lst is a tuple because you match it with (_,[]) whose type is 'a * b list
so it is a tuple
Anarchos: sorry, I totally didn't understand the code I was writing, and now I do
guanohhh you can understand type better in annotating your code : for each expression you are not sure of the type, write instead (e: guessed_type) where e is the expression you want to verify the type, and guessed_type is a valid type expression as written by the toplevel
example : let f a b = (a:int) + (b:int)
yeah, that's for the explicit signature definition, right? I was trying to find examples on google but I wasn't finding any obvious answers about how it works in general
let (f: int -> int -> int) a b = a+b
Anarchos: thanks!
sorry, i mistyped again : let (f: int -> int -> int) = fun a b -> a+b;;
* Anarchos
just tried in toplevel)
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<EduardoRFS> someone knows an x86_64 in memory assembler for OCaml? I don't want to call `as`
<EduardoRFS> it's for a latency sensitive application
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also I don't understand how to access functions that are declared `let square = ...`, how am I supposed to access the arguments passed to it?
You mean like let square = fun x -> x*x?
What's wrong with the paste?
<Deadrat> @guanohhh
<Deadrat> the code you linked is essentially
<Deadrat> ```ocaml
<Deadrat> let rec less_tr_3 e lst to_return =
<Deadrat> match lst with
<Deadrat> | [] -> List.rev(to_return)
<Deadrat> | x::y -> if x < e then less_tr_3 e y x::to_return
<Deadrat> else less_tr_3 e y to_return
<Deadrat> ;;
<Deadrat> let less_tr e lst =
<Deadrat> less_tr_3 e lst []
<Deadrat> ```
<Deadrat> you just create a internal recursive function and delegate to it when you call less_tr
yeah, because I need to make it tail recursive, which means adding an accumulator, but keeping the original function signature
<Deadrat> except that its not tail recursive
that's the error I am getting
what do you mean it isn't tail recursive?
Parenthesis around ::?
<Deadrat> first variant in if clause isn't recursive
Jeanne-Kamikaze: you are right! thank you!
You might as well do: x::y -> less_tr_3 e y (if x < e then x::to_return else to_return)
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Jeanne-Kamikaze: thank you!
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wait, that returns a function, it doesn't return the result...
And it is tail recursive? There's nothing going on after the recursive call.
what is the difference in ocaml between a function is `let funct a b = ...` and `let funct(a,b) = ...`?
The first one "takes two arguments" (inasmuch as curried functions take more than one argument). The latter takes a single argument that is a 2-tuple.
If you type them in utop you'll see the function signatures and see the difference.
oh, right, I remember reading how `let funct a b = ...` is equivalent to `let funct a = let funct b ...`, right?
thank you
but it is tail recursive right?
Yes, it is.
Yes. let add a b = a + b is semantically equivalent to let add = fun a -> fun b -> a + b
Jeanne-Kamikaze: thank you!
I would think it would be easy to switch between them
but I am supposed to flatten a list of lists without using recursion or helper functions besides map, fold left/right, so I don't know how to do that. kind of hit a brick wall.
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Then you have to replace your flatten function with either a map or a fold. Do you think that flatten is a fold or a map?
I think of map as changing the identity of a list, and fold as turning a list into a value
so I guess a fold, since I want to extract item by item?
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Yes, a fold is the right option(note that this means reimplementing a basic solution from the List module)
Another way to see that is that map does not change the number of elements of the list. Your function (you should really use a better name that flatten) certainly does.
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@octachron I am really stumped, I cannot figure out how to do it.
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First, what is the result of `flatten [1;2;3] [4;5;6]`?
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wait sorry
wait I was right, [1;2;3;4;5;6]
So flatten is better named append. Then the question is how to implement append with a fold (if `@` is not allowed).
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right, which I am stuck on.
thank you so much for helping me by the way.
okay I got it
List.fold_right (fun x acc -> x::acc) [1;2;3] [4;5;6];;
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okay I have another problem. I am supposed to basically assign [false;true;false;true...] to a list, and then get the last item
basically there is a 'parity' value that changes the true/false value of the next assignment, and the only one that matters is the last one
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I cannot use length to help
guanohhh use List.rev and the only that matters is the first one...
List.fold_right (fun x acc -> x)
or fold_left for the other end
mrvn: thanks!
I just got: `List.fold_left (fun a b -> not a) true [1;2];;`
or just write out the recursion
cannot use recursion or if
then just fold and ignore the acc. That gives you the last x
mvrn: I have no idea how I could map your code to this problem, I am not that good with ocaml
let return_last default list = List.fold_left (fun acc x -> x) default list
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how do you get the index of the first variable that make a function return true, when applied to a list?
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okay I figured it out, used some old code
what is the best way to write code so it isn't a bunch of `let f x y = ... in let z x y = ... in let a x y = ... in etc.`. I like the reasonml brackets, I am not used to ocaml's version.
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guanohhh let f,g,h = fun1, fun2,fun3 ?
Anarchos: thanks!
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why does `index != -1` throw an error for me? it's not a type error, it's a 'integer subtraction. left associative ...` error
guanohhh let f x = x != -1;; val f : int -> bool = <fun>
guanohhh it works here
huh vscode with the ocaml-lsp plugin is throwing an error
(-1) should do the trick
the vscode parser is not as efficient as the ocaml one maybe
yeah that doesn't work either
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also what does `let () = ht.arr.(i) <- x in ...` mean? I don't understand why you have to do `let ()` or the `in` part. It is to run a side effect, right?
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the side effect being an assignment in your case
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guanohhh: it's equivalent to "ht.arr.(i) <- x;"
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what is the best way to find the index in a list of the first item verifying a given predicate ?
none. fidning in a list is never the best.
mrvn i know, but for now i am only prototyping
sounds more like homework.
no it isnet
mrvn you can look at my repo at github.com/Sylvain78/Preuves
then just recurse
Anarchos: containers has a CCList.find_idx which does just that
i use find_map with a ref on the index that i increment in the predicate. not clean but should work
Johann anyway i would prefer a clean way
let rec find_idx ~i=0 pred = function [] -> raise Not_found | x::_ when pred x -> i | _::xs -> find_idx ~i:(i+1) pred xs
Anarchos: find_map? that's the worst.
mrvn why ?
why do you build a new list? You never use it.
you also don't terminate when you find the index. So you call the predicate a lot more than needed
mrvn List.find_map doesn't build a new list, it returns an option
Oh? got confused by the "map" part. That usualy when you change one list into another.
mrvn not the find_map :)
Ah, it maps just the found element.
ok, I take it all back then. That's just bad because of the reference.
If ocaml where constistent in its standard library there should be a List.find_map_i