meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<whomp> what's opal's status right now, is it used in production?
<whomp> also, is there anything that it doesn't translate over to js? does it support the entire core library?
<whomp> can you use gems with it?
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<adambeynon_> whomp: it is used in several production sites; I have it in 4 currently
<adambeynon_> 4 actively used ones
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<adambeynon_> a few more smaller scale ones
<adambeynon_> whomp: most of the corelib has already been translated, there are a few small part which have not, but they should be considered bugs
<adambeynon_> whomp: you can compile any gem using Opal. some stuff wont work, e.g. File/IO access as they cant be supported in thr browser
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<whomp> adambeynon_, nice, i might use it then
<whomp> it's a hard choice between that and iced coffeescript
<whomp> it would be sick if you guys extended ruby to support "await" and "defer", like iced cs does
<adambeynon_> whomp: there was some talk of it before - I need to look into icedcoffeescript a little more to see what/how it does it
<whomp> word. yeah it would make async programming, and thus opal's use with node.js, a lot easier
<meh`> adambeynon_, we can't do it
<meh`> whomp, why not use promises?
<whomp> meh` and adambeynon_, if javascript can do it, you can do it
<meh`> whomp, no, we can't
<whomp> meh`, promises have pros and cons compared with await and defer
<whomp> the two are good in different situations
<meh`> whomp, the way coffeescript is compiled has nothing to do how Ruby works or is compiled
<whomp> meh`, why can't await and defer be implemented?
<meh`> whomp, because we'd have to make await and defer keywords and compile them differently, adding semantics and restrictions that are not present in Ruby
<meh`> which is going to break code
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<adambeynon_> whomp, meh` : also it is likely we will move towards using whitequark’s parser at some point in the future, and wont have the option of custom keywords
<whomp> meh`, like what, for instance?
<meh`> whomp, any code that uses defer or await as names for anything
<whomp> meh`, that's a trivial syntax issue. just add some weird chars around it or something
<meh`> whomp, sounds like a javascript solution :)
<meh`> if it's not doable as a library, it won't make it in
<whomp> how unfortunate
<meh`> if it breaks compatibility with Ruby, it won't make it in
<whomp> seems oblivious to javascript's typical uses
<whomp> and it wouldn't need to break compatibility
<meh`> it has to
<whomp> this conversation is making me dumber
<meh`> and javascript doesn't have await or defer in the first place
<meh`> and as far as I know, neither do the next ES drafts
<whomp> i already spoke to that issue
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<krainboltgreene> So does require_relative not work on opal?
<krainboltgreene> Bah.
<godd2> but wait, there's more
<krainboltgreene> Why wouldn't it be supported?
<godd2> looks like 0.7.0beta3 might have your back
<krainboltgreene> Oh snap.
<godd2> just specify the version in your gemfile, and bundle update to check out beta3
<krainboltgreene> Why hasn't opal made me a millionaire. *waits for godd2 to solve that*
<godd2> I'm using beta3 for my gem
<krainboltgreene> How's that working for you?
<krainboltgreene> This isn't a work project, so I don't mind going into beta.
<godd2> also, make sure that if you have Rakefiles that you want to use old versions of opal with, to specify "gem 'opal', '0.6.3'" right before the opal require in the rakefile
<godd2> otherwise rake will try to use the latest version of the gem installed on your system. or at least, thats what I was running into
<meh`> just make sure to run bundle exec rake
<krainboltgreene> Looks like 0.7 breaks a public API from 0.6
<meh`> instead of rake
<krainboltgreene> NameError: uninitialized constant Opal::Environment
<meh`> krainboltgreene, yeah, it's been removed, you should be able to just use sprockets
<godd2> theres an example of just using sprockets instead
<krainboltgreene> Yeah, I see the changelog details, cool.
<godd2> meh` thanks for the bundle exec tip
<meh`> krainboltgreene, if you're coming from 0.6, make sure you're not using internal properties
<krainboltgreene> Probably not.
<meh`> krainboltgreene, there's been a lot of runtime cleaning
<krainboltgreene> Kay.
<meh`> so a lot of names changed, but if you just wrote Ruby it won't be an issue
<krainboltgreene> I should be fine then.
<krainboltgreene> Interesting, opal converts constants to ' strings, but strings to "
<krainboltgreene> Muchos gracias, both of you.
<krainboltgreene> Does opal.js borrow anything from sugar.js?
<meh`> not that I know
<meh`> and I implemented most of the standard library one way or another
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