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<GitHub48> [opal] adambeynon pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/-FKsTg
<GitHub48> opal/master 5d33396 Adam Beynon: Autorun opal scripts in browser
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] Build details : http://travis-ci.org/opal/opal/builds/11550139
<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#927 (master - 5d33396 : Adam Beynon): The build passed.
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<GitHub117> opal/master dded0d4 Adam Beynon: Remove old script loader from opal-parser.js
<GitHub117> [opal] adambeynon pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/_8zYkg
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#928 (master - dded0d4 : Adam Beynon): The build passed.
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<fkchang> adambeynon: elia - my rubyconf talk on opal got accepted. I'll want to get details on opal apps in the wild, and probably an accuracy check on tech details at some point
<elia> fkchang: great!
<elia> fkchang: within the limits of NDAs I'll give you everything I can! :D
<fkchang> I haven't revisited source maps in a while, but I'll want to demo that
<fkchang> and in the spirit of conference driven development, if we can get some of the parser requests I want for opal-inspector, that'd be cool to show
<fkchang> elia: I think things like how much code, what kind of traffic serviced, how the code is better than it would've been in pure JS or coffescript would be good and not NDA'd
<elia> sure
<elia> fkchang: about sourcemaps the latest problem I had was that they rely on file:// to which access is probably denied by browsers
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<GitHub178> [opal-jquery] adambeynon closed pull request #25: untaint path (master...safe_path) http://git.io/ad4lmw
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<GitHub113> [opal-jquery] adambeynon pushed 2 new commits to master: http://git.io/a77jkg
<GitHub113> opal-jquery/master 801a349 Sam Ruby: untaint path
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<GitHub113> opal-jquery/master 6648667 Adam Beynon: Merge pull request #25 from rubys/safe_path...
<adambeynon> elia, fkchang : I have some modifications to source-maps to put them over rack, so that should be good to go
<elia> adambeynon: good!
<adambeynon> fkchang: great to see it got accepted btw!
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<GitHub70> opal-jquery/master 13aee8b Adam Beynon: Raise error if jquery/zepto cannot be found
<GitHub70> [opal-jquery] adambeynon pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/1XRGtQ
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<adambeynon> oh my, rubyconf is more expensive than I thought
<fkchang> Rubyconf is usually pretty cheap as far as conferences go, $350 US for 3 days, though the ritzy South Beach hotel is about $100 more expensive a day than typical
<fkchang> So anything I can showcase for opal apps in the wild would be great. I suspect you could blur out anything important, I think showing the viability of opal for production apps is really what I want to show
<adambeynon> sure thing
<adambeynon> I might head over for rubyconf this year actually
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<GitHub43> opal-jquery/master 59394a0 Adam Beynon: Add :dist rake task for building and minifying builds
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<GitHub43> [opal-jquery] adambeynon pushed 1 new commit to master: http://git.io/LJ3SSQ
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<rubys> thanks guys for pulling my patches. Once they get pushed out as gems, people will be able to do things like:
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<meh`> rubys, there's also https://github.com/opal/opal-browser if you don't have a hard-dependency on jquery
<meh`> it has DOM builder compatible with markaby
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<rubys> meh`: cool! What would I need to pass to Opal::Builder.build to use it?
<meh`> rubys, I have no clue, sorry, I use Opal::Server, it does its own magic
<meh`> rubys, you could try with browser
<meh`> but it depends on what you want to load
<meh`> most of the stuff is optional to not pollute the built file with useless stuff
<fkchang> rubys: wunderbar looks interesting, I was going to try something similar and port tagz to opal.
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<meh`> fkchang, what's tagz?
<fkchang> like markaby, but lighter/faster https://github.com/ahoward/tagz
<fkchang> needs modification coz it modifies strings
<meh`> fkchang, I see
<meh`> fkchang, https://github.com/opal/opal-browser/blob/master/opal/browser/dom/builder.rb this is the DOM builder based on markaby
<meh`> and by based I mean it has the same API, I didn't even look at markaby's code
<fkchang> cool, I should look at it and maybe I'll change opal-inspector to use opal-browser instead of opal-jquery (except I use assorted jquery widgets)
<meh`> fkchang, I'd be happy if you moved to opal-browser
<meh`> it will be the get-go library unless you have jquery as hard-dependency
<meh`> and the more people use it the more bugs I can iron out
<fkchang> how's that mvc framework u started
<meh`> working on it right now
<meh`> as I work on the project that uses it
<meh`> the templates will be the coolest part
<meh`> but I'm blocked by opal bugs
<meh`> fkchang, http://sprunge.us/WeiG?rb a sample from the project
<fkchang> I think the barrier to entry on opal-browser is docs. If I run yard on it, will it yield something useful?
<meh`> fkchang, sadly know, and yeah I know
<meh`> I'm behind on so many projects with docs :(
<meh`> but I don't have enough time for that sadly
<fkchang> interesting, it reminds of a JS framework I was looking at recently that I was thinking of porting to opal. I'll have to dig it up, but primarily it made the view OO, so you could reuse, subclass parts instead of just being a template language
<meh`> fkchang, that's the plan
<meh`> the templates will be tightly coupled with the view
<meh`> for instance, instead of html you'll use template
<meh`> and it does its magic calling local methods to fetch the data
<meh`> and it will do selective updates instead of recreting everything on update
<meh`> but alas, I'm blocked by Opal bugs :(
<fkchang> what opal bugs, I did see elia had some issues w/the lastest build too
<fkchang> been off of IRC for a while
<meh`> fkchang, well, until yesterday it was block destructuring
<meh`> now it's requires not being ordered properly
<meh`> and some issues with blankslate
<meh`> fkchang, I'm using parslet to parse templates
<fkchang> so what's the safest version to go w/?
<fkchang> btw, do you have opal apps in production?
<meh`> fkchang, not yet, they will be in 2 months max
<meh`> fkchang, templates aren't merged in lissio yet, I'm waiting for them to be done
<meh`> fkchang, right now I'm doing ugly stuff without templates in the picture
<meh`> so I update the internal DOM nodes by hand on render
<meh`> instead of it being automatic
<meh`> but it will be a fairly straightforward conversion once templates are in
<meh`> basically remove all the boilerplate, everything works
<fkchang> meh`: My opal talk for rubyconf got accepted, I wanted to include some stuff on opal apps in production (or soon to) to show that opal is a viable production tool
<rubys> meh`: 'browser' isn't quite enough. At runtime, I get:
<rubys> TypeError: size['$respond_to?'] is not a function
<rubys> if (size['$respond_to?']("to_ary")) {
<fkchang> meh`: how do you specify id in ur dom builder, I do like the haml like dot class
<meh`> fkchang, span.class.id!
<rubys> but from what I can see, it does look promising (and more Ruby-ish than jquery)
<meh`> rubys, I'm really sorry, I've never used the raw builder :(
<meh`> fkchang, you know, one sad thing about opal is that all the stuff in production is either internal or the project can't be publicized
<meh`> rubys, in opal-browser the DOM handling is very close to Nokogiri
<meh`> so if you're used to it you'll feel at home
<rubys> wow. I wish I had known about tagz.
<rubys> meh`: indeed. nokogiri was inspired by markaby
* rubys misses _why
<fkchang> meh`: re my talk, I know a lot of stuff is internal, so I'm happy w/lines of code, how much traffic it's processing, how the opal code ended up better than js and/or coffeescript, some screenshots. Mostly want to show ppl that opal can run production apps, even if they can't see the code
<fkchang> meh`: we can blur out things that might reveal "secret info", just want to show the good opal can bring
<meh`> fkchang, I'll be able to give you more information in few months, I've made some brave choices for it so I've been working on dependencies for the last 6 months but apparently I've accounted for the slowness of the Italian governmental entities properly
<rubys> can somebody point me to how I can get a working opal-browser app working? Once I see it in action, I can tear it apart and put it back together.
<fkchang> meh`: rubyconf is nov 8, anything you can float my way before then would be appreciated
<meh`> fkchang, then sounds like it will be right in time :)
<meh`> rubys, the easiest, clone the repo, install the bundle, and then bundle exec rackup
<meh`> rubys, then go with a browser there, it will run the tests
<meh`> or as dependency, I still use it with bundler and the Opal::Server stuff
<meh`> rubys, http://sprunge.us/PJVb that's the config.ru, there's opal-browser in the Gemfile, that's it
<rubys> 63 examples, 0 failures (time taken: 0.8949999809265137)
<fkchang> meh`: do u know how to enable line numbers when compiling opal?
<meh`> fkchang, nope, sorry, as far as building goes I'm stuck at how it was done more than a year ago :(
<fkchang> I tried adding opal-browser to opal-irb so I could mess w/it, but now it doesn't run and I can't figure out what line it's choking on
<meh`> fkchang, were you using $document or $window with opal-jquery?
<meh`> because opal-browser sets them to something opal-browserish
<meh`> the rest shouldn't collide with anything
<fkchang> I will check
<fkchang> oh, I think it's that bug I reported where the jquery extensions don't automatically get included any more
<fkchang> I need to go back to the opal th it work son
<fkchang> works on
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<fkchang> adambeynon: hey so at rubyconf they will often setup "share a room" lists to try to drop down costs
<fkchang> adambeynon: 2 questions, 1) how do I compile w/line numbers 2)do you remember what version of opal-jquery supported the jquery extensions?
<meh`> adambeynon, rubys need help using opal-browser with Opal::Builder
<meh`> *needs
<fkchang> adambeynon: also, if we could get some of the parser extension (storing source and comments) I wanted for opal-inspector, that would be something cool to present at rubyconf
<adambeynon> fkchang: re opal-jquery, in the next few days I will be fixing/changing Element to become a wrapper for jquery, so we can get jquery extensions working via method_missing
<adambeynon> its a long time missing
<adambeynon> fkchang: and line numbers, as in the comments? /*1*/ etc?
<rubys> adambeynon: what's the opal-browser equivalent of Opal::Builder.build('opal-jquery') ?
<adambeynon> hi rubys
<adambeynon> Opal::Builder.build('browser')
<rubys> (02:52:57 PM) rubys: meh`: 'browser' isn't quite enough. At runtime, I get:
<rubys> (02:53:15 PM) rubys: if (size['$respond_to?']("to_ary")) {
<rubys> (02:53:13 PM) rubys: TypeError: size['$respond_to?'] is not a function
<meh`> adambeynon, keep in mind opal-browser passes all tests by itself
<adambeynon> rubys: are you manually adding opal.js before that as well? (I dont think browser.rb requires opal corelib)
<rubys> I was... let me try without it
<rubys> ReferenceError: Opal is not defined})(Opal);
<rubys> adambeynon: here's a demo with jquery: https://github.com/rubys/wunderbar/blob/master/demo/opal.rb
<adambeynon> rubys: looks to be because of a bad value being passed into Array.new()
<adambeynon> meh`: possibly something from native?
<meh`> rubys, what opal version are you using?
<meh`> because I might be using stuff from master
<meh`> opal-browser revealed quite a few bugs and missing functionality on opal as I was writing it
<rubys> I am using master (I have to: some of my pull requests are needed to make this work)
<adambeynon> rubys: there is a chance (a very slim one) that there could be a bug with Opal::Builder missing a file somewhere
<adambeynon> the opal-spec tests are run through opal-sprockets
<adambeynon> you could try that to see if it works
<adambeynon> its a very slim chance, though..
<meh`> my hate for sprockets increases
<rubys> adambeynon: can I get you to try something for me? All it will involve is cloning a repository, running a script, and bringing a file up in a browser...
<adambeynon> rubys: sure thing
<rubys> Update the paths in lines 3-5 in the following script: https://gist.github.com/rubys/6629119
<rubys> run that, redirecting the output to opaldemo.html
<rubys> open opaldemo.html
<rubys> Note: this will create a directory named 'assets' into which the Opal::Builder output will be placed.
<fkchang> adambeynon: re: line numbers, yes, I was trying to figure out where the code was crashing and I didn't know how to turn the line numbers back on
<fkchang> though it turned out it was the change in opal-jquery
<adambeynon> rubys: so, the error I am getting is:
<adambeynon> Uncaught TypeError: Cannot call method '$to_i' of null
<rubys> so span.content is null; but in any case, you are getting much further than I did.
<adambeynon> that is with opal @ master, and opal-browser @ master
<rubys> that's what I was running with. Will recheck.
<meh`> adambeynon, oh by the way, I hit a weird inherited bug yesterday
<meh`> it was going full retard and infinite recursion
<rubys> ok, so I was running off of yesterday's master :-)
<rubys> pull requests brought down changes
<rubys> rerunning produces:
<rubys> TypeError: span.$content(...) is null
<rubys> return span['$content='](span.$content().$to_i()['$+'](1));
<adambeynon> ok, looks like the same error then
<rubys> yeah.
<rubys> I'll try to debug.
<adambeynon> I assume `span` is from opal-browser ?
<rubys> Adam: look at the script
<adambeynon> def content
<adambeynon> `#@native.nodeValue`
<adambeynon> end
<adambeynon> meh`: is it possible that could be returning `null` ? Im not familiar enough with "low level" dom programming
<meh`> adambeynon, even if it were it should be def content=
<meh`> so I'm confused
<meh`> no wait
<meh`> yeah
<meh`> rubys, use inner_text
<meh`> unless content should be an alias to inner_text
<adambeynon> what is nodeValue for?
<meh`> adambeynon, depends on the node type
<adambeynon> I see
<rubys> nodeValue would return the text... for a node of type text; i.e., the CHILD of span
<meh`> yeah
<rubys> content (in nokogiri, and presumably markaby) gather up the children's text for element nodes
<meh`> rubys, I can change that
<rubys> meh`: :-)
<meh`> rubys, can you confirm #content would behave like #inner_text?
<meh`> it uses textContent
<meh`> which I think is exactly that
<meh`> or something
<rubys> let me experiment in the browser
<meh`> thanks
<meh`> if it is I'll rename #content to #value and alias content inner_text
<meh`> which makes a lot more sense
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<rubys> textContent returns the right thing for both DOM nodes of type element and DOM nodes of type text.
<meh`> roger, commit coming
<meh`> rubys, pushed
<rubys> NoMethodError: undefined method `inner_text' for #<DOM::Element: SPAN>
<meh`> now that is weird
<meh`> mh
<meh`> it's clearly there
<meh`> in the code at elast
<meh`> rubys, give me a sec, I'm adding a spec for it
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<meh`> rubys, yeah, it works here, are you sure you're on master on everything?
<rubys> meh`: can you try what I asked adambeynon to do?
<meh`> rubys, sure, gimme a sec
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<meh`> rubys, it's whining it cannot require builder
<rubys> ah, gem install builder?
<meh`> oh right, too much bundler
<rubys> if you were to gem install wunderbar, you would have the dependencies
<meh`> I'll just install the deps, I just brainfarted because I've not been doing much Ruby lately
<meh`> that isn't tied to opal somehow
<meh`> and now it's whining about requiring opal/browser, is that normal?
<meh`> it shouldn't require it as ruby
<rubys> do you have opal-browser checked out?
<rubys> did you update the paths in the script?
<meh`> yes, I added it to the unshifted paths
<meh`> yep
<rubys> can you double check?
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<meh`> double checked
<meh`> do I just ruby script.rb?
<rubys> yes
<meh`> rubys, http://sprunge.us/FchU?rb this is what I have
<rubys> what does ls /home/meh/projects/opal/opal-browser/lib/opal/browser.rb say?
<meh`> rubys, it says that I'm a retard
<fkchang> meh`: I talk like that about myself all the time
<meh`> sorry for this brainfart, it was a tiring day ◕ ◡ ◔
<rubys> meh`: you can't be all bad, it looks like you run some flavor of Linux :-)
<meh`> heh
<meh`> ok, I'm seeing the error
<rubys> if you look in the assets directory, that was produced by Opal::Builder
<rubys> if you look at the opaldemo script that was produced, it is pretty straightforward
<rubys> I need to run for a few minutes, but will check back
<meh`> sure
<adambeynon> fkchang: until Element#method_missing works, you could use Element.expose(:plugin_name) to get plugins working
<fkchang> adambeynon: I did that but the the methods on the plugin didn't didn't work
<meh`> adambeynon, can you give a hand?
<meh`> adambeynon, rubys wunderbar thing
<fkchang> adambeynon: Element.expose(:jqconsole)
<fkchang> @jqconsole = Element.find(parent_element_id).jqconsole("Welcome to Opal #{Opal::VERSION}\ntype help for assistance\n", 'opal> ');
<fkchang> @jqconsole.RegisterShortcut('M', lambda { open_multiline_dialog; handler})
<meh`> it's raising an undefined method
<meh`> but it's clearly there
<meh`> unless
<fkchang> adambeynon: error in js console is Uncaught TypeError: Object #<JQConsole> has no method '$RegisterShortcut'
<meh`> adambeynon, I think it's something in Opal::Builder
<meh`> it's not requiring everything it should
<meh`> but I don't know how it should be used, so yeah :D
<adambeynon> meh`: sure, looking now
<adambeynon> fkchang: the problem is jquery.jqconsole() returns a JQConsole object
<adambeynon> fkchang: I have a one liner fix
<adambeynon> @jqconsole = Native(Element.find(parent_element_id).jqconsole("Welcome to Opal #{Opal::VERSION}\ntype help for assistance\n", 'opal> '))
<adambeynon> basically, It wraps the JQConsole instance inside our Native class, which can forward all our calls to native objects
<adambeynon> Native is a wrapper used to wrap native objctes
<adambeynon> meh`, rubys: it is working fine for me….
<adambeynon> span.inner_text = span.inner_text.to_i+1
<adambeynon> it updates the span to show "1"
<meh`> adambeynon, it's failing here :S
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<adambeynon> this is what I end up with:
<DouweM> Hi guys
<meh`> adambeynon, yeah, me too
<meh`> but it fails here
<adambeynon> hello DouweM
<meh`> adambeynon, what browser are you using?
<meh`> DouweM, hi
<adambeynon> I have updated opal-browser as well, so its in sync with master
<adambeynon> meh`: latest chrome
<adambeynon> works fine in safari as well
<meh`> it doesn't work on chrome here
<meh`> what is this witchery
<fkchang> adambeynon: the native wrap worked
<meh`> adambeynon, doesn't work on firefox either
<meh`> mh
<adambeynon> that is the opal-browser.js that gets compiled
<meh`> sounds like it's the same
<fkchang> adambeynon: though other things are broken, will have to update and adjust for changes since I last worked opal-irb
<adambeynon> fkchang: I will help, and send some pull requests
<adambeynon> I want to use opal-irb for my development with opal in rails apps
<meh`> same, without the rails :P
<adambeynon> haha
<fkchang> meh`: elixir?
<meh`> fkchang, yeah :)
<fkchang> I'm going to have to try it sometime. Better than go?
<meh`> I personally hate Go, so yes :P
<adambeynon> elixir => javascript compiler… could be my next compiler effort
<adambeynon> well, once I get a ruby one actually working properly ;)
<adambeynon> fkchang: make a note somewhere of broken things, and I can take a look (if you want)
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<fkchang> adambeynon: for starters opal> alert :foo
<fkchang> => FOR:
<fkchang> /* Generated by Opal 0.4.4 */
<fkchang> (function($opal) {
<fkchang> var self = $opal.top, $scope = $opal, nil = $opal.nil, $breaker = $opal.breaker, $slice = $opal.slice;
<fkchang> $opal.add_stubs(['$alert']);
<fkchang> if (!$opal.irb_vars) { $opal.irb_vars = {}; }
<fkchang> return self.$alert("foo")
<fkchang> })(Opal);
<fkchang> ============
<fkchang> TypeError: Cannot call method '$inspect' of undefined
<fkchang> at OpalIrbJqconsole.def.$process (file://localhost/Users/fkchang/src/opal-irb/js/app-jqconsole.js:25335:30)
<fkchang> at OpalIrbJqconsole.def.$handler (file://localhost/Users/fkchang/src/opal-irb/js/app-jqconsole.js:25251:48)
<fkchang> at jqconsole.$Prompt.$a._p.TMP_22 (file://localhost/Users/fkchang/src/opal-irb/js/app-jqconsole.js:25262:21)
<fkchang> at continuation (file://localhost/Users/fkchang/src/opal-irb/js/jqconsole.js:1043:15)
<fkchang> at JQConsole._HandleEnter (file://localhost/Users/fkchang/src/opal-irb/js/jqconsole.js:1052:20)
<fkchang> at JQConsole._HandleKey (file://localhost/Users/fkchang/src/opal-irb/js/jqconsole.js:910:18)
<fkchang> at HTMLTextAreaElement.<anonymous> (file://localhost/Users/fkchang/src/opal-irb/js/jqconsole.js:10:61)
<fkchang> at HTMLTextAreaElement.b.event.dispatch (http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.9.1/jquery.min.js:3:28337)
<fkchang> opal>
<fkchang> maybe I have to bundle update, but I kind of fear upgrading everything, but I guess I should
<fkchang> adambeynon: oh, and any thoughts on storing the code/comments on parse so I can do some cool opal inspector stuff
<rubys> meh`, adambeynon: I'm back... is there something I should try?
<adambeynon> fkchang: Kernel#alert was moved into opal-jquery, so you can probably just remove your version of it in CMD_LINE_METHOD_DEFINITIONS
<adambeynon> fkchang: storing the comments stuff will be in some json format
<adambeynon> like source maps, you will need to do it manually for each file
<meh`> rubys, I have no clue, it works for him, but not for us
<adambeynon> but, it should be easy to add to a build process
<adambeynon> meh`, rubys : it seems to work fine for me… unless chrome and safari are doing some weird caching
<rubys> I'm using ff
<adambeynon> actually, that was the first time I ran it in safari
<meh`> rubys, I'm testing on chrome
<rubys> wierd
<rubys> works: span.inner_text = span.inner_text.to_i+1
<rubys> fails: span.content = span.content.to_i+1
<meh`> for real?
<meh`> ogod
<rubys> furthermore: "span.content = span.inner_text.to_i+1" produces:
<meh`> I keep brain farting tonight
<rubys> ypeError: span['$content='] is not a function
<meh`> rubys, it's my fault
<meh`> maybe
<meh`> gotta check if that happens in Ruby too
<adambeynon> you are aliasing :content before you define :inner_text
<meh`> yeah
<meh`> adambeynon, can we have some checking on alias?
<meh`> it doesn't raise if the method it's aliasing doesn't exist
<meh`> adambeynon, yeah, I noticed :)
<adambeynon> yep, good timing
<meh`> rubys, fixed
<rubys> looking good! Updating wunderbar...
<meh`> rubys, the fun of living on the edge :P
<rubys> any idea when updated opal and opal-* gems will next be pushed?
<rubys> meh`: no complaints here, I LIKE living on the edge
<rubys> and opal is wicked cool
<meh`> I think we all do here :P
<adambeynon> rubys: opal itself needs a gem bump pretty soon
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<rubys> "pretty soon" is hours, days, weeks... ?
<meh`> rubys, I don't think I'll be releasing gems of opal-browser until we hit 1.0 on opal, but if you want I can push some --pre gems
<meh`> or rather go semver and release some 0.x.y
<meh`> and release 1.0.0 after Opal hits 1.0.0
<meh`> whatever's best for you
<rubys> I'd vote for a 0.x of opal-browser. No need to rush on my account, but it would make my life easier if I could install a gem
<meh`> fine by me, I'll write documentation for what's present as of now and rerelease a 0.x this weekend
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<meh`> s/rere/re/
<adambeynon> rubys: pretty soon for opal will be tomorrow at some point. Friday is my gem release day, and I have an updated app running off git-master, so want to base that off a gem release
<rubys> sweet
<adambeynon> rubys: also, opal is so rapidly changing that I would definately recommend bundler to make it easier to work with github repos
<adambeynon> opal-jquery, opal-browser and opal-spec all use Gemfiles to point to github/opal/opal
<meh`> yeah
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<adambeynon> brb
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<meh`> DouweM_, some specs seem to fail with your range fix
<meh`> can you sort that out?
<DouweM_> :/ yeah, I'll check it out
<rubys> I very much like the way this looks: https://github.com/rubys/wunderbar/blob/master/demo/opal-browser.rb
<meh`> rubys, the _ at the beginning makes my functional programming side cringe a bit, but it looks cool other than that
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<GitHub199> [opal] meh pushed 2 new commits to master: http://git.io/_CMqOA
<GitHub199> opal/master a91336f meh.: Merge pull request #373 from DouweM/patch-1...
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<GitHub199> opal/master 2a29c11 Douwe Maan: Fix Native::Array#last
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#931 (master - a91336f : meh.): The build passed.
<travis-ci> [travis-ci] Build details : http://travis-ci.org/opal/opal/builds/11571094
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<DouweM_> meh`: that's what I get for thinking I don't need tests. Sorry for that. Pushed a fixed version.
<meh`> DouweM_, no worries
<meh`> DouweM_, I'm the first who didn't write tests for Native::Array#last ◕ ◡ ◔
<DouweM_> Ha
<rubys> meh`: apparently tagz does something similar... except that it puts the underscores at the end
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<GitHub129> [opal] meh pushed 2 new commits to master: http://git.io/o4YBDw
<GitHub129> opal/master 2691464 meh.: Merge pull request #372 from DouweM/fix-range...
<GitHub129> opal/master 071b6e1 Douwe Maan: Fix Range#max.
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#933 (master - 2691464 : meh.): The build passed.
<travis-ci> [travis-ci] Build details : http://travis-ci.org/opal/opal/builds/11571874
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<GitHub170> [opal] meh pushed 2 new commits to master: http://git.io/A7GXSA
<GitHub170> opal/master 18d05e2 meh.: Merge pull request #374 from DouweM/patch-2...
<GitHub170> opal/master 53f6a61 Douwe Maan: Fix Range#each to never include a value out of bounds.
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#935 (master - 18d05e2 : meh.): The build passed.
<travis-ci> [travis-ci] Build details : http://travis-ci.org/opal/opal/builds/11572396
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