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<adambeynon_> morning elia. any thoughts/objections to add HTTP#[] and HTTP#[]= for accessing and setting http headers
<elia> hey morning!
<elia> no, not really, do they exist in Net::HTTP? (not a condition, just curious)
<adambeynon_> elia: yeap, exactly the same
<adambeynon_> elia: Im also reworking some of the API. its currently quite awkward to alter a request before sending
<elia> (btw don't trust me 100% today, I had fever for two days)
<adambeynon_> the usual HTTP.get, .post methods will stay the same though
<adambeynon_> not to break anything
<adambeynon_> elia: eeek, bad times :(
<elia> :)
<elia> brb
<elia> adambeynon_, here I am, what's the status of the cache branch? is it merge-able yet?
<cantonic> hey there
<cantonic> just wanted to tell you guys how exciting your project is
<cantonic> i didn
<cantonic> i didn’t have the chance to use it in production yet, but I would really like to
<elia> cantonic, thanks, that's awesome! :)
<cantonic> we are currently building a school management application and I thought about suggesting opal, but I am not sure how “production ready” it is
<cantonic> If I bring it in and it created headaches all over the place, the other developers would become angry on me :)
<elia> cantonic, I used it on production for sites with millions of users, one of them used the same opal codebase for both desktop and mobile version with responsive css
<cantonic> ok that
<elia> biggest issue I had with coworkers comes from distrust and from not realizing it's ruby and not js/cs
<cantonic> ok that’s a point :)
<cantonic> yeah, distrust will be my enemy as well i guess
<cantonic> the other argument i will hear is that there isn’t a big community around it so it might be harder to find solutions for errors or problems
<elia> counter argument is that all of its code is ruby and js, pretty low barrier for contributions
<elia> also you can write js directly with x-strings (`` and %x{})
<elia> on the bright side some people will love it
<cantonic> thx, noted that argument down
<cantonic> oh okay, that’s cool
<cantonic> we are using rails 4 and i am currently writing a calendar module using backbone. is there any chance to still use backbone, but with opal?
<cantonic> sorry for flooding you with questions :)
<elia> I mixed backbone and opal on one of those apps but it's not advisable I guess
<cantonic> and switching completely to vienna?
<elia> from js side you would need to instantiate objects the ruby way: Opal.MyClass.$new() instead of new MyClass
<cantonic> i see...
<elia> that should be much better
<cantonic> we are not really in demand of opal, but I was so amazed by it, that I desperately try to find something where I could use it :D
<elia> vienna is very similar to backbone
<cantonic> that’s nice. So switching them shouldn’t be that hard
<elia> code becomes much better, a couple times I was also able to move stuff from rails to browser and viceversa
<elia> not really a backbone expert :) maybe adambeynon_ knows better
<cantonic> hmm… I think I will try it…
<cantonic> because I would really like to contribute, but I don’t have the time for it. using opal in my daily-work-project would allow me to do so :)
<elia> +1
<elia> leaving for luch, see you
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<cantonic> alright, then I should directly start. 
<cantonic> thx for the info
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<GitHub181> [opal-jquery] adambeynon pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub181> opal-jquery/master 5e0f25e Adam Beynon: Generate HTTP action methods using a bit of meta
<GitHub181> opal-jquery/master 5abbce5 Adam Beynon: Document some HTTP methods
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<GitHub84> [opal-jquery] adambeynon pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub84> opal-jquery/master 7217ebf Adam Beynon: Temp fix error
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<GitHub11> [opal-jquery] adambeynon pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub11> opal-jquery/master 64792d8 Adam Beynon: Cleanup docs a little
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<GitHub121> [opal-jquery] adambeynon pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub121> opal-jquery/master 51e9601 Adam Beynon: Start documenting some differenced between Element and jQuery instances
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<GitHub171> [opal-jquery] adambeynon pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub171> opal-jquery/master b1fb9b6 Adam Beynon: Some more docs and cleanup
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<GitHub63> [opal-jquery] adambeynon pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub63> opal-jquery/master 58ab3e4 Adam Beynon: Clarify that LocalStorage needs to be required
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<adambeynon_> elia: I was thinking, do we still need to host the docs, or could we just point to them @ rubydoc
<adambeynon_> that site can pull them from master @ github too
<elia> adambeynon_, for opal-* gems I guess is fine
<elia> in opal itself I'm not sure tho
<adambeynon_> elia: because lib vs. core lib vs. stdlib ?
<elia> yes
<elia> makes sense?
<adambeynon_> yes, didnt think of that
<elia> adambeynon_, btw it got much better
<elia> I mean
<elia> well, the template
<elia> at the time I forked for opal docs it wasn't html5
<adambeynon_> elia: they are using a custom template, for what I can tell. using yard locally it only comes with the old html4 style stuff
<adambeynon_> I cant find their html5 based templates
<adambeynon_> but yes, much cleaner
<adambeynon_> font sizes are much better too
<adambeynon_> slightly bigger
<adambeynon_> makes a huge difference
<elia> We just rolled out our new frameless templates for library docs.
<elia> adambeynon_, maybe they'll release it after some testing on
<adambeynon_> I didnt think to check the branches ;)
<elia> there we go
<elia> I think you're right anyway, we can link to rdoc for all non core libs
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<GitHub145> [opal-jquery] adambeynon pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub145> opal-jquery/master a93e967 Adam Beynon: Style fixes for Element.expose()
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