meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
<frekk> so did anyone figure out who the identity of diabanhxeo is yet?
<frekk> shouldn't be hard
<frekk> :)
<godd2> frekk wrong opal. This is an irc channel for the Ruby gem Opal, not for the altcoin Opalcoin
<frekk> oh
<frekk> oops
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<Livadi> hi pals
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<godd2> Morning
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<meh`> hi
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<adambeynon_> meh`: are you sure optimised ops will break your paggio gem? It only takes effect if both LHS and RHS are numeric
<meh`> adambeynon_, yes
<meh`> 2.px + 2.px is not going to work
<adambeynon_> meh`: what does 2.px return? Sorry, on phone atm so can't check
<meh`> adambeynon_, I don't remember either
<meh`> :D
<meh`> yeah I think it returns a wrapped thing
<adambeynon_> meh`: lol. Okies. Was just thinking about it earlier.
<meh`> adambeynon_, ah wait
<meh`> I think I remember
<meh`> adambeynon_, is % optimized?
<adambeynon_> meh`: yes. I seem to remember that was the special case you used
<meh`> adambeynon_, yeah
<meh`> I have 2.%
<adambeynon_> meh`: one thought it that the optimisation only kicks in when there is a single rhs are
<adambeynon_> Arg
<godd2> both `console.log(typeof(#{100.px})==='number')` and `console.log(typeof(#{100.%})==='number')` return false to the console
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<godd2> doesn't that mean it would bypass the inline operators?
<godd2> here's the gemfile/rakefile I used:
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