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<d_bot> <ostera> Didn’t Oleg have a paper on how to do this?
<larou> oh, you also have an oleg - we have one of those in haskell too...
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<companion_cube> probably the same
<larou> maybe your version is different...
<larou> we should ensure against this at type level!
<companion_cube> this guy?
<larou> i just wouldnt want you to evaluate a whole new version
<larou> especially if it was allowed to be not exactly the same
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<larou> and if your going to force it to be the same - you might as well not spin up two instances...
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<d_bot> <Manas (prometheansacrifice)> Is this dose3 building for anyone? I can't seem to figure why it fails.
<d_bot> <Manas (prometheansacrifice)>
<d_bot> <Manas (prometheansacrifice)> ```
<d_bot> <Manas (prometheansacrifice)> # Error: Signature mismatch:
<d_bot> <Manas (prometheansacrifice)> # ...
<d_bot> <Manas (prometheansacrifice)> # The value `empty' is required but not provided
<d_bot> <Manas (prometheansacrifice)> # File "src/dominator.mli", line 131, characters 2-22:
<d_bot> <Manas (prometheansacrifice)> # Expected declaration
<d_bot> <Manas (prometheansacrifice)> # Command exited with code 2.
<d_bot> <Manas (prometheansacrifice)> # make: *** [Makefile:86: _build/doselibs/algo.cma] Error 10
<d_bot> <Manas (prometheansacrifice)> ```
<d_bot> <Manas (prometheansacrifice)>
<d_bot> <Manas (prometheansacrifice)> The duniverse fork fails because `cudf` submodule doesn't resolve. But the upstream package fails too (even the distribution tarball)
<d_bot> <copy> @Manas (prometheansacrifice) That's probably due to the recent ocamlgraph update. Try `opam install ocamlgraph=1.8.8`
<d_bot> <Manas (prometheansacrifice)> Build didn't pass, but sounds relevant to my problem. What;s the recent update at ocamlgraph?
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<d_bot> <copy> I don't know the details, but it has been upgraded to 2.0, which may have some breaking changes
<d_bot> <rgrinberg> @Manas (prometheansacrifice) how does esy use opam's solver again?
<d_bot> <Manas (prometheansacrifice)> @rgrinberg I'm not sure I understand your question - could you be a little more specific?
<d_bot> <Manas (prometheansacrifice)> Are you asking if there are any patches we make to dose3?
<d_bot> <Manas (prometheansacrifice)> We dont
<d_bot> <Manas (prometheansacrifice)> For the past few days dose3 fails to build in our builds
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<d_bot> <rgrinberg> Nvm, for a minute I thought that dose3 was a kind of solver.
<d_bot> <rgrinberg> > For the past few days dose3 fails to build in our builds
<d_bot> <rgrinberg> @Manas (prometheansacrifice) I'll try to help out though. As far as I know, opam is only tested against the versions of libraries defined in `Makefile.sources`. Are you sure you're using these versions of dose/ocamlgraph, etc?
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<d_bot> <Manas (prometheansacrifice)> Yes, dose3 is being resolved as opam-repository informs
<d_bot> <Manas (prometheansacrifice)>
<d_bot> <Manas (prometheansacrifice)> More context: this build is using opam to solve and fetch packages
<d_bot> <rgrinberg> Yes, but you must use ocamlgraph 1.8.8 as well.
<d_bot> <Manas (prometheansacrifice)> When I tried dose3 failed saying ocamlgraph not found.
<d_bot> <Manas (prometheansacrifice)>
<d_bot> <Manas (prometheansacrifice)> The solution seems right, since esy's lock files say last it worked ocamlgraph was 1.8.8
<d_bot> <rgrinberg> I don't think anything outside of the versions here is well tested:
<d_bot> <Manas (prometheansacrifice)> @rgrinberg What is Makefile.sources?
<d_bot> <rgrinberg> just some hacky thing used in opam to bootstrap the dependencies
<d_bot> <Manas (prometheansacrifice)> I see
<d_bot> <Manas (prometheansacrifice)> A way to build opam without any package manager - got it
<d_bot> <rgrinberg> Using duniverse repo's forks on top of the versions here should work.
<d_bot> <rgrinberg> A bit of a shame all of this cudf machinery is even necessary. As far as I understand, it's to explain the the solver's solutions to the user.
<d_bot> <Manas (prometheansacrifice)> @rgrinberg the duniverse fork got rid of the submodules altogether since the submodule is unreachable and it still wouldn't work - opam logs would say `git submodule` failed
<d_bot> <Manas (prometheansacrifice)> I would prefer using the duniverse fork actually
<d_bot> <rgrinberg> Lol. Well that's a shame.
<d_bot> <Manas (prometheansacrifice)> cc @EduardoRFS since you need this too
<d_bot> <Manas (prometheansacrifice)> Eduardo, were you using duniverse-5.0.1 branch of dose3 from the fork too?
<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> I think so
<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> but I was also using the cudf from dune
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<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> just added the resolutions pointing to the right package
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<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> @Manas (prometheansacrifice) ```sh
<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> "@opam/mtime": "github:dune-universe/mtime:mtime.opam#9584b66cecc891208b31cec4628dd412b8cffe75",
<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> "@opam/extlib": "github:dune-universe/ocaml-extlib:extlib.opam#361389317fae25f98fef00e3b46714d726584faf",
<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> "@opam/cudf": "github:dune-universe/cudf:cudf.opam#d2e9d5a46534354d87fc7e3306cefcc4ec6792bd"
<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> ```
<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> this is my resolutions to build esy
<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> I'm not using the dose3 duniverse fork because of the submodule problem
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<d_bot> <Manas (prometheansacrifice)> Thanks
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<d_bot> <gar> Question about linking deps. From inspection of verbose output of dune builds, it looks like dune always(?) adds the directories of deps using `-I`, and sometimes it adds the dep file (*.cmx, *.cmxa) as well. My question is: to build a compile command using `ocamlfind`, not dune, is it sufficient to add just the file and omit the `-I`? From experimenting that seems to be the case, at least sometimes. But then the question becomes
<d_bot> <ostera> afaict it'll look for all the relevant files in any of the -I dirs, including the dir the target file is on
<d_bot> <ostera> if you're building the entire world at once, then you should be able to omit `-I`
<d_bot> <ostera> but that means you are feeding the compiler _all of the sources you need_
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<d_bot> <gar> Right, if I list all the dep files explicitly, then it does not need the search path. In principle that would be a little faster, no?
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<d_bot> <ostera> i think the search path implies you already compiled what's in there
<d_bot> <ostera> so it'd save you the time of compiling that again
<d_bot> <octachron> All transitive cmi dependencies needs to be in the include paths when compiling
<d_bot> <gar> What about mli files? The manual says the compiler looks for mli files to decide whether to look for cmi files. Does that include dependencies?
<d_bot> <octachron> No, mli are only looked upon when compiling a file to see if there is a matching %.mli file. Mli file are not used once the corresponding compilation unit have been compiled.
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<d_bot> <gar> Thanks.
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<_bushido_> Hi, is this channel still actively used or has the community permanently moved over to Discord?
<Anarchos> _bushido_ some still use it
<companion_cube> it's linked to discord actually
<_bushido_> oh nice, just checked and it is indeed - didn't realise that! Thanks
<_bushido_> it'd be nice if the rest of the channels were also accessible via IRC
<d_bot> <kanishka> roger, I would use #beginners from irc if it was linked
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<d_bot> <gar> @octachron @ostera Surprisingly, it looks like passing cmx files without adding their dirs to search with `-I` does no good:
<d_bot> <gar> ```
<d_bot> <gar> exec env - \
<d_bot> <gar> OPAMROOT=external/ocaml_sdk/opamroot \
<d_bot> <gar> PATH=/Users/gar/.opam/4.07.1/bin:/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin \
<d_bot> <gar> external/ocaml/switch/bin/ocamlfind \
<d_bot> <gar> ocamlopt \
<d_bot> <gar> ...elided options...
<d_bot> <gar> -open \
<d_bot> <gar> Ppx_register_event \
<d_bot> <gar> -I \
<d_bot> <gar> bazel-out/darwin-fastbuild/bin/src/lib/ppx_register_event \
<d_bot> <gar> -package \
<d_bot> <gar> core \
<d_bot> <gar> ...elided -package stuff...
<d_bot> <gar> bazel-out/darwin-fastbuild/bin/external/ppx_version/src/runtime/serialization.cmx \
<d_bot> <gar> bazel-out/darwin-fastbuild/bin/src/lib/logproc_lib/logproc_lib.cmx \
<d_bot> <gar> bazel-out/darwin-fastbuild/bin/src/lib/logproc_lib/Logproc_lib__Filter.cmx \
<d_bot> <gar> bazel-out/darwin-fastbuild/bin/src/lib/logproc_lib/Logproc_lib__Interpolator.cmx \
<d_bot> <gar> bazel-out/darwin-fastbuild/bin/src/lib/logproc_lib/logproc_lib.cmxa \
<d_bot> <gar> bazel-out/darwin-fastbuild/bin/src/lib/ppx_register_event/ppx_register_event.cmx \
<d_bot> <gar> -o \
<d_bot> <gar> bazel-out/darwin-fastbuild/bin/src/lib/ppx_register_event/Ppx_register_event__Register_event.cmx \
<d_bot> <gar> -impl \
<d_bot> <gar> bazel-out/darwin-fastbuild/bin/src/lib/ppx_register_event/
<d_bot> <gar>
<d_bot> <gar> File "bazel-out/darwin-fastbuild/bin/src/lib/ppx_register_event/", line 8, characters 13-43:
<d_bot> <gar> Error: Unbound module Logproc_lib
<d_bot> <gar> ```
<companion_cube> ugh, @bluddy we really need to enforce some limit on the size of pastes here :(
<d_bot> <octachron> Why surprisingly? The cmi file is needed.
<d_bot> <gar> But if I add the `-I bazel-out/darwin-fastbuild/bin/src/lib/logproc_lib` and omit the cmx files it works
<d_bot> <octachron> The cmx is needed for linking and intermodule optimization with flambda
<d_bot> <gar> Oh right, that pesky cmi file. Surprising to an OCaml newbie, I should add.
<d_bot> <octachron> If you are a newbie, it is highly advised to use dune.
<d_bot> <gar> I'm writing Bazel rules. Learning from Dune, though.
<d_bot> <gar> The cmi deps are effectively hidden deps. Nothing in the manual suggests (to me at least) that they are the key element to linking.
<d_bot> <gar> Thanks for clarifying.
<d_bot> <octachron> They are the key elements to compiling not linking.
<d_bot> <gar> RIght, good point esp. for newcomers.
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<d_bot> <Bluddy> companion_cube: I posted an issue on matterbridge. Long messages are truncated but the newlines in code blocks cause each line to seem like a new message. Irccloud knows how to handle it and turn it into a code block, but most IRC clients don't. In any case, they've labeled it as an enhancement but I don't know when they'll work on it.
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<companion_cube> do they really receive the message as a series of line? not just a string with ``` and \n in it?
<companion_cube> woah, the semantic lookup on github… amazing
<d_bot> <Bluddy> They currently don't parse it.
<d_bot> <Bluddy> Partially because they have to support so many inconsistent services
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<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> @Bluddy does the IRC guys see the #share somehow?
<companion_cube> nope
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<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> Essentially a half backed easy to use cross compiling toolchain
<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> if someone there uses FreeBSD and have a bit of time, please give it a try, I don't want to install FreeBSD on a VM ;/
<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> My bias says that if you use IRC there is a high chance of also using FreeBSD
<d_bot> <Bluddy> no there's no way to bridge more than one channel into irc. at least not in any sane way I know of
<companion_cube> @EduardoRFS: in my experience, a lot of people on IRC use archlinux
<companion_cube> but maybe it's because I'm on archlinux channels :p
<d_bot> <EduardoRFS> I'm also running Arch Linux ;/
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<d_bot> <bushido> Looking for a solution to the same problem, I found a Discord plugin for bitlbee that can be configured to run on Emacs
<d_bot> <bushido> Haven't managed to test it yet
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