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<GitHub100> opal/master 978b401 Elia Schito: Add a dummy IO#sync accessor
<GitHub100> [opal] elia pushed 1 new commit to master:
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<travis-ci> opal/opal#2209 (master - 978b401 : Elia Schito): The build passed.
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<fkchang> elia: adambeynon_ u guys do much pubsub/observer pattern stuff in opal? I stumbled on and think I'd probably write something like it for opal, but figured u guys might've already written something like it. I remember adambeynon_ talkinb about something like it in trying to do something live binding like for vienna or something
<adambeynon_> fkchang: Vienna has two kinds - Eventable, which is similar to backbone style events
<adambeynon_> User.on(:add) { … }
<adambeynon_> and Observable, which watches for attribute changes on objects
<adambeynon_> user.add_observer(:name) { … }
<fkchang> adambeynon_: usable and/or extractable outside of vienna?
<adambeynon_> fkchang: of course. both are very small modules
<adambeynon_> ~20 lines
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<adambeynon_> add_observer basically overrides the setter method on the object, to notify listeners for future changes
<adambeynon_> similar to KVO from cocoa
<adambeynon_> (20 lines might have been a little optimistic ;)
<adambeynon_> fkchang: btw, rubyfire (the vienna rewrite) uses something similar to Volt
<adambeynon_> which I believe is based on meteors obseravble style
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<fkchang> adambeynon_: cool, I think a general pub sub similar to the js lib might be appropriate, might be overkill to use as the backend part of eventable/observable. Contemplating whether I'd actually use the hierarchical addressing the js lib has. I perceive duplicated functionality, but don't necessarily think a common core applies
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<travis-ci> IndieMagic/opal#1 (master - 38ddd63 : Lila Grace): The build passed.
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