meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<dimaursu16> guys, if I use another JS library with opal, how do I call it?
<dimaursu16> for example PDFjs
<dimaursu16> what I am trying to do is to covert this code to opal ->
<dimaursu16> aha, I can use the Native object to wrap whatever I need; lets check that
<meh`> dimaursu16,
<meh`> $$.PDFJS.getDocument('helloworld.pdf').then { |pdf| Native(pdf).getPage(1).then { ....
<dimaursu16> ok, I will try it
<meh`> I don't like the Native() in blocks mfm
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<meh`> but if I wrap blocks into a wrapping block then it could break
<meh`> mmh
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<ryanstout> logger isn’t in opal yet right?
<ryanstout> the Logger class that is
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