meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<shlee322> I made a form of sync by using yield of javascript. Can i pull request?
<shlee322> Example)
<shlee322> def update
<shlee322> puts "test1"
<shlee322> %x{
<shlee322> yield* Opal.event(function(cb) {
<shlee322> setTimeout(cb, 1000);
<shlee322> });
<shlee322> }
<shlee322> puts "test2"
<shlee322> end
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<adambeynon> shlee322: We can’t support that - it only works on very new browsers
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<shevy> I am reading up on
<shevy> One thing caught my attention:
<shevy> "Because true and false compile to their native javascript equivalents, they must share the same class: Boolean."
<shevy> "For this reason, they do not belong to their respective TrueClass and FalseClass classes from ruby."
<shevy> Do you guys think that Ruby should have a Boolean class? From which TrueClass and FalseClass derive?
<meh`> shevy, no
<meh`> shevy, well, each of us has his own opinion which I don't know
<meh`> shevy, the choice is a limitation from javascript
<shevy> hmm
<shevy> how does one use opal?
<shevy> would I generate the javascript code, and then just put it into a .html file or something like that?
<meh`> shevy, depends on the way you have your app setup
<meh`> shevy, it uses sprockets, and there's a rails helper thing
<shevy> well I think right now I mostly have my ruby in .cgi files
<meh`> shevy, you can build the thing upfront, or build it on demand, up to you
<shevy> hmm
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