ppx anymore, we can just Tyre :p
<pmetzger> I don't know about Tyre. I'll have to look it up.
<pmetzger> Trying to clean up documentation right now.
<Drup> I might be the author of tyre and this might be self-advertisement.
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<pmetzger> URL for Tyre?
<pmetzger> it turns out that "tyre" gets a lot of google hits. :)
<pmetzger> thanks.
<Drup> pmetzger: but not many opam hits :3
<pmetzger> this is interesting.
<pmetzger> but for 20 minutes I should concentrate on fixing these mangled docstrings
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<pmetzger> Ah, this was one of the things I encountered.
<pmetzger> I have copies of the thing if you want them.
<pmetzger> He also had a nice paper called "Extending Regular Expressions with Context Operators and Parse Extraction"
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<Drup> there as been quite a few improvements in regex technology since 1991, though
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<pmetzger> Is it okay if I change the name of set_curr_p ? it's a terrible name. set_position seems much saner.
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<Drup> pmetzger: it's in the API ?
<pmetzger> yes.
<pmetzger> though it's very new.
<Drup> (I wouldn't be surprised if it's mimicking the ocamllex one)
<pmetzger> it was submitted with those position tracking changes
<Drup> ah
<Drup> then yes, sure
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<pmetzger> pull requested.
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<Drup> Bluddy[m]: for the record, I currently have IRC, XMPP, mattermost and slack in the same client. Multi-protocol clients are a thing, and bridges are a solution for the rest.
<Drup> (and that is not a linux thing, such client exists on many plateforms)
<Drup> (and no, the setup is not complicated)
<companion_cube> what's your client, Drup?
<companion_cube> (please don't say emacs ^_^')
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<Drup> companion_cube: pidgin, with lot's of plugins
<companion_cube> oh, ok
<Drup> (it's not even terminal based!)
<companion_cube> I 'm only on IRC and slack; IRC takes 3MB, slack 1GB, yay
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<Drup> companion_cube: not using one of the IRC relay ? You're an irssi person, right ?
<companion_cube> weechat
<companion_cube> oh wow, it takes more like 40MB now… I blame python
<Bluddy[m]> holy moly slack takes 300MB for me
<Drup> Bluddy[m]: electron-based desktop app ?
<companion_cube> well if you cumulate all the processes…
<Bluddy[m]> yeah they all are. riot too. chromium-based
<Bluddy[m]> i also have whatsapp, mysms, google talk as part of chrome...
<companion_cube> :tada:
<Drup> well, if is matrix, you have whatever client you want
<Drup> there lot's of them
<companion_cube> if discord had a matrix bridge I'd probably go there
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<Drup> Bluddy[m]: I believe you would find very little opposition for matrix things
<companion_cube> it's decentralized, modern-ish, and with several clients, makes it more appealing at least to me than discord
<Drup> and FOSS
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<steenuil> the Riot web client is pretty janky unfortunately
<steenuil> and I think that's the best one out there right now
<Bluddy[m]> looks like Riot is trying to cope with demands of Discord users
<steenuil> it started looking a lot like discord with the last few updates
<Bluddy[m]> and there's a discord-matrix bridge that seems to be working here
<Drup> what's the point of a discord bridge if decide to all flock to matrix ?
<Bluddy[m]> you're not going to get new users going to matrix. reasonml is already on discord, for example
<Bluddy[m]> people want to see a community that's active where they expect it to be active
<Bluddy[m]> of course, this may be wrong, and the discord thing may fizzle out
<Bluddy[m]> a bridge allows us to be active on several platforms.
<Bluddy[m]> active and available
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<Bluddy[m]> and there are community-building benefits to new-style features like multiple separate rooms, webhooks, emoticons and such, which discord provides and matrix supposedly provides/is working on
<Drup> I don't understand why you assume that everyone will suddendly come to discord
<Drup> reason's discord is very active because its their only IM channel, not because it's specifically discord
<Drup> as long as the client is nice and fancy and new and easy to access for newcommers, I don't understand what difference it makes
<Bluddy[m]> i'm not assuming. i'm open to seeing what will happen.
<Drup> If I'm right, it's better to change right now, before new people come to discord, in order to avoid having to migrate to a better IM later
<steenuil> migrating is always painful
<Drup> Exactly, let's do it before there is a large presence on discord
<pierpa> If XMPP has failed to gain any significant traction, why do you people think that new protocols are more likely to gain widespread use?
<Drup> pierpa: fancy client
<pierpa> hmmm
<Drup> XMPP has the same crappy client than IRC do
<Drup> (web clients)
<pierpa> people could write fancy clients for XMPP
<Drup> pierpa: sure, they could also write clients that don't look like 1990 for IRC
<Drup> and yet
<pierpa> exactly. and yet :)
<Bluddy[m]> Here's what the annoucement room says on discord: The primary forum for OCaml discussions is at
<Bluddy[m]> Learn about OCaml at
<Bluddy[m]> The OCaml IRC channel, where you'll often find the most experienced OCamlers, can be accessed via
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<Bluddy[m]> Having a presence on discord is an advantage for ocaml, not a disadvantage. I'm totally cool with setting up matrix and bridging it, and most of the community doing the fancy interaction remotely.
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<Bluddy[m]> But I think not having a presence on discord is not good for us
<Drup> I think I must be missing something, because I fail to understand the notion of "presence" on IM
<Bluddy[m]> And presumably if discord becomes unfashionable and old news at some point, we'll keep only the matrix part of the bridge going
<Drup> discord is not facebook, it doesn't have a monopoly on IM, you don't need a "presence" :|
<Bluddy[m]> presence is precisely what i'm talking about. this is not just functionality -- it's a community showing that it's active in the relevant places
<Drup> (and from a meta point of view, I'm fairly against encouraging such a proprietary monopoly)
<Bluddy[m]> which gets new users interested
<Drup> but, discord is a mean to an end, not a social&advertisement plateform
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<Drup> the end being: having an IM channel
<Drup> I feel like we are talking about different concepts here
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<Drup> you are talking about discord like it's the new facebook for devs (which seems ridiculous for me, given how fragmented the IM landscape is)
<sevensor> /part/part
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<pierpa> this matrix thing is so slow it makes one want to cry
<olopierpa[m]> test
<pierpa> that's me
<Drup> anyway, this is getting seriously off-topic. I think you should actually ask the community what it wants, instead of going there gunblazing and choosing the most proprietary and least interconnected plateform of the bunch.
<pierpa> (pierpa was not available)
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<steenuil> oh, so the [m] suffix is for matrix users
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<olopierpa[m]> so it seems :)
<pierpa> this matrix is so slow that I suspect it's a scam for mining bitcons from my browser :)
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<orbifx[m]> lol
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<domanic> hey, just learning ocaml - trying to understand the meaning of () - empty brackets on it's own
<domanic> it seems to have a meaning similar to ;;
<domanic> but the tutorial I am reading glosses over it
<domanic> sometimes it appears in lines that look like function application:
<domanic> let menubar = GMenu.menu_bar ~packing:vbox#pack ()
<domanic> but ocaml doesn't do function calls like that I thought
<pierpa> find another tutorial