meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<ryanstout> does anyone know the status on this issue:
<ryanstout> if I do:
<ryanstout> if $some_global
<ryanstout> it fails unless I do defined?($some_global)
<ryanstout> but in MRI I can just do the first
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<tybenz> hey everyone. just reading up about opal. does it work with other 3rd-party JS libraries?
<meh`> depends on your definition of "work" :)
<meh`> tybenz, also depends on the library
<tybenz> meh`: ok i think i'm starting to get it
<tybenz> meh`: so if i wanted to use Backbone for example with opal? it won't work?
<meh`> Backbone would work
<tybenz> meh`: that is, I won't be able to use the same OO-style stuff that opal already has
<meh`> but there are better options native to opal in that case
<meh`> in certain cases it's kind of pointless to use opal
<tybenz> meh`: IOW, can i define a class that extends form Backbone.View
<meh`> tybenz, with some wrapping, yes
<meh`> but it wouldn't be toll-free
<tybenz> ah… so to take advantage of the ruby-stuff you need to write wrappers for most 3rd party libs
<meh`> not most, but certain
<meh`> in any case a js library would feel out of place unless it's wrapped
<meh`> you CAN use the native stdlib that does automatic bridging
<tybenz> meh`: ok. thanks for the help. just curious more than anything whether or not opal is viable for my day-to-day development
<tybenz> meh`: is the automatic bridging stuff increase file size dramatically or decrease perf?
<meh`> tybenz, in my opinion and experience, if you want to do something from scratch with opal, it will be awesome
<meh`> if you want to merge it in something existing, it's going to be more trouble than anything
<meh`> from what I saw, the file size stays irrelevant, and there's no meaningful overhead
<meh`> tybenz, but in regards to backbone
<meh`> tybenz, keep in mind Opal hasn't hit 1.0 yet, so it's still kind of bleeding edge
<meh`> nonetheless, most of us use it in production
<tybenz> meh`: yeah. i noticed that.
<tybenz> meh`: vienna looks cool
<tybenz> meh`: definitely will keep my open
<tybenz> thanks again
<meh`> np
<tybenz> [o__o]: awesome nickname btw
<meh`> (it's a bot :P)
<tybenz> meh`: haha. i was wondering
<meh`> it's the log bot
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<GitHub63> opal/master adc35ea Elia Schito: Keep track and initialize to nil used gvars...
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<GitHub63> [opal] elia pushed 1 new commit to master:
<elia> tybenz, u still around?
<tybenz> elia: yeah
<elia> I had a project with some backbone and opal mixed
<elia> specifically I used some opal classes from js/coffee
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#1747 (master - adc35ea : Elia Schito): The build passed.
<travis-ci> [travis-ci] Build details :
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<elia> if you want you can also bridge backbone classes with this syntax: module Backbone; class View < `Backbone.View`; end end
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] Build details :
<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#1747 (master - adc35ea : Elia Schito): The build passed.
<tybenz> elia: awesome. thanks
<elia> tybenz, you can take a look at opal-jquery for an example of bridged class
<elia> and also there are the native_alias and native_class class methods
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<elia> the only gotcha is that you do MyClass.$new() instead of new MyClass()
<elia> (or if you add `class Class; alias_native :new, :new; end`
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<elia> adambeynon_, any reason there's unpublished stuff in the repo?
<elia> adambeynon_, also if you want I can do the 0.6 release
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<meh`> elia, the reason is the documentation doesn't apply to the released versio
<meh`> n
<elia> meh`, k, makes sense
<elia> let's push 0.6 then!
<elia> :)
<elia> adambeynon_, ^^^^
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<adambeynon_> hi elia . yeap, lots of 0.6.0 specific stuff there. kinda bad how long ago it was committed vs how long ago 0.6 should have been released
<adambeynon_> ryanstout: I saw your comment a couple of days ago about performance of class lookups
<adambeynon_> is it a big bottleneck?
<ryanstout> adambeynon_: not huge
<ryanstout> actually, not really that big, I thought it was a bigger issue than it was
<adambeynon_> ryanstout: good to know. It is slower than I would like, and there are possibly some optimizations
<adambeynon_> also for super lookups
<adambeynon_> couple of ideas could get those really snappy
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<ryanstout> cool
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<ryanstout> adambeynon_: have you ever run into this behavior? I'm building validations in Volt, so you can include a module and get validations, and I'm using def included(base) ; base.extend... to get the class methods in there. But any class variables I setup don't exist on the main class don't exist, but only in MRI.
<adambeynon_> ryanstout: I think our implementation of class variables is slightly/very broken
<adambeynon_> they dont get inherited properly
<adambeynon_> and I think actually they act more like global vars
<ryanstout> it sounds like MRI's is sort of broken in the case I described
<ryanstout> I found an article saying the other implementations (and ruby spec) define it as expected
<adambeynon_> ryanstout: to be honest, I never use them, so im not 100% sure how they work
<ryanstout> I've used them for a few things and its worked so far
<ryanstout> yea, I don't use them much either
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