meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<GitHub86> [opal] elia pushed 6 new commits to master:
<GitHub86> opal/master 4118d36 Elia Schito: Update the wannabe mspec command
<GitHub86> opal/master 0defdea Elia Schito: Use LoadError and $stderr in Kernel#require
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<GitHub86> opal/master e60865e Elia Schito: Extract paths into their file
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#1857 (master - 69090b8 : Elia Schito): The build passed.
<travis-ci> [travis-ci] Build details :
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#1857 (master - 69090b8 : Elia Schito): The build passed.
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<adambeynon> elia: I did wonder about adding a tilt/sprockets type register system for file types
<adambeynon> e.g. ERBAsset, HAMLAsset
<adambeynon> so opal-haml can just register itself for the new builder
<elia> adambeynon: yeah, makes sense
<elia> with sprockets processing could even be something like template.opalhaml and its processor does the wrapping and compiling and passes the thing over to the usual rb processor
<elia> adambeynon: my turn
<elia> I was thinking about adding a nodejs section to stdlib
<elia> so that if one runs on node it gets working FS methods
<elia> HTTP etc
<elia> can even become some general adapter tactic where the browser or phantom all have their adapters
<elia> adambeynon: my evil plan includes adding an option to the cli to pick which adapter you wanna use / have available (e.g. --js-engine phantomjs)
<adambeynon> elia: yeap, sounds a good way to go
<adambeynon> infact I think for testing at a minimum it would be great
<adambeynon> to run rspec/mspec binaries directly as well
<elia> right
<adambeynon> escpecially with the require stuff you have done -
<adambeynon> elia: on a completely separate note, have you seen the mobile emulation stuff in chrome?
<adambeynon> its literally amazing
<adambeynon> never seen it before, not sure if its a new thing
<elia> wow, I missed it, I'm a safari guy (I keep chrome for incognito mainly, cache free and "malaware" safe)
<elia> adambeynon, you had a chance to try spectator? any thoughts?
<meh`> adambeynon, ping
<adambeynon> elia: I havent had a chance tbh. will try it later though with some playing with opal ;)
<elia> :)
<adambeynon> meh`: yo yo
<meh`> adambeynon, disregard that, it was my fault
<adambeynon> elia: going back to the node things, we could do with 2 libs - one for ruby compliance, then another for taking advantage of nodejs async IO stuff
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<elia> adambeynon, +1 for adding support for the async stuff
<elia> adambeynon, could even go to the extent of adding optional blocks to standard methods
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<adambeynon> elia: yeap, better than duplicated classes/modules I suppose
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<GitHub124> [opal-rails] mhenirecord opened pull request #24: (master...travis-oh-boy)
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