and not sure what to think about this approach
it's probably too complicated for its own good and awkward to manipulate
i need this data structure for representic organic chemical compunds
Representing adamantanes or propellanes is going to be fun. :)
i will start with something simpler
or cubane
basicly i'm investigating possibilty of using formal grammars and parsers for finding route of synthesis of organic compounds
and compiler theory
there is risk that i will need context sensitive grammar and there is no information about parsing them
And then there's the issue of chirality.
i plan to work on it later
but i can define another type of bond
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cranix: And then there are rotaxanes and molecular knots, but let's not think too hard about it...
The idea is interesting though. I don't know if it's viable or not, but it's in the "huge if true" category.
the problem is that chemists do not know anything about computer science and computer sciencists about chemistry so i can not consult anybody
cranix: How do you plan to deal with routes that require adding protective groups to be selective?
i'm thinking about this problem. i can define set of nonterminals that is 'safe' (no protection required) for given reaction
or introduce context to grammar
i'm afraid that protective groups will change length on right side of production rule less than left side -> turing completeness
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i plan to encode reactions as production rules
at first stage i plan some lexer that will convert just atoms into nodes composed of a few atoms that have more sematnics
Are things like LiAlH4 going to be outside of the normal encoding system?
i'm going to focus on main molecule
I think Grignard can be a good smoke test for the system.
like we have ester and convert it into alcohol (part from carboxylic acid, assuming that alcohol part is small and not intresting like ethyl group)
i'm thinkig about this reaction at first too
If it can handle that, it's probably useful enough but that point.
then some aldol condensations
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i'm thinking about fexofenadine as first 'real world' target
it is complex enough
but realtively few corner cases
i would love to have 1)algebraic structure made of set of organic compund and binary operation as reaction between them
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2)something like turing-compltenesess ie. set of simple substrates and reactions that will generate enough big set of intresting compounds
Macrolydes are living corner cases.
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* macrolides
thats why i plan to start with fexofenadine
i plan to treat cycle (cyclic parts of compund) as one entity
becouse chemist think about cycle as one logical part with sematnics attached to it
at first i hoped that parsers are reasearched very good and i will be able to easly find way to parse context sensitive grammar, but this is not true
Well... if you are to find a route to something explicitly polycyclic like anthracene, you have to deal with cycle closing.
fused rings are another topic
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if You are intrested i can later write You about progress of this topic
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cranix: Feel free to email me at daniil@baturin.org, or PM.
i will
it is very motivating that someone else is intrested in this topic
my mail is cranix@hackerspace.pl
cranix: Sent you a test message.
got it
i will need to find a good way to input structure of compound to ocaml
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There are existing formats that you may want to parse. Those used by quantum chemistry tools.
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i will have a look at them
SMILES is simple
but not sure about converting it to graphs