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<HyperMonkey> how can I use Left of 'a | Right of 'b in ocaml? is it in the standard library or in an additional library or do I just define it myself?
<pigeonv> the ('a, 'b) result type is isomorphic
<pigeonv> it's in Base, too (but don't depend on it for a single type)
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<HyperMonkey> I guess I'll define it myself then. The Base docs claim that is the "dual" of tuple, not isomorphic to it
<pigeonv> Ok of 'a | Error of 'b is isomorphic to Left of 'a | Right of 'b
<pigeonv> oh, btw, don't confuse ('a, 'b) [type parameters] with ('a * 'b), a couple between parentheses
<HyperMonkey> ah - the name of the type is literally "result" - I missed that on the first reading. I guess I'll switch to that then
<pigeonv> it depends on what you planned to do with it ;)
<HyperMonkey> I have a function that can succeed with a new state and an output, or fail with an error message
<pigeonv> that's a perfect match, then
<pigeonv> have a look at rresult if you want the typechecker to collect errors automatically
<sleepydog> i built a library that uses [@@ppx_derving show] with dune, but i had to include ppx_deriving.runtime as a dependency of my tests of the library. is there a way to make consumers of the lib depend on ppx_deriving.runtime automatically?
<pigeonv> if your library is built with (preprocess (pps (or something more general), there's nothing to do...
<sleepydog> hmm, that's what i did, but dune happily builds the test without depending on the runtime and i get a compilation error
<sleepydog> ah, i see what i did
<pigeonv> that's strange. You could try adding it as an explicit dependency of your library
<pigeonv> maybe you've disabled transitive dependencies
<sleepydog> (implicit_transitive_deps false) in dune-project :)
<pigeonv> brilliant xD
<sleepydog> i think i didn't understand what that flag did when i disabled it
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<HyperMonkey> how do I make an ocaml regexp that will match ^[a-z]*$ but with no newlines permitted?
<HyperMonkey> guess I might have to use String.index_opt separately to rule out newlines ...
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<reynir> are you using re?
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<HyperMonkey> how would I run an external command for a bounded time (e.g., 5s) and return an option of the command's standard output if it completed or None if it took longer than 5s
<HyperMonkey> oh wait I notice now that select accepts a timeout
<HyperMonkey> it looks like select doesn't return the unslept time .. how do I get the wall time in a manner that is robust to clock adjustments? some kind of "monotonic" time ...
<HyperMonkey> ah there is mtime package, and also there is support in core
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<HyperMonkey> is there a way to list the ocaml switch creates that have been done? also how do I switch away from a switch back to the system-installed compiler?
<companion_cube> `opam sw list` ?
<HyperMonkey> hm ok nice
<HyperMonkey> ah the man page is very clear: opam switch set <switch>
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<olle> Drup: so about that Affe thing, do you have a picture of how affine types in OCaml would interact with a future effect system? are they orthogonal to each other, or would it be messy?
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<Anarchos> i am looking for a good design of formal logic with proposition and first order theories : should i use module or classes ?
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<HyperMonkey> where do I find the functions that are the opposite of `Buffer.add_u?int??_.e` . that is, suppose I have a buffer containing a value, how do I read it into an integer?
<Anarchos> int_of_string @@ Buffer.contents ?
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<HyperMonkey> nah I found it the functions are in Bytes module and probably perform 10x faster than int_of_string
<HyperMonkey> of course, you must have Bytes, not Buffer
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<Anarchos> HyperMonkey you mention Buffer, so i anwsered with Buffer...
<HyperMonkey> fair enough :/
<olle> can you run ocsigen with reasonml syntax?
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<pigeonv> it's just a frontend, so if you manage to adapt the Makefile, yeah
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<olle> pigeonv: hm
<olle> well, ocsigen also has some syntax extensions, iirc
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<pigeonv> ppx extensions should work, at least their doc features a Reason button
<olle> yeah? hm
<pigeonv> it might be ugly, but it should be usable
<pigeonv> there's an issue since 2016:
<simpson> I wonder if interoperability between various flavors of ML module is a more workable dream than the general case of FFI. It seems so tantalizing.
<companion_cube> they all have different runtimes and GCs
<companion_cube> not sure why that'd be easier :/
<simpson> Yep, agreed. I don't think it's feasible, but it's fun to wonder.
<olle> a transpiler might be more easy at hand
<olle> or, make sure all MLs compile to the same bytecode
<olle> the JVM!
<olle> moahaha
<HyperMonkey> I want to transform ocaml code. As a dumb but simple example, consider the task of replacing a*b with (a,b) pair everywhere, where pair is a custom definition. Can ppx do this or is there some other library that would be more suited to the task?
<olle> HyperMonkey: vim
<olle> or emacs
<HyperMonkey> well I want to transform it mechanically I mean .. by writing a program (ideally in ocaml)
<olle> why?
<simpson> Because some code transformations can't be expressed as functors.
<HyperMonkey> well if you must know I want to transform a subset of ocaml into another language (or more long-term, maybe directly into the bytecodes of that language)
<HyperMonkey> said language is similar to ocaml but supports a much restricted set of syntax
<olle> aha
<olle> HyperMonkey: why not hack the lexer of ocaml then?
<HyperMonkey> well it would be convenient to have a parsed AST (not sure if that's what you mean by "lexer")
<companion_cube> compiler-libs can give you an AST
<HyperMonkey> now that's good info
<companion_cube> look into Parsetree :)
<HyperMonkey> `use_file Lexing.lexbuf -> Parsetree.toplevel_phrase` looks relevant
<olle> HyperMonkey: if you wanna make a language, you gotta know about lexer and parser
<HyperMonkey> nah I will leave parsing to ocaml. I've already made 2 languages so far (none of them have users other than me though) and I've largely avoided major parsing by using simplified syntaxes. but as I'm learning ocaml I find the elaborate syntax and emacs tooling very convenient to use as a programmer. hence the interest in transforming a subset of
<HyperMonkey> ocaml into one of my other languages (that is largely functional)
<olle> still, you should know what it is, or more generally, about a standard compiler pipeline
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<olle> guessing ocsigen is not highest priority? lots of old github issues.
<pigeonv> it works for them, so...
<olle> "them"?
<olle> sigh
<olle> saying they're not better than facebook?
<companion_cube> in what way?
<olle> afaik, facebook cares pretty much only about their own use-case
<olle> which is why hacklang is now a niche language
<companion_cube> which is why react is not used outside of facebook
<olle> i don't know how much used it is, but yeah
<olle> typescript is the standard now, at least
<olle> microsoft did something there
<simpson> Um, isn't ECMAScript the standard?
<pigeonv> (I didn't say that in a negative way)
<pigeonv> you're welcome to contribute to the issue I've referenced, though :D
<pigeonv> I think it's always more complicated where people from different teams have different opinions
<olle> we'll see, gotta get an overview here
<pigeonv> but that's how life works, so we shouldn't expect something else
<olle> pfff
<olle> we should learn from successful projects :)
<pigeonv> it doesn't mean we'll agree with their decisions
<pigeonv> (btw, TypeScript's typing is unsound, so...)
<olle> doesn't matter, it's still better than vanilla js
<olle> I'm not talking about certain decision, more like the decision making process
<pigeonv> that's right, it could be worse
<olle> PHP has a voting mechanism
<olle> FreeBSD too, kind of
<pigeonv> we're free to fork and propose changes
<olle> that doesn't change the culture of a certain project
<pigeonv> ... and we sometimes need some coordination
<pigeonv> I have no problem with their culture
<pigeonv> I mean, there's a lot of work behind
<olle> facebook's?
<pigeonv> no, ocsigen & eliom ;)
<pigeonv> and they've published their tools and research
<olle> yeah, I'm mostly talking about fb vs m$
<pigeonv> different ways of working
<olle> ocsigen doesn't really have a budget (i assume)
<pigeonv> they can't work on it full-time
<olle> exactly
<pigeonv> integration is still a bit weak
<pigeonv> it would be great if it worked with dune
<pigeonv> and merlin
<pigeonv> but it takes time
<pigeonv> it's not really rewarding
<pigeonv> there are a lot of decisions to make
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<Anarchos> I tried both 'dune build' in merlin source tree, and 'opam pin add merlin merlin_repo' to build ocamlmerlin-server. How come both binaries are different ?
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<HyperMonkey> is there a way to parse `-dlambda` output? or get the output in a machine form in the first place?
<Anarchos> it seems there is no type record = mutable {...} to declare all fields of a record mutable. it would be a nice syntactic sugar !
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