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<marioooo> Hey guys :) scratching my head over a 'undefined method `to_n' for {"render"=>#<Proc:undefined>}' issue.
<marioooo> Have tried to give as much context as possible here:
<marioooo> Looks like to_n is defined on Hash in stdlib/native.rb, but searching through source it doesn't seem to appear in opal.min.js or opal-parser.min.js so I'm a bit confused as to where in the process it should be ending up there...
<marioooo> I can see it within so obviously I must be missing some sort of inclusion!
<marioooo> So, it appears the opal gem CLI doesn't do anything about the 'require' statements, and opal.min.js doesn't include the stdlib. Got things working by trying the guide...
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<marioooo> .win 4
<marioooo> Struggling a little with opal-browser, would anyone be able to point me in the right direction for getting it working through sprockets?
<marioooo> I'm using the static application build method. require 'opal/browser' seems to be correct for the Rakefile, but all name variants I can think of within the .rb being compiled are throwing:
<marioooo> Sprockets::FileNotFound: couldn't find file 'opal/browser' (for whichever require name I'm trying, i.e. 'browser', 'opal-browser', 'opal/browser')
<marioooo> (Static build method referring to: