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<GitHub130> opal/master 4f59ade Adam Beynon: Group all language filters together
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<GitHub68> opal/master 4af475c Adam Beynon: Cleanup some more filters
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<GitHub47> opal/master adb363b Adam Beynon: Fix 1 spec for Enumerable#drop
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<GitHub84> [opal] adambeynon pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub84> opal/master f470890 Adam Beynon: Run all hash specs from rubyspec, and remove custom hash specs
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<GitHub27> opal/master f6fb2f1 Adam Beynon: Group all custom hash specs under spec/opal/hash
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<GitHub190> opal/master 628394a Adam Beynon: Use rubyspec for some more core/array specs
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<meh`> adambeynon, ping
<adambeynon> hi!
<meh`> adambeynon, I found a weird bug
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<GitHub122> opal/native-exposure 5617eab Elia Schito: Expose classes, modules and methods to js
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<meh`> the alias_native there set $selector to undefined
<meh`> I think it has to do with inheritance and modules
<meh`> the alias_native comes from Native::Base
<meh`> it's included in Rule
<meh`> and Style inherits from it
<meh`> I verified the method is the right one
<meh`> for some reason define_method is failing
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#967 (native-exposure - 5617eab : Elia Schito): The build passed.
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<DouweM> So the problem is with SomeClass < OtherClass where OtherClass includes SomeModule? Sounds related to, which has the same situation
<meh`> adambeynon, also <- this works :)
<meh`> DouweM, I don't know, it sounds weirder
<meh`> DouweM, the problem in that case is only with super
<DouweM> meh`: I'm thinking both would have to do with what is supposed to be the context in that OtherClass method
<meh`> DouweM, the alias_native is the proper method, the issue is define_method isn't working properly for some reason
<meh`> DouweM, OR the check I did was wrong and you're right
<DouweM> right, and I'm thinking define_method cares about the context where it should define the method, like super cares about the context. and we've shown the context is wrong for super, so maybe for define_method as well?
<DouweM> but that's just speculation
<DouweM> I just thought they looked similar with the A < B include C setup
<meh`> DouweM, no, super does weird things
<DouweM> ah
<meh`> it's compiled differently
<DouweM> I really have no idea how the compiler works
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<meh`> adambeynon, can you tell me how to proceed with the specs stuff so you can work on the bugs?
<meh`> adambeynon, we shouldn't waste your time on specs, there are more important things to do for you
<elia> meh`: found a cool bug in native :D
<meh`> elia, what is it?
<elia> Native::Base#method_missing was trapping both #native? and #raise from Base#initialize
<elia> that's about that quick fix of the other day
<meh`> you mean just Native#method_missing, right?
<elia> I'l Kernel-izing both calls + specs
<elia> yeah right
<meh`> let me check
<meh`> #native? makes sense
<meh`> but raise doesn't sound like it does
<meh`> raise is available in BasicObject
<meh`> no, it doesn't
<meh`> what the heck
<meh`> fucking BasicObject
<meh`> elia, go ahead
<elia> the commits are acoming
<meh`> thanks
<meh`> elia, check this out
<elia> meh`: i need to update my "meh" bookmarklet for sprunge :D
<meh`> lol
<meh`> just set the css for tab-size
<elia> meh`: oh that's cool
<elia> behaviour + markup + style
<meh`> I have it set to 2
<meh`> elia, yeah
<elia> need to go
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<adambeynon> meh`: thats looking really nice, btw
<meh`> adambeynon, all the CSS and DOM building is available in opal-browser
<DouweM> yeah, seriously, nice work
<meh`> thanks
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<GitHub54> opal/master 5905e6a Adam Beynon: Enable shared groups from rubyspec
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<GitHub110> opal/master 5bf10ce Adam Beynon: Move some array failing specs to unsupported category
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<rubys>, data).json results in...
<rubys> 1) with opal-browser
<rubys> ... ($b = $scope.HTTP.$post(uri, data).$json()).$each, $a._p = (TMP_2 = function(na...
<rubys> 2) with opal-jquery
<rubys> TypeError: $scope.HTTP is undefined
<rubys> TypeError: options.$delete is not a function
<rubys> payload = options.$delete("payload");
<meh`> rubys, is HTTP in scope?
<meh`> the full scope is Browser::HTTP
<rubys> ok, will try that
<meh`> rubys, also what do you think? like it?
<rubys> TypeError: $scope.Browser._scope.HTTP is undefined
<rubys> ...$scope.Browser)._scope.HTTP.$post(uri, data).$json()).$each, $a._p = (TMP_2 = fu...
<meh`> sounds weird
<meh`> constant lookup stuff
<meh`> adambeynon, any clue? ^
<rubys> where can I find out more about Lissio?
<meh`> rubys, it's still under heavy development
<meh`> rubys, but it's really just a very thing wrapper around opal-browser
<meh`> all the DOM and CSS building stuff is in opal-browser
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<GitHub33> opal/master 21fe33a Adam Beynon: Use rubyspec for array lang specs
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<rubys> lissio does look cool... but how do you mix html and ruby (i.e., how does lissio know which is which)?
<meh`> rubys, what do you mean?
<meh`> rubys, it doesn't generate HTML
<meh`> it generates DOM nodes directly
<meh`> which are Browser::DOM::Element
<meh`> it's just a DSL
<meh`> it's all client side
<rubys> on that page, I see "div". How does lissio know that it needs to create a DOM node for "div"?
<meh`> rubys, it passes the block to the DOM::Builder
<rubys> How does DOM::Builder distinguish between names of elements and ruby variable names?
<meh`> rubys, normal block scoping
<meh`> if the block has a parameter it is just called and not instance_exec'd
<meh`> it all depends on how you need to use it
<rubys> as someone who has used similar things, that gets annoying very fast. Any mistake, and you will build dom nodes instead of getting a reasonable error message.
<meh`> rubys, that happens most of the time in this kind of language :)
<rubys> that's why tagz looks for terminating underscores, and wunderbar looks for leading underscores
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<meh`> rubys, if you worry about that, you add an argument
<meh`> DOM { |_| _.div.home { _.icon[:home] } }
<meh`> and there you go :)
<rubys> what would the following do? DOM { |_| _.div.home { _icon[:home] } }
<rubys> note: I removed a . between _.icon
<meh`> rubys, it would create an _icon element
<meh`> no
<meh`> it wouldn't
<meh`> it would just call a method _icon in scope
<meh`> I think
<meh`> dunno
<rubys> my guess is that you were right the first time
<rubys> adding an argument gives you an additional option, but doesn't solve the problem
<meh`> rubys, if you start tailoring APIs to possible typos you end up nowhere
<meh`> what if you type _dov instead of _div?
<meh`> you don't get an error, do you?
<rubys> it is not just typos. try running such logic in irb
<rubys> anyway, you asked what I think...
<meh`> rubys, yeah, I was just discussing it :)
<rubys> this is something that I have experience with over a long period of time. And I might be a tad opinionated :-)
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<GitHub125> opal/master d7628b9 Adam Beynon: Move some more language specs over to rubyspec
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<rubys> once [Browser::] starts working, I
<rubys> I'd like to discuss what should happen if the data parameter is a hash
<rubys> I'd like to see it encoded as a form request
<meh`> rubys, it's already like that
<meh`> see line 151 of browser/http/request.rb
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<GitHub24> opal/master d57fc8a Adam Beynon: Few minor fixes
<rubys> meh`: cool. I was browsing opal-jquery, and I didn't (and still don't) see that logic there
<meh`> it's probably missing
<meh`> opal-jquery is mostly a thin wrapper around jquery
<meh`> while opal-browser is a full blown wrapper of the browser APIs
<rubys> jquery itself probably does it
<meh`> yeah
<meh`> although I think it would do it with a normal object
<meh`> I don't know what would happen with an Opal Hash
<rubys> I started with opal-browser, couldn't figure out how to make it work, switched to jquery, and got an error. I still can't get either to work for me.
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#972 (master - d57fc8a : Adam Beynon): The build passed.
<adambeynon> [14:12:02] <rubys>, data).json
<adambeynon> (in jquery) is async
<adambeynon> so you pass it a block
<adambeynon> e.g.
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<GitHub54> opal/master 317d9c8 Elia Schito: Better description for rake spec task
<GitHub54> opal/master 421f2a5 Elia Schito: Update the instructions on running specs with rack
<GitHub54> opal/master 3bd6b45 Elia Schito: Whitespace
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<adambeynon>"/foo", :payload => { :name => "Bob" }) { |res| puts res.json }
<adambeynon>"/foo", :payload => { :name => "Bob" }) { |res| puts res.json }
<meh`> elia, lol, I was wonder where that 123 stuff was coming out from
<elia> meh`: always annoyed me
<meh`> yeah, me too
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<elia> :) the small things…
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<rubys> adambeynon: ah, yes
<meh`> oh well
<meh`> I guess it's time to write documentation
<rubys> in the jquery case, there was enough documentation
<rubys> and I think I can answer what happens when jQuery sees an OpalHash...
<rubys> it essentially ignores it
<rubys> I started with, name: value), and saw that it did a post with no data
<adambeynon> rubys: the hash gets passed into $.ajax, which is used as the general options
<adambeynon> I chose "payload" for the data as it looked nicer (and was inspired by BubbleWrap's HTTP lib)
<rubys> so, payload: {name:value}) ?
<adambeynon> yeap, exactly that
<rubys> looks like payloads are json encoded instead of x-www-form-urlencoded
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<GitHub45> opal/master e6fe210 Adam Beynon: Run all specs for Singleton from rubyspec
<adambeynon> does jquery default to x-www-form-urlencoded?
<adambeynon> looks like ti does
<adambeynon> it*
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<adambeynon> if you convert it to a string first, we dont override the contentType
<adambeynon> not sure thats ideal though
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<rubys> using opal-jquery and passing a payload as a string:
<rubys> single page application which has both client and server components; various data is fetch concurrently over the internet and the table is updated as responses arrive
<adambeynon> rubys: nice :D
<adambeynon> ENV['REQUEST_URI']
<adambeynon> how are you passing that to the client?
<rubys> that's a darn good question!
<rubys> I can probably remove it, as it probably evaluates to ''
<rubys> testing...
<rubys> yup
<rubys> this also works:
<rubys>, payload: "field=#{field}") do |response|
<adambeynon> ahh I see, yeh, nil.toString() => ''. makes sense
<adambeynon> looking good though
<rubys> so... why does opal-jquery override the content type?
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<GitHub15> [opal] adambeynon pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub15> opal/master dbc0252 Adam Beynon: Use rubyspec for stringscanner specs
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<rubys> in this case, I'm passing a single argument, but in the general case, having to marshall my own parameters (including worrying about % encoding) is a PITA
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#975 (master - dbc0252 : Adam Beynon): The build passed.
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<adambeynon> rubys: yeh.. up until now everything I have done with opal-jquery has been with json
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<GitHub184> opal/master ed7c234 Elia Schito: Use a different formatter for general browsers
<GitHub184> opal/master 3c44c92 Elia Schito: Fix rake build_specs
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#976 (master - 3c44c92 : Elia Schito): The build passed.
<rubys> adambeynon: meanwhile, on my side, I should be checking content type and accepting json. I can do that.
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<GitHub190> opal/master bf9ede4 Adam Beynon: Use rubyspec for observer and delegate specs
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<meh`> rubys, think examples are compelling enough?
<rubys> meh`: does HTTP.get work, or do you need to do Browser::HTTP
<meh`> rubys, everything is in Browser::
<meh`> I usually do a DOM = Browser::DOM in the main project scope
<meh`> like in lissio
<rubys> when I did, I got an error. In your examples, you do Browser::Socket but merely say HTTP. I'd suggest that you be consistent
<meh`> did I?
<meh`> yes I di
<meh`> rubys, thanks
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<GitHub198> [opal] elia force-pushed native-exposure from 5617eab to f1caa6b:
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<GitHub198> opal/native-exposure f1caa6b Elia Schito: Expose classes, modules and methods to js
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#978 (native-exposure - f1caa6b : Elia Schito): The build passed.
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<GitHub128> opal/master 33902e1 Adam Beynon: Remove last files from spec/rubyspec/library
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<elia> meh`: sprunge edition
<elia> javascript:e=document.querySelector('div.highlight>pre');e.innerHTML=e.innerHTML.replace(/\t/g,'%20%20')
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<GitHub185> [opal] adambeynon pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub185> opal/master bd5d97c Adam Beynon: Add set.rb to stdlib with basic specs
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<adambeynon> elia: that will also be helpful for me :)
<elia> adambeynon: lolz
<elia> look ma' this time no jquery
<elia> adambeynon: works on both and
<adambeynon> nice one
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#980 (master - bd5d97c : Adam Beynon): The build passed.
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<adambeynon> I think im fed up of dealing with rubyspec for today
<brixen> adambeynon: anything I can help with?
<adambeynon> brixen: I meant converting our current specs to use rubyspec instead. until now we were using a mixture of the two, so im just ripping our old ones out to use them directly from rubyspec
<adambeynon> should have gone with rubyspec from the start :)
<brixen> ah ok
<meh`> adambeynon, I told you
<meh`> but you NOPEd
<meh`> ages ago
<meh`> adambeynon, will you focus on the longstanding bugs now? :D
<meh`> that fucked up module inheritance is biting me in the ass
<meh`> brixen, do you use YARD?
<brixen> meh`: not if I can help it
<meh`> lol
<meh`> brixen, what do you prefer?
<brixen> nothing that embeds docs into source code
<meh`> oh
<adambeynon> meh`: just tidying up the Enumerator specs, then i am onto real bugs :)
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<meh`> adambeynon, great
<adambeynon> meh`: with lissio, do you have an intermediate controller between a route and the component?
<meh`> adambeynon, nope
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<meh`> adambeynon, yo
<adambeynon> evening
<meh`> any opal plans for the evening?
<adambeynon> meh`: not sure really, looking over what Ive done today atm
<adambeynon> might carry on tomorrow
<adambeynon> cant cope with these late nights anymore :P
<adambeynon> the super stuff needs fixing
<adambeynon> I've found quite a few problems with it
<adambeynon> I know how to fix it, but it seems like ti would be slow
<adambeynon> need to try and find a quicker way
<meh`> I see
<adambeynon> basically, you would need (for every super call) to have a while loop going up the hierarchy chain searching for the current super method, and then search again looking for its parent
<adambeynon> sort of a double loop thing
<adambeynon> which we did have before...
<adambeynon> and worked
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<meh`> adambeynon, eh, working is better than not
<meh`> I'd do it even as a speed fix
<adambeynon> yeh. at the end of the day, it is a very crucial feature to get right
<adambeynon> the time to worry is when we start using super() inside fibonacci calls
<meh`> lol
<adambeynon> right, so, we need to take 2 steps with super.
<adambeynon> 1. fix modules to be simple js objects
<adambeynon> currently, a modules "prototype" inherits from object,
<adambeynon> e.g.
<adambeynon> Opal.Enumerable.prototype.$to_s === Opal.Object.prototype.$to_s
<adambeynon> but it can be a simple js object, as we dont ever really call methods on it
<adambeynon> we just copy methods from it, onto other objects
<meh`> we do
<meh`> module methods are common
<adambeynon> meh`: "instance" methods I mean, not "class methods"
<adambeynon> i.e. you cant call Enumerable#all? without including it in a class
<meh`> oh ok
<meh`> yeah
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<GitHub50> [opal] adambeynon pushed 1 new commit to master:
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<GitHub50> opal/master ccd4c23 Adam Beynon: Use plain js object to store module 'instance' methods
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#981 (master - ccd4c23 : Adam Beynon): The build passed.
<travis-ci> [travis-ci] Build details :
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