Last I knew, ocaml-lsp didn't have much more than syntax highlighting...but it looks pretty tight now
Probably time to move from the reason-vscode plugin
<ulrikstrid> @cemerick ocaml-lsp is very very good now 😁
<cemerick> @ulrikstrid that's great, I've been using an older pinned rev of the reason plugin for ages, since newer releases seemed bugged IME
<d_bot "<ulrikstrid> @cemerick ocaml-lsp"> I can confirm that, have started using it with emacs and can only recommend it so far
<Anurag> the new plugin is great. The ocamllsp itself is really nice too ( i use that with vim). I've tried it on linux and windows and it was smooth sailing on both platforms
I've been live coding with OCaml for a while now and have a done a few performances with it. I was waiting until I wrote a blog post and sat down to properly document things to share more, but I never get to it. Regardless, a link from a performance from March: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p9wqyna9bho&feature=youtu.be&t=5124
I'm doing a noisy soundscape based on a movie here, but one can do other things, of course.
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sonologico: very cool, is that using an interface to supercollider?
cemerick, to csound in that particular performance
ah, I'm not familiar with it
been around for a long while!
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supercollider is probably more capable, user friendly and with a larger community, so I usually recommend it to people, but I'm more used to integrating with csound at this point
my only synthesis experience is with overtone and sonic pi, so I've no basis of comparison either