meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<fkchang> meh`: it's complete
<meh`> fkchang, yeah, no clue why it's not working
<meh`> the code checks everything
<meh`> if it's loaded it calls the block, if it isn't it calls when the document is ready
<meh`> unless
<meh`> unless safari and chrome don't like DOMContentLoaded
<fkchang> could it be a conflict w/jquery, which I mean to pull out but left in
<fkchang> took it out, same
<meh`> mh
<meh`> fkchang, can you try a simple stupid example that just alerts something?
<meh`> with just opal-browser
<fkchang> yeah, I was trying gist the simplest version of my thing
<fkchang> gotta drop off a friend at the airport, I'll check in later if ur there
<meh`> fkchang, wait
<meh`> Document#ready? is just a predicate, you should call Document#ready
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<fkchang> meh`: ok, thanks. Guess I was recalling the Document.ready? of opal-jquery
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<capitalist> Does anyone know what the latest version of ruby supported by Opal is?
<capitalist> Not for the runtime, I'm interested in features I can use in Opal code that will be compiled into js.
<capitalist> Keyword args, fibers, refinements, unbound methods?
<capitalist> FAQ only mentions this: "What version of ruby does Opal target?
<capitalist> We are running tests under ruby 2.0.0 conditions, but are mostly compatible with 1.9 level features."
<capitalist> FAQ only mentions this: "What version of ruby does Opal target? We are running tests under ruby 2.0.0 conditions, but are mostly compatible with 1.9 level features."
<capitalist> But that doesn't actually tell me if the pass the entire ruby 2 rubyspec
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