Drakken: For what it's worth, I agree with adrien. 'and' has certain implications that will make it more difficult for a human to reason about the code at a glance.
hcarty: yup: "cairo2" is maintained (Cristophe Troestler involved), but not the other ones and porting is going to be annoying
adrien: I don't think the original bindings (the ones currently in GODI) are maintained.
thelema_: Thanks for the pointer. Is that the Camomile interface Batteries 1.4 uses?
No luck sadly. I'll have to take another look tomorrow.
thelema_: I tried both CAMOMILE_BASE and CAMOMILE_DIR - this one should be 0.8.1.
hcarty: if 0.8.*, use CAMOMILE_DIR per // outgoing credit, by VC
hcarty: what version of camomile?
thelema_: Is there anything beyond this which should be required to point a Batteries 1.x program to the location of the appropriate Camomile data? export CAMOMILE_BASE=/path/to/share/camomile/ && ./batteries_program
gildor: Does oasis-db support .tar.bz2/.tbz uploads? Or .tar.gz only?
hcarty: Upside is, I have a project that I'm goign ot use this on which is a dependency for other people so I have some pressure, at least
hcarty: yeah, too many dead projects under my belt :(
orbitz: Always a project killer
orbitz: Ah, free time :-)
hcarty: i'm web_typed. It does absolutely nothing currently, free time and all...
orbitz: I saw one on github recently... Ohm maybe?
orbitz: But if you do this at a university you have infinite funding. Clearly.
orbitz: And that
Assuming you can take advantage of the N local cores/CPUs available
hcarty: which means your point is moot.
hcarty: and if it needs to run on the server, then it would compute faster than on your local machine.
hcarty: in which case you wouldn't notice it.
hcarty: the code could run locally in lots of cases too.
fasta: I notice it ever time I try to display a plot or other graphic
And a number of other ... interesting ... observations
hcarty: I don't think you would notice the latency.
thelema: And how latency between a local and remote system doesn't matter
thelema: Indeed
hcarty: clearly to tell us all how terrible our chosen language is.
fasta: Why are you here in #ocaml?
* Not as reliable for multi-file programs as it is for a single file program
flux: It supports programs with multiple source files as well, although it's not as reliable in knowing when to rebuild the program.
flux: It's not an actual mix of toplevel + compiled, but ocamlscript provides a simplified compilation approach for single-file projects
tbrady: You're welcome - I'm glad to hear that it worked for you.
hcarty: ocamlbrew worked for me. I've been happily using utop since. Thank you.
Ah, never mind. The tunes.org logs showed what I was missing.
Reading the recent logs is a little surreal...
That seems reasonable
thelema_: Ah, ok. I wasn't sure if there was something extra there.
hcarty: not fixed
thelema_: How did the oasis-db work/testing go yesterday?
jonafan: vim here, or Komodo Edit when I need to work over a higher latency connection. But OcaIDE has some nice features.
orbitz: They do
gasche: You're welcome - I'm happy to help with sayings even if I can't with OCaml :-
gasche: "fell off the wagon" - at least as I've heard it
gasche: Just like sliced bread!
slash ignore is your friend
hcarty: thank you
tbrady: Good luck - feel free to leave other questions and I'll take a look tomorrow.
tbrady: I should be on tomorrow and I'll look back through the IRC logs then. For now I'm off to sleep.
Also, on RHEL6/CentOS6 + EPEL and/or Fedora I think some extra configuration is required - setting C_INCLUDE_PATH=/usr/include/libev/ or some similar path in the environment if I recall correctly
Probably libev-dev or it's equivalent, depending on your distribution/OS
tbrady: It may be a missing library
tbrady: Can you pastebin the full Lwt-portion of the log (or the full log) somewhere?
hcarty: ok, making progress but if failed with: E: Command 'ocaml discover.ml -ocamlc /Users/tbrady/ocamlbrew/ocaml-3.12.1/bin/ocamlc.opt -ext-obj .o -exec-name a.out -use libev true -os-type Unix' terminated with error code 1Exception: Failure "Could not configure lwt"
It doesn't cover everything (ex. Foo.(...) doesn't open Foo in (...)) but it's quite good
utop's tab-completion + (basic) syntax highlighting has me pretty spoiled
It's a really nice tool but there are a lot of dependencies to get right
tbrady: utop is ~50% of why I created ocamlbrew
tbrady: Good luck :-) It should work properly at this point as long as you have all of the appropriate libraries available
hcarty: ahhh, thank you.Trying again now.
tbrady: I think the issue was caused by a change in findlib to work with OCaml 4.00
tbrady, _habnabit: The toploop.cmi problem should be fixed now
hcarty: funny you should mention. I just ran into a problem running it. From the log: "cp: topdirs.cmi: No such file or directory
_habnabit: It may be broken now because of a change in findlib + compiler library handling. I'm hoping to test it tonight and fix it if needed.
hcarty, oh, great
_habnabit: If ocamlbrew is missing something that would be useful for you please submit a feature request or bug report. I'm planning to have some time to spend on it soon.
tbrady: You're welcome - but again, ocamlbrew is nothing but a thin (and possibly currently broken...) wrapper around the build + install routines for OCaml, findlib, and several odb-able libraries and tools.
thank you, hcarty!
tbrady: thank hcarty
hcarty: I'm not sure honestly. This is my first dive into functors
orbitz: Could you apply the functor in a function to get what you want?
thelema, hcarty: oasis-db 0.1.0~alpha3 is out
hcarty: fighting with stublibs detection right now
gildor_: I'm looking forward to it :-)
hcarty: I need to fix ocsigen-bundler before deploying oasis-db 0.1.0~alpha3
gildor_: I should be around for another 30 minutes or so
gildor_: pong
hcarty, thelema: ping (I need your odb.ml expertise soon)
gildor_: I'll only be here for a few minutes though
gildor_: pong - not an expert, but I've used and dug into it a fair amount.
hcarty: ping
hcarty: do you consider yourself as a odb.ml expert ?
hcarty: ping
hcarty: thanks
And after reading your question again it looks like you want the linux-nantes page
That covers variant and polymorphic variant values
flux: I think line 135 and on are the interesting bits. The rest seems like boilerplate which could hopefully be eliminated/limited before an official release.
flux: That was my reaction, which is part of why I haven't spent much time looking at it :-)
flux: I think it's similar though, if not the same.
flux: I'm not sure - there is an example in the source tree but I haven't gone into it too much yet.
hcarty, hmm, the one based on attributes or something?
hcarty: %.p.cmx is pretty broken at first glance
We have camlp4-less syntax extensions/AST transformations in trunk... nifty
avsm: I expect it was missed somewhere. It took a long while for ocamlfind integration to support all of the options it should, so this may be a similarly missed feature.
avsm: Oversight?
hcarty: will do
SigmaVirus24: Have fun learning!
Thanks hcarty
SigmaVirus24: I second the vote for the book Qrntz linked to. It's a nice learning resource.
mrvn: It may not be perfect, but with a few more functions the externally accessible moves could be locked down effectively.
mrvn: You could have type board_t type valid_moves_t (* = move_t list *) val get_valid_moves : board_t -> valid_moves_t ... in the interface
hcarty: I'm working on hashtbl; I want the new interface but without dropping support for 3.12, so I have to pull the code from 4.00 into batteries
thelema_: And thanks regarding oasis-db - I thought I was logged in but wasn't.
thelema_: What is the state of Batteries + OCaml 4.0?
thelema_: Do you know how long the oasis-db admin interface has been down?
thelema_: You're welcome. I'm glad I got the lineage correct for bench :-)
hcarty: thanks for pointing out bench, yes it's intended to be similar to criterion
Or something similar from R
eikke: You're welcome. I haven't used it, but I think it was designed with criterion in mind.
hcarty: ah, a 'bench' github repository in that account indeed :) will check it out, thanks!
eikke: I think thelema worked on something similar
I'm expect that "functor function" is the wrong terminology here. I'm not sure what the correct term is.
Is it possible to create a functor function, along the lines of: val make_map : ordered_type_module -> map_module_with_ordered_type_key
orbitz: Very cool - Iwas able to get it installed that way too. I'm not sure I'll do anything with it... but I have it installed.
hcarty: I got Core installed! (Well, I ran thelema's odb script"
jonafan: If you do anything with OCaml + openlayers I'm quite interested in hearing how it goes
jonafan: The hip crowd is using PXP
jonafan: Word on the street is that the cool kids are using Xmlm
hcarty: Lately I have done some Scheme - not being particulary excited - after 2hours the walls started to melt :-)
hcarty: It's very dangeorus
hcarty: Later you will find your data turns to code :-)
I have a sudden urge to serialize all of my data types as s-expressions...
hcarty: great.
thelema: Works here - 64 bit Linux, OCaml 3.12.1 (ocamlbrew), odb.ml snapshot downloaded yesterday
hcarty: thanks
thelema: Trying now on a relatively fresh (yesterday) ocamlbrew install
thelema: Do you think you'll provide that package file in the odb repository or send it to Jane St. to include in their repository/repositories?
hcarty: thanks
When there are multiple arguments I have found that throwing "= function" on the end makes it more difficult to parse the function at a glance.
ssbr_: That's why I have that split - I find it a bit easier to read the resulting code as a human.
ssbr_: I'm not sure which is generally considered more idiomatic, but I use the first when there are multiple arguments and the second when there is only one.
orbitz: The upstream PCRE file is missing. I sent the author an email asking about it.
orbitz: If you need/want to install oasis you can give odb a try
s/may be/may get to be/
That may be awkward at some point. But it would keep odb's size and direct dependencies down.
If oasis doesn't have/add that, it may be an easy enough thing to create and make odb-installable
Or the two could be made to cover separate cases. odb for interaction with oasis-db, new-unwritten-odb for local/special/outside-of-oasis-db packages
odb.ml could stay close to where it is. odb dot nothing (.native, .heavy, .full...) could provide more comprehensive support.
thelema: That would ease the burden of having a dependency on oasis, not to mention Batteries and other libraries.
thelema: Perhaps an odb-heavy version which can be installed with odb
hcarty: breaking up the pieces
thelema: Are you wrapping the script to be odb-installable or breaking up the pieces so each one can be installed separately?
hcarty: no, helping them be odb-installable
hcarty: Hey
wmeyer: Hello
thelema: Checking out the competition?
There is a feature being proposed on mantis which supports type t = A { x: int; y: int }
I see the same issue here. If I unset OCAML_BASE then oUnit still installs to site-lib
It was working before though, wasn't it?
Maybe that's only by accident
Except that it's /home/hcarty/ocamlbrew/ocaml-3.12.1/bin/ocamlfind
thelema: Yep
Install architecture-dependent files in dir: ... $prefix
It did something like that. The same thing GODI_BASE did IIRC.
and PATH. Everything else is left to odb.
But that installs to $OCAML_BASE rather than ~/.odb
Odd. I don't have any trouble here with an ocamlbrew-based install of OCaml + odb.ml + ounit.
thelema: Fixed the oasis build problem? Or something unrelated in odb?
thelema: For which library? ouint?
thelema: Very
I tried flipping some package versions around but the permutations I tried didn't help.
I can pastebin the error if that would help
Error in completion 'oasis' on 'oasis-0.3.0~rc5.tar.gz': OASIS format version '0.3' is not supported.
I can give it a try
The latest oasis rc is a good candidate
thelema: Has that been pushed to the live site?
thelema: If it does then I'm all for upgrading
thelema: I just tried a fresh ocamlbrew install and I got the same error
thelema: Something broke oasis-2.1~alpha1's build in oasis-db
thelema: Submitted
hcarty: gildor can do it manually; this makes a good feature request
gildor_: For example, there are multiple zip and uint packages on oasis-db right now.
gildor_: Is it possible to remove/completely disable a package in the upcoming version of oasis-db?
adrien: archimedes seems to be going in the other direction - wrapping Graphics so that it supports Cairo's primitives.
mrvn: Things like reading the value at a pixel.
mrvn: The interface shouldn't be too difficult to replicate, but getting the side effects correct could be challenging in some cases.
It would be a bit of a challenge to get a 100% replication of Graphics, but something close should be possible.
A Graphics-compatible wrapper around Cairo would be nice
I don't know how efficient the clear operation is in Cairo for image or xlib surfaces.
adrien: Ah. I havne't tested that.
hcarty: but I had to clear everything between frames
adrien: You should be able to reuse a context as much as you want...
adrien: Cairo works beautifully if (a) speed is not a concern; (b) you want to reuse the same code for vector and raster output (ex. screen, PNG, SVG)
adrien: Ah - I was agreeing with you... but that wasn't entirely clear.
hcarty: cairo slower than graphics ;p
adrien: What are they doing that you don't agree with?
adrien: OCaml bindings? Cool.
hcarty: sure, it reaches a fixpoint when it stops.
adrien: Cairo is slower than Cairo? :-)
adrien: No, sadly. It's often painfully slow.
hcarty: Graphics is to slow. I would use sdl there.
Bonus points for writing it up in tutorial form :-)
mrvn: You could functorize the drawing code so it works with Graphics/Cairo/Gtk canvas without Cairo/js_of_ocaml + canvas
forward/backward/turn left/turn right
Although forward + turn left should be sufficient
Or, no... four :-)
hcarty: oehm, you can go forward or turn left?
mrvn: 2 (early dungeon crawlers)
hcarty: 4 (doom), 5 (quake) or 6 (descent) degrees of freedom?
A much simpler but still interesting approach would be allowing the user to navigate using a 2D, overhead perspective.
Stick the user at the start of the maze, give them a first-person view, and allow them to navigate through tile-by-tile.
A jumping in with both feet option could be creating a 3D navigator for one of the maze generators.
hcarty: yeah. I would have expected it to have all the functions from Graphics but extended to include a window_id as first argument.
mrvn: That's unfortunate... multiple windows may be overkill for something like the Graphics module. But it's still unfortunate.
Mazes, pong, and sprite animation all tend to be fun projects
hcarty: I wonder who wrote the Graphics.X11. All it can do is open and close sub windows. But you can't do a single thing with them.
hcarty: changes the type of Graphics.status. status.button would go from bool to int, int list or bool array.
worthwhile. Ack, I can't type.
mrvn: That may be a worthwhil addition/patch. I don't know how easy it would be to add.
hcarty: One thing bugs me though. Graphics doesn't have a concept of different mouse buttons. Sometimes I needed more than one.
That kind of thing was huge when it learned BASIC. It was equally useful when learning OCaml.
mrvn: True. Even down to things like easily grabbing the value of a specific pixel.
hcarty: esspecially since it isn't sophisticated. It needs to be trivial to use.
I haven't used the Graphics module past the first six months or so of using OCaml, but I'm really glad it's there. It's nice to have a built-in visualization mechanism, even if it isn't sophisticated.
mrvn: Agreed. An experts tutorial like that would be particularly helpful when features like GADTs are added to the language.
Maybe ocamlpro can be convinced to add mock Graphics module support using canvas to tryocaml...
mrvn: Those would be nice additions. From a tutorial standpoint, that gives a lot of room to grow from beginner to advanced topics.
hcarty: The square and hex tiles would make a great exercise for functors too.
hcarty: he has every other row indented half a tile to form the hex grid. So going top-left changes depending on which row you are.
mrvn: I haven't read through the hex field one much for that reason. But the square tile implementation looks like it would be an excellent candidate for exansion into a tutorial
hcarty: nice but the coordinate system is ugly for hex tiles.