meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<frekk> does anyone know what block we'll be rolling back to?
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<_elia> adambeynon_, was thinking about doing something way simpler for sourcemaps and write them to disk:
<adambeynon_> _elia: one slight problem is that we would still need to read them all and then concatenate them on each page reload
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<fkchang> meh`_: ping
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<meh`_> fkchang, pong
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<fkchang> meh`_: we should add something like this to lissio. I need to read the lissio code to see how it works
<meh`_> fkchang, paggio already does that
<meh`_> fkchang, as in, it already gives you a virtual dom
<meh`_> fkchang, or are you referring to patching and diff?
<fkchang> primarily the patching diff stuff, so lissio can be "webscale" like ract
<fkchang> s/ract/react/
<meh`_> fkchang, well, it shouldn't be hard to do
<fkchang> meh`_: I'll revisit at some point, anything else cool going on?
<meh`_> fkchang, trying Rust
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<fkchang> meh`_: did some work w/Go, think I'd probably be happier w/Rust
<fkchang> meh`_: though I'm curious what you'd do in rust since I understand that rust's concurrency model is based on erlang's
<meh`_> fkchang, do you know Synergy?
<meh`_> I'm making that, except what I'm going to do will work properly :P
<fkchang> meh`_: ah, so not something really exlixr appropriate, you want something that is C like, but not C
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