Is there any way to reload modules inside utop? Or even have like watch files options that does it for me when files change. I'm using dune. Thanks :)
I see is possible to do `dune utop --watch` but it doesn't seem to work.
companion_cube: I suppose that makes sense. I (still) don't see that one form is more essential than the other, thus the question.
`functor` is more canonical, I guess, the same way `let f = fun x -> fun y -> …` is closer to the actual theoretical calculus (and AST)
Fardale, I would like to enable some features if a certain module (ppx_deriving yojson) is preset
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sapristi: I think you will need to know that at compile time
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if I have a module type with two types t and u, is there any way to generate a module type from it that's restricted to the case where t = u?
coherence constraints don't seem to allow it
maybe if you have another type w and say `with type t = w and type u = w`
there are two implementations of the module type (let's call it M and the implementations M1 and M2)
in M1, u = t; in M2, u = t thingy (for some "thingy" hopefully irrelevant to the question)
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there's an .mli file that declares "module M1 : M" and "module M2 : M"
but some stuff that uses M1 needs to know u = t
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and unfortunately t is not the same in M1 and M2, nor can it easily be moved out
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so we'd like to be able to say "module M1 : M with type u = t" but that doesn't work, nor does any simple permutatino of it
it should definitely work
even if you do `type u` and then `module M1 : M with type t=u`
"with type u = t" doesn't work because t is out of scope; you can't qualify with M1 because (I guess) it doesn't exist yet at that piont, and you can't qualify with M because it's a module type and not a module
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you just gave me an idea though
ah sorry, then I mean `type t\n type u\n module M1 : M with type t=t and type u=u`
or even: `module M1 : M module M2 : M with type t = M1.t and type u = M1.u`
I just tried "type w module M1 : M with type t = w and type u = w" and this claims that the kinds differ (they don't)
can you paste some code online?
for me this should really work
(in a mli)
my officemate just posted to stack overflow
`type w module Value1 : Value with type word=w and type t_word=w`
(also you need to define `w` in the ml)
another solution would be `module type M2 = sig type t include M with type t:=t and type u = t end`
that's what we just tried, and it claims the kinds of w and word don't match
or more acrobatic "module rec M1: M with type u = M1.t"
what's the concrete type you use?
but it works for a simple example
are you sure you don't use `list` for w, or something like that?
something polymorphic?
we specifically said just "type w"
without binding it to anything
in the mli, but in the ml?
in M, the type of t is a sum and u is unbound
it doesn't get as far as trying to compile the .ml file
if t is exposed as variant in the module type `M`, you need to keep it a variant in the new module type
ah I get the same behavior with a slighty different simple example
module type M' = sig type t = Exactly_the_same_definition_as_t include M with type t:= t type u = t end