meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<ceej> with opal jquery, how would you access the element of an on click event inside the block...
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<ceej> there doesn’t seem to be a way to get the dom element that was just clicked
<ceej> ah so looks like evt.current_target works :)
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<adambeynon_> ceej: that is the best way. I will add that to the README
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<GitHub192> [] adambeynon pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub192> 2b0bb34 Adam Beynon: Clarify current_target method for jquery
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<GitHub180> [] adambeynon pushed 1 new commit to gh-pages:
<GitHub180> a200e99 Adam Beynon: Site updated to 2b0bb34
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<GitHub176> [opal-jquery] adambeynon pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub176> opal-jquery/master cedfa6c Adam Beynon: Point towards website for docs
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<ceej> adambeynon_: thank you :)
<adambeynon_> ceej: you’re welcome. I think #element is a more obvious choice instead of #current_target. We only use #current_target to mirror what jquery uses
<adambeynon_> but #element seems better
<ceej> yeep
<ceej> can’t wait to show you guys the opal project I’ve been working on :)
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<fkchang`> adambeynon_: meh` so Charlie Nutter & Tom Enebo (the JRuby guys) are having a JRuby beer tour today, they charted a bus and are going on a Microbrewery Beer tour in San Diego, it's a "Talk JRuby, drink good beer" event. We need to have an Opal Beer tour
<adambeynon_> ceej: sounds good, let us know :)
<adambeynon_> fkchang`: ha, sounds good
<adambeynon_> we’ll sort one out
<fkchang`> gotta figure how the European and US opal folks can get together
<fkchang`> ceej: what's ur project about?
<fkchang`> BTW, so for my rubyconf talk on jubilee, I built a MMO rock paper scissors game in Opal/Jubilee. Side featured opal for a "full ruby stack", but the main sell was using Jubilee to do async and scale out while reusing all your Rails/Ruby/Rack knowledge
<fkchang`> between my talk and ryan's hopefully some decent exposure for opal
<meh`> fkchang`, nice
<fkchang`> yeah my "proof of concept" was to get everyone in the room to play at once, with the whole system running on 1 dyno
<fkchang`> meh`: anything interesting going on? I want to build something similar to volt wrt same code on both sides, but with lissio
<meh`> fkchang`, nothing new, I've been hitting my head on fixing class bridging for the past weeks
<fkchang`> how about elixirwise?
<meh`> same
<meh`> it became personal
<meh`> I can't focus on anything else
<fkchang`> ok, good luck
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