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<e_dub> elia, started working on a wrapper for the Atom api over the weekend. Have all of the global `atom` object wrapped pretty nicely: . Have not yet figured out the best way to distribute it. Putting it in a gem means it gets used like other opal libraries do, which is good. I guess I could compile it and put it in npm and it could be used that way. Best would be we get
<e_dub> rubygems running on opal-node I think, but that's probably a huge undertaking .
<elia> e_dub, great!
<elia> e_dub, brb, with considerations about opal-gems
<e_dub> thanks
<meh`> e_dub, #initialize could be completely removed
<meh`> e_dub, alias_native :clipboard
<meh`> e_dub, alias_native :clipboard=
<e_dub> Ok, but then where do I set @native to make all the sweet native magic work?
<meh`> e_dub, `include Native` already does it for you
<meh`> just
<meh`> initialize becomes super(`atom`)
<e_dub> oh... /me smacks forehead
<e_dub> I'm sure there's plenty of really naive code in there. appreciate the reccomendations.
<meh`> e_dub, most of the code can be replaced with alias_native
<meh`> focus for instance
<meh`> alias_native :focus
<meh`> current_window
<meh`> alias_native :current_window, :getCurrentWindow
<meh`> etc
<meh`> also there are a bunch of inconsistencies if you haven't noticed
<meh`> sometimes you use atom.
<meh`> sometimes you use #@native
<e_dub> yeah, sorry can't remember exactly why but for some reason I thought I needed to do them that way.
<e_dub> really helpful, I'll clean this up before packaging it
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<meh`> e_dub, I'm going to add #native_reader #native_writer and #native_accessor later
<meh`> so you don't have to add a thousand alias_native for accessors
<e_dub> that will be really awesome
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<elia> e_dub, hackish way to get gems in opal-node could be to downlaod and unzip them and search for a lib/opal dir and add it to the load_path
<elia> e_dub, what's your current editor btw?
<e_dub> mostly sublime and vim in the terminal
<elia> k, bc I was working on a port of textmate stuff to atom
<e_dub> i saw, I was wondering where you were going with that. hard to tell from the description of "makes your life hard" ;P
<e_dub> but textmate has a lot of cool stuff
<e_dub> rmate, for instance
<elia> lol, yes, atom makes my life hard when I dare to use it
<e_dub> lol
<elia> the first missing feat for me is favorites
<elia> tm has this open faves that allows you to point to a dir and it considers all of the subdirs as projects
<e_dub> yeah, I have rsense working pretty well in sublime and now I can't live without it so I can't switch until I get it hooked up in atom
<elia> so I'm working on that
<e_dub> oh thats a cool idea
<e_dub> i have basically three dirs you could treat exactly like that
<elia> yeah, me too (2 dirs in my case)
<elia> (besides after reading about your addiction to rsense I'm wondering if there's a tmbundle for it)
<e_dub> dunno. I've made massive updates to it in this branch though
<e_dub> it had been sitting untouched for a very long time
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<e_dub> but with my changes, its currently even more of a bitch to get installed . Next step on it is turning it into something you can just say, "gem install rsense"
<elia> e_dub, that would be helpfu
<elia> *l
<e_dub> because it has a dependency on java and jruby, it takes a bit of slick work with Spoon to make it work like that, but redcar and processing have both done something very similar to what I have in mind so its definitely doable
<elia> e_dub, so it needs to be started in bg, to have bearable perf, because jruby, right?
<e_dub> exactly, and has to use the jruby jars gem so you can install it with mri or whatever
<meh`> I still would have called it enola-mate
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<GitHub42> [opal] meh pushed 1 new commit to master:
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<GitHub42> opal/master d9989fc meh: Add #native_reader, #native_writer and #native_accessor
<e_dub> elia its extremely fast now, once you get it started but startup time would make it unusable crap if it was actually firing the process up cold each time you needed autocomplete or to find a method definition
<elia> meh`, lol, was hoping for some italian pearl, btw enola-mate is still the only candidate (excluding atom-mate)
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] Build details :
<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#1755 (master - d9989fc : meh): The build passed.
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] Build details :
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#1755 (master - d9989fc : meh): The build passed.
<meh`> e_dub, you can now just s/attr(_accesssor)/native\1/
<e_dub> word
<meh`> and replace the initialize content with super(`atom`)
<meh`> and most methods with alias_native
<meh`> I really need to write some documentation on how to use native efficiently
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<adambeynon> e_dub: does atom just use npm packages then?
<e_dub> adambeynon it has a packagemanager apm built on top of npm. every atom plugin is an npm package, and has a package.json for installing dependencies. I'm not sure what apm adds on top, but its got 1 up on most other editor package managers (ala sublime text) because you can use other people's plugins as dependencies in your own.
<e_dub> and easily require node packages as dependencies
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<adambeynon> e_dub: interesting. still looking towards making opal work nicely with bower/npm for general use as well
<e_dub> adambeynon yeah, kind of liking the idea of opal packages all up in npm and on rubygems... rubyify all the things
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<elia> my faves dir
<e_dub> nice elia, beat me to it ;P pretty awesome though.
<elia> still needs events management
<elia> lol btw
<elia> hope it helps also
<elia> e_dub, also checkout this embryo stuff
<e_dub> embryo?
<e_dub> ah right
<elia> link-search-delay
<elia> just stubbing stuff out
<elia> but I think it could work
<e_dub> tried using it to install and use anything yet?
<elia> no, of course lol
<e_dub> lol
<elia> in theory it works for installing, still misses gem activation stuff, and dependency
<elia> management
<e_dub> that last one is the hard part
<elia> but could come really handy I think…
<e_dub> it might actually be easier to implement enough ruby to run the real rubygems than to implement dependency management
<elia> yeah, in fact I could leave it out altogether
<elia> e_dub, agree, only problem is that the File/Dir/HTTP stuff are totally under-developed
<elia> but once they're ready will probably be almost straightforward