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<dh`> so after updating to 4.11 it seems that I need an explicit -ccopt -L/usr/pkg/lib to link with the z3 bindings successfully, which was not previously the case
<dh`> (/usr/pkg/lib is where is)
<dh`> this is after already having -I /usr/pkg/lib/ocaml/site-lib/Z3 on the link line (which used to be sufficient)
<dh`> this seems like a problem, but it's not obvious to me what's wrong or where it should be fixed or why the behavior should have changed.
<dh`> it works with ocamlfind because the ocamlfind META file includes the "-ccopt -L/usr/pkglib"; but it used to work without ocamlfind too
<dh`> anyone know what's up?
<dh`> (this is with the OS packaging of both ocaml and z3, which is my problem to fix if it's bust)
<dh`> don't all reply at once :-)
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<companion_cube> people are asleep
<companion_cube> but using system's z3 is definitely not usual
<companion_cube> (and z3 is already a pain to package)
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<dh`> well, I originally packaged it so it would be convenient to use
<dh`> that was a while back and other people have updated the package since, but I don't remember it being particularly bad
<dh`> then again, I may have a different scale :-)
<dh`> anyway the z3 package hasn't changed since it last worked, only ocaml
<dh`> (and other things z3 depends on, like python, I guess)
<dh`> anyway it seems to do
<dh`> ocamlmklib -o api/ml/z3ml -I api/ml api/ml/z3native_stubs.o api/ml/z3enums.cmx api/ml/z3native.cmx api/ml/z3.cmx -L. -lz3
<dh`> and that -L. gets remembered and replayed it seems, which is probably not what was wanted
<dh`> but on the other hand, that's hardcoded in z3's python build goo and doesn't seem to have changed
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<d_bot_> <froyo> ok which one of you is responsible for this 😂
<gopiandcode> Is there a way of reliably getting the path to the build outputs from dune? (in particular, the cmt and cmo files)?
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<d_bot_> <EduardoRFS> it's a friend of mine, I was always talking on how cool OCaml Multicore is
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<d_bot_> <froyo> i love it lol
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<sadiq> I love that kc follows that.
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<d_bot_> <joris> Hi, is there a way for ppx to emit warnings without generating attributes to raise alert in code ?
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<d_bot_> <Drup> It's the right way to do it :p
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<d_bot_> <fangyi> Do you mean something like
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<d_bot_> <joris> @Drup but it looks super complicated how do you as precise location
<d_bot_> <Drup> well, that's the point, you attach the attribute on the thing
<d_bot_> <Drup> and it raises a warning about the thing
<d_bot_> <joris> But I generate strings. There is not thing on the generated code it is super coarse
<d_bot_> <Drup> Ok, you need to give me concrete examples of your code pattern, and where you want to warn
<d_bot_> <joris> Imagine ppx tyxml but instead of generating dsl you generate plain html string. But you want to add warning on html constructs that are shady
<d_bot_> <Drup> (Note that `Ast_helper.attribute_of_warning` takes an explicit location)
<d_bot_> <joris> Ahh. That might help thanks
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<d_bot_> <Drup> (or the same function in `Ppxlib`)
<d_bot_> <Drup> (why are you reimplementing tyxml's ppx ? :D)
<d_bot_> <joris> I'm not still my sql ppx but it was to give example
<d_bot_> <joris> Basically I want to warn about suspicious ident shadowing in sql queries because scope in sql sucks really hard and is very error prone but I don't want to strictly disallow it
<d_bot_> <joris> The amount of bugs that slips into sql queries due to scoping of as is concerning the
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<d_bot_> <joris> @fangyi i'll look at how the ppx is implemented, thanks
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<d_bot_> <Cyclomatic Complexity> hi
<d_bot_> <Cyclomatic Complexity> given a module type signature, is it possible to make it into a more abstract one?
<d_bot_> <Cyclomatic Complexity> like, `module type Woo_abstract = Woo with type t` or something
<d_bot_> <octachron> No.
<d_bot_> <Cyclomatic Complexity> is there an existing way to automate this (ppx or whatever) so that i don't have to copy-paste and maintain it manually?
<d_bot_> <octachron> Define the abstract module type and add equalities?
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<d_bot_> <Cyclomatic Complexity> The type is big, and changes a lot
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<d_bot_> <Cyclomatic Complexity> But yeah, that's what I ended up doing
<d_bot_> <Cyclomatic Complexity> Is there a way to have `dune --watch` reset the buffer from scratch instead of appending?
<d_bot_> <Cyclomatic Complexity> (The reason why is that emacs believes there are more and more errors in the `*compilation*` buffer)
<d_bot_> <ec> is there any way to declare that two record types are equivalent, but still type them out in two places?
<d_bot_> <ec> i doubt that message made much sense.
<d_bot_> <ec> I have an extension that *must* be applied *within* an `external` declaration — i.e., the following won't work:
<d_bot_> <ec>
<d_bot_> <ec> ```ocaml
<d_bot_> <ec> type foo = { member: a_type [@bs.unwrap] }
<d_bot_> <ec>
<d_bot_> <ec> external blah : foo -> bar = ""
<d_bot_> <ec> ```
<d_bot_> <ec> the `[@unwrap]` annotation is only functional if *inline* in the `external`:
<d_bot_> <ec>
<d_bot_> <ec> ```ocaml
<d_bot_> <ec> external blah :
<d_bot_> <ec> {member: a_type [@bs.unwrap]} ->
<d_bot_> <ec> bar = ""
<d_bot_> <ec> ```
<d_bot_> <joris> What is this syntax :o
<d_bot_> <ec> did i fuck something up? sorry, I typed that out in Discord
<d_bot_> <ec> mighta typo'd
<d_bot_> <joris> Idk can you really write a record like this in the external signature?
<d_bot_> <joris> You can do
<d_bot_> <joris> ```
<d_bot_> <joris> type a = Foo.b ={ member : int}
<d_bot_> <joris> ```
<d_bot_> <joris> But I don't j understand your case
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* d_bot_ <ec> nods
<d_bot_> <ec> gimmie a sec to double-check that the question I'm making even makes sense, brb
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<dfeuer> How can I find out if there's a key/combo in vim bound to :MerlinLocate? If there isn't one, how do I make one?
<dfeuer> I don't know much about vim *or* about Merlin.
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<d_bot_> <roddy> Not sure how you can check if there is one, but you can make by putting `nnoremap keystobind :MerlinLocate<CR>` in your .vimrc (e.g. keystobind being `<leader>gd`)
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