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<ylluminarious_> adambeynon, a couple of days ago, a friend of mine made this issue on the opal/opal repository: i implemented your solution on that particular wrapper (opal-phaser) and made a pull request for it here: unfortunately, it looks like the developers of phaser don't know why or how this solution is fixing anything or what opal might be doing
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<adambeynon> ylluminarious_: what type of object is `frames`?
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<ylluminarious_> yes
<ylluminarious_> it's used in a method to parse the json data and extract the animation frame data from it
<ylluminarious_> here's where it is in the phaser source code, if you care to look at it more in-depth:
<adambeynon> so `frames` is an array in this case?
<ylluminarious_> well, a comment in the code says that it is, but one of those phaser devs is talking about it like it's not an array :-/
<adambeynon> from that example json it looks like it is showing up as an array, in which case `for (var key in frames)` would includes these additional keys from opal. But its not just opal, it would also include any added functions to Array.prototype, which is quite common
<adambeynon> polyfills etc
<grios> yes, right, when parsing from opal it add those keys (
<grios> so, this is probably phaser handling it wrong, should be iterating with for(i=0;i<len;i++), as the other dev commented
<adambeynon> yep. for-in isnt a safe assumption for arrays anymore. polyfills are used all the time which would break them
<ylluminarious_> yeah, i think you guys are right
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<ylluminarious_> adambeynon, alright, well, thanks for the help. i'm gonna wait and see what those phaser devs say.
<adambeynon> ylluminarious_: no problem. I will try and have a look through their code, and the wrapper, later on incase its something obvious im missing
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