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<hackinghorn> hi
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<d_bot> <tnkhanh> ha
<d_bot> <tnkhanh> I just installed merlin but then I exited, I missed the vim setup instruction
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<d_bot> <tnkhanh> I'm trying to see it by installing on another machine
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<d_bot> <joris> Hi, i have a mapping type a bit like this :
<d_bot> <joris>
<d_bot> <joris> ```ocaml
<d_bot> <joris> type 'a t = { mapping : (string, string) Hashtbl.t } constraint 'a = [> ]
<d_bot> <joris>
<d_bot> <joris> let setup () : [> `Bar ] t = assert false
<d_bot> <joris> ```
<d_bot> <joris> So the setup fonction returns a fresh mapping with the proper phantom type 'a, but 'a is properly opened. Then it is unified with usage.
<d_bot> <joris> The issue is that, each usage of mapping has a concrete 'a type, so i cannot build a single mapping obviously. but mapping is costly to construct, so ideally i would like to have a mapping factory, that can generate a fresh instance using the same underlying data.
<d_bot> <joris> I would have thought it is simple to do but for some reason i'm struggling to make it work
<d_bot> <froyo> what's your application like (concretely)?
<d_bot> <froyo> if it's the same underlying data, have you considered making the mapping a ref?
<d_bot> <froyo> have you considered instantiating the mapping separately then composing it with the tag on setup?
<d_bot> <joris> the phantom type is infered during the mapping construction (like i have some bind_function that widen the phantom type each time you add a binding), so essentially the construction is tangled with the type construction
<d_bot> <joris> and this is the main issue, because i don't think there is any way to write a function
<d_bot> <joris> ``` val fresh : 'a t -> 'b t constraint 'b :> 'a ``` in pseudo ocaml
<d_bot> <joris> i guess it is always the same problem with row variable 😦
<d_bot> <joris> > if it's the same underlying data, have you considered making the mapping a ref?
<d_bot> <joris> my problem is not at runtime but at type level, i need to generate fresh type instance without reconstructing the type
<d_bot> <octachron> It half sounds like you simply want to discard the phantom type with `val magic: 'a t -> 'b t` ?
<d_bot> <joris> yes, but i want to keep the constraint if ```'a = [> `Foo | `Bar ] ```, then ```[> `Foo | `Bar] ``` but not 'a = 'b
<d_bot> <joris> but i think this is impossible in ocaml type system
<d_bot> <octachron> And if the type is generalized, I am not sure what is the issue with fresh type instance?
<d_bot> <joris> it is too generalized. The concrete usecase is that this encodes environement of some expression. So constructing the mapping adds open constraints, but using the mapping adds subtyping constraints. If i use a single mapping instance, it generalizes to the biggest subtyping constraint, which is not what i want
<d_bot> <joris> the mapping is consume with functions like ```val make_expr : mapping:[< `f1 | `f2 t ] -> [> 'f2 | F2] t -> ...```
<d_bot> <joris> creating one mapping per "usecase" works well, but it is starting to consume a lot of memory 🙈
<d_bot> <joris> maybe the solution is that i implement some hashconsing or whatever so runtime is not deduplicated
<d_bot> <octachron> You can use conversion function as a simili-proof of subtyping:
<d_bot> <octachron> ```ocaml
<d_bot> <octachron> type +'a meta
<d_bot> <octachron> val conv: ('a meta -> 'b meta) -> 'a t -> 'b t
<d_bot> <octachron> ```
<d_bot> <octachron> But your issue of generalization to the biggest_subtyping constraint sounds strange.
<d_bot> <octachron> If the type of the mapping is polymorphic, the constraint should not be shared.
<d_bot> <octachron> If you have a function argument that should be used in differenct context, you could duplicate the argument.
<d_bot> <joris> hm let me see about this
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<d_bot> <froyo> \* subscribes to this thread *
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<d_bot> <joris> Yes I do that already but the problem is building 'global mapping' reused a cross multiple functions
<d_bot> <octachron> Are you exporting the phantom parameter as invariant or contravariant?
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<d_bot> <joris> invariant for now
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<d_bot> <octachron> So `setup ()` generate a weakly polymorphic variant. In this case, you cannot unshare it. Maybe you can store type partial type in a different parameter of your type in your builder function and use those types to create a partial view. Note that I am not sure if such row type based producer/consumer API open-ended row based producer/consumer can work well.
<d_bot> <joris> it kind of works, but it totally brings merlin to its knees 😄
<d_bot> <joris> once modules gets big enough, merlin just does not work anymore, 100% cpu in typechecker to compare polyvars types
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<d_bot> <joris> but currently it works well enough and it is used already by thousand of loc
<d_bot> <joris> just trying to improve it
<d_bot> <octachron> My experience is that merlin works fine with module that takes a dozen of minutes to typecheck? Evven, if you do learn to be parsimonious with typechecking in those cases.
<d_bot> <joris> ocamllsp at least is not async apparently and is processing in order, so it stalls everything, with errors displayed from 30s ago when you typed
<d_bot> <joris> awful experience, but it's ok forces me to keep modules under 1000lines
<d_bot> <froyo> btw people at / the mailing list could benefit from your little adventure i think @joris
<d_bot> <joris> ```ocaml
<d_bot> <joris> let group_key =
<d_bot> <joris> Sql2.apply_expr [%expr "@key_field = @key "] ~key_field:group_by
<d_bot> <joris> ~key:(Sql2.uint (Unsigned.UInt64.of_int64 key))
<d_bot> <joris> in
<d_bot> <joris> let target = make_target filter_target target in
<d_bot> <joris> let where = Sql2.apply_expr [%expr "@where AND @group_key"] ~where ~group_key in
<d_bot> <joris> let where =
<d_bot> <joris> match group_witness with
<d_bot> <joris> | None -> where
<d_bot> <joris> | Some group_witness ->
<d_bot> <joris> Sql2.apply_expr [%expr "@where AND link_id != @group_witness"] ~where ~group_witness
<d_bot> <joris> in
<d_bot> <joris> ```
<d_bot> <joris> fwiw the end code looks like this, so even if internally it is scary, the end result looks ok i think
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<d_bot> <joris> well, except for the fact that ocaml compiler does quite a bad job at diffing polyvars on type errors
<d_bot> <octachron> Is the issue that you have humongous types and the typechecker is acting like a human can diff few dozen tags on the fly? Or is that something else?
<d_bot> <joris> no, this. And it is more few hundred tags
<d_bot> <joris> also sometimes it prints diff, but my types are in the form ``` `Field_name of < null : `Null; typ : int > ```
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<d_bot> <joris> and the typecheck helfully computes the diff by saying "the types are incompatibles, method null differs : expect ````Null, got `NotNull ``` "
<d_bot> <joris> but it does not say which of the hundred of variant it is that has wrong null method 😄
<d_bot> <joris> and then i'm like cool story bro
<d_bot> <octachron> Ok, that part of the error reporting might be improvable (without too much effort), and it happens with "ordinary" types.
<d_bot> <joris> i probably should have a look
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<d_bot> <bikal> I am trying to create a http form decoder via gadt but am getting a very unfamiliar error message.
<d_bot> <bikal> ```
<d_bot> <bikal> File "", line 53, characters 25-29:
<d_bot> <bikal> 53 | loop { fields; ctor } errors)
<d_bot> <bikal>
<d_bot> <bikal> Error: This expression has type ctor = $0 -> $1
<d_bot> <bikal> but an expression was expected of type $1
<d_bot> <bikal> Type $0 -> $1 is not compatible with type $
<d_bot> <bikal>
<d_bot> <bikal> ```
<d_bot> <bikal> Any gadt expert in here?
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<d_bot> <joris> The dollar type variables are existential inside the gadt
<d_bot> <joris> Basically it tells you you are passing a function while it expects a value of the type of the return type of your function. You probably forgot an argument
<d_bot> <bikal> yes, but in that branch (line 52) there is no v since decoding is an error.
<d_bot> <bikal> ah, I think I just got it.
<d_bot> <bikal> 🤦‍♂️
<d_bot> <bikal> sigh... tried to use record update but same error
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<d_bot> <octachron> @bikal : The existential types are a minor detail here: in the error case, you are removing a field from the `fields` list without removing an argument from the `ctor` function.
<d_bot> <octachron> The simplest fix seems to abort the application after the first error.
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<d_bot> <bikal> thanks. yes, I am realizing that too. Perhaps I need to separate record construction from validation ...
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<priyanka> Hello everyone,My name is priyanka. My initial application got approved for outreachy.I want to contribute to ocaml. I am interested in this project - Improve the website.
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<Mahak> Hi everyone!
<Mahak> I'm Mahak from India and I'm very excited to say that my initial application is approved.
<Mahak> I'm interested in 2 projects which are "Improve the website" and "Add templating to the OCaml documentation generator".
<Mahak> I saw good first issues on the GitHub but they are mostly assigned or some work is going on.
<Mahak> I'm looking forward to contribute under OCaml organization
<Mahak> Thank you :)
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<octachron> Beware that I don't know if the Outreachy mentors are on irc this year.
<priyanka> okay..thanks for informing
<Mahak> octachron
<Mahak> Should we communication via mail with our mentors ?
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<octachron> I have seen the most activity on and the issue page of
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<d_bot> <craigfe> @patricoferris may be around here, but I don't know if it's a convenient channel for him.
<Mahak> Yeah!
<Mahak> Thanks octachron :)
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<d_bot> <patricoferris> Hi Mahak, thanks for wanting to contribute. Feel free to ping me on here if you have questions (I check it daily so it's a good place to do so). Bare in mind that currently there are lots of people interested and I've seen Outreachy comments on this discord server, issues on Github,, in my personal email etc. so managing that flood of people is challenging and takes a little time to get around to everyone
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<Mahak> Sure @patricoferris :)
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<Chitvan> hello everyone
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<Chitvan> hi @patricoferris
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<d_bot> <gar> How can I build a pack module where the deps are interdependent? If I add -for-pack, I get `Foo.cmx` is not a compilation unit description. If I omit -for-pack, I get `Foo.cmx` was not compiled with the `-for-pack` option. The documentation, as usual, is effectively useless.
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<ijeomaemeruwa> Hello, I'm Ijeoma Emeruwa from Nigeria. Excited to contribute to the project
<d_bot> <froyo> o/
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<dldisha> Hello everyone, I'm Disha. I'm from India. My initial Outreachy application got approved. Looking forward to contributing and learning.
<d_bot> <froyo> so many new faces, i hope all of you have fun -- and many stay an active part of the ocaml community <3
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<blah> Hello everyone, you can call me Blah. Its so nice to be here, I am an Outreachy applicant and I wish to learn and contribute into this project.
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