meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<GitHub172> [opal] adambeynon pushed 1 new commit to add-for-loops:
<GitHub172> opal/add-for-loops 1363782 Adam Beynon: All for-loop specs from rubyspec now pass
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#1840 (add-for-loops - 1363782 : Adam Beynon): The build passed.
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<GitHub89> opal/add-for-loops 36e2730 Adam Beynon: Cleanup s(:for) compiler
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#1841 (add-for-loops - 36e2730 : Adam Beynon): The build passed.
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<GitHub84> opal/master 9b96d6d Adam Beynon: Merge branch 'add-for-loops'
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<GitHub6> [opal] adambeynon deleted add-for-loops at 36e2730:
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<GitHub148> opal/master 64281a8 Adam Beynon: Implement Array#| and passing all ruby specs
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<adambeynon> elia: I wonder how much work it would be to create an opal/jquery backend for shoes
<elia> adambeynon, you mean making shoes programs work in a web browser?
<adambeynon> elia: yeap, possibly plugable into bootstrap css
<elia> I think it would be awesome, and potentially easy… more or less
<elia> adambeynon, you thinking of packaging them with atom-shell too? :D
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<adambeynon> could well do ^_^
<adambeynon> think I will give it a go this weekend
<adambeynon> would be an awesome demo to show off
<elia> adambeynon, indeed :)
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<GitHub118> [opal-jquery] adambeynon pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub118> opal-jquery/master 8f6efb1 Thijs de Vries: Make sure these don't return null and can be set in more rubyish manner.
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<GitHub118> opal-jquery/master dba0cb3 Adam Beynon: Merge pull request #40 from moger777/fix_height_width...
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<GitHub189> [opal-jquery] adambeynon closed pull request #40: Make height/width not return null, be set with = methods instead of jquery calls. (master...fix_height_width)
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<GitHub71> opal/master 4f4a102 Adam Beynon: Fix to raise ArgumentError on values that cannot be compared
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<GitHub136> [opal] adambeynon pushed 1 new commit to master:
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<GitHub136> opal/master 0f0275d Adam Beynon: Add changes to changelog
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#1844 (master - 4f4a102 : Adam Beynon): The build passed.
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<GitHub136> opal/master 2a1307c Adam Beynon: Fix Range#=== to call include?
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<GitHub147> [opal] adambeynon pushed 3 new commits to master:
<GitHub147> opal/master b9c1088 Adam Beynon: Add some missing MatchData rubyspecs
<GitHub147> opal/master efbdd86 Adam Beynon: Add some missing regexp specs
<GitHub147> opal/master 666aea4 Adam Beynon: Add some missing regexp specs
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<GitHub79> opal/elia/range-step-wip 3f7eb47 Elia Schito: WIP
<GitHub79> [opal] elia created elia/range-step-wip (+1 new commit):
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<elia> adambeynon, on this branch (elia/range-step-wip) I pushed som WIP i had on range
<elia> thought you could be interested :)
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<adambeynon> elia: sure thing! trying to get a few bugs/fixes done in the next few days
<adambeynon> with jquery + vienna as well
<adambeynon> and a plan to rename/release vienna
<adambeynon> as there is already a vienna gem registered :(
<elia> adambeynon, then I'll push all my WIP branches :)
<elia> that's sad,
<elia> I thought you secured the name…
<elia> (same thing happened to lotus btw)
<elia> adambeynon, there's some opal/js discussion on #ruby-lang btw
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<GitHub7> [opal-activesupport] adambeynon pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub7> opal-activesupport/master c72d620 Adam Beynon: Add Array#as_json
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<shevy> can you target, with opal, the DOM and other dynamic things? like if I wish to handle an on-click event on a <div> container, and drag it to a new position with the mouse, written in ruby?
<adambeynon> hi shevy
<shevy> hi there
<adambeynon> yes, that will work by using Native, which wraps native api such as the dom
<adambeynon> but, I would recommend using either opal-jquery or opal-browser
<adambeynon> both wrap/extend the dom into a ruby api
<adambeynon> dealing with dom using just Native can be awkward
<adambeynon> its possible, but definately awkward
<adambeynon> mainly because of the differences between ruby and js syntax - some things dont map quite right
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<adambeynon> also, both libraries handle any cross browser differences (which there are many with the dom)
<shevy> well I intend to mostly run this now for my localhost/apache/firefox/ruby.cgi things, it would be much more efficient to do things with ruby than have to invest a lot of time (which I don't really have) into properly mastering javascript
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<GitHub66> [opal-todos] elia pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub66> opal-todos/master c8ad7bb Elia Schito: Use thin to avoid safari+webrick bugs
<GitHub66> opal-todos/master 436da57 Elia Schito: Add Gemfile.lock
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<GitHub91> opal-jquery/master b65478b Adam Beynon: Add Promise support to HTTP get/post/put/delete methods
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<GitHub91> [opal-jquery] adambeynon pushed 1 new commit to master:
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<GitHub156> 880b2a5 Adam Beynon: Initial draft of Promises blog post
<GitHub156> [] adambeynon pushed 1 new commit to master:
<adambeynon> hi meh`, if you have a chance, have a look through that draft ^^
<adambeynon> its a quick blog post on using promises with opal
<adambeynon> the examples need improving, but any thing you think is missing etc, would be appreciated
<adambeynon> trying to do a few more this week as well on various libs/opal bits
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<meh`> adambeynon, I'd add a note about #trace
<meh`> adambeynon, and it fits perfectly in the examples
<meh`> instead of the final #then with "all is finished"
<meh`> you add a .trace do |details, contacts, whatever|
<meh`> it calls the block with the results of all the preceding promises
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<adambeynon> meh`: ahh, neat. Didnt notice that before, but it will work great there
<adambeynon> meh`: maybe im being slow, but how does `.trace |a, b, c|` differ from `.then |a, b, c|` ?
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<adambeynon> meh`: nvm, just realised the difference :)
<adambeynon> (should have read the implementation..)
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<elia> adambeynon, just curious about how do you run specs while developing, by hand or with some vim plugin?
<adambeynon> elia: I use tmux with vim on top 80% of screen and a shell on bottom 20%. I then have a vim script triggered by "leader-r" which runs "bundle exec rake" in the bottom shell
<adambeynon> The code is awful as I don't use vim script much, but it works well enough
<elia> well of course was asking bc I use spectator that runs specs as you save the file
<elia> :) and wanted to be sure I wasn't missing something
<elia> adambeynon, maybe you can give it a try in your 20% shell :)
<adambeynon> Will do ;) it's trying to change finger memory that is the Tricky thing. The number of times I have typed ":w" into form fields is ridiculous.
<elia> adambeynon, that's why I never deepened my knowledge of vim…
<elia> adambeynon, meh` is one of the few ppl that I think does it right (aka everything's vim)
<elia> :D
<elia> adambeynon, anyways these are the words of an uncool person, and part of a minority that stubbornly keep using textmate (2)…
<ryanstout> elia: I’m still using TM (TM2 though, hehe)
<elia> hey bro!
<ryanstout> technically TM is the newest thing out there (except for sublime and atom)
<ryanstout> :-)
<elia> ryanstout, except they're cool, because you configure with json and cson… don't let me start on that…
<ryanstout> sublime you mean?
<elia> both, atom uses cson (coffee-json)
<elia> ryanstout, on a brighter note checkout this:
<ryanstout> nice
<elia> just pushed install command
<elia> ryanstout, you should now be able to: tmb install elia/bundler
<ryanstout> elia: installed :-)
<ryanstout> thanks
<elia> ⌥⌘O ftw!
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