meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<GitHub172> [opal] adambeynon pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub172> opal/master efa2c16 Adam Beynon: Ensure spec coverage for ERB::Util.h
<GitHub172> opal/master c47bf2b Adam Beynon: Add , and with rubyspecs
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<travis-ci> opal/opal#2121 (master - c47bf2b : Adam Beynon): The build passed.
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<GitHub10> [opal] adambeynon pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub10> opal/master 82e7943 Adam Beynon: Fix Set#replace to work with all enums, and add specs
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<GitHub83> opal/master a91e020 Adam Beynon: Add Set#subtract
<GitHub83> [opal] adambeynon pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub83> opal/master b6f6f33 Adam Beynon: Implemented Set#difference and Set#eql?
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<travis-ci> opal/opal#2123 (master - b6f6f33 : Adam Beynon): The build passed.
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<GitHub190> [opal] adambeynon pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub190> opal/master d9726a7 Adam Beynon: Some numeric specs
<GitHub190> opal/master 3269a8b Adam Beynon: Consistent glob format in rubyspecs
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<travis-ci> opal/opal#2124 (master - 3269a8b : Adam Beynon): The build passed.
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<GitHub137> [opal] adambeynon pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub137> opal/master ac7ab98 Adam Beynon: Use symbol language specs from rubyspec
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<GitHub137> opal/master 51a9324 Adam Beynon: Remove placeholder symbol specs and use rubyspec instead
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<adambeynon> hi elia, in the Rakefile we have :mspec_node and :mspec tasks
<adambeynon> is there a difference between them?
<elia> adambeynon: sure, mspec task runs with sprockets and phantomjs
<elia> msec_node runs on (surprise!) node via bin/opal
<elia> ideally I’d like to make the mspec gem work as intended someday
<adambeynon> yeah, would be nice to get that working
<elia> adambeynon: also the mspec_node setup is much simpler, and I’d like to get rid of some of the stuff we can live without from mspec/rake_task & co
<elia> on the other hand exercising both phantomjs (a browser) and sprockets (our most used file backend) has its value
<adambeynon> this is true. was just curious more than anything
<adambeynon> think it could be time for another round of beta releases
<adambeynon> our milestone issues list is also dwindling
<elia> :+1
<adambeynon> elia: oh yeah, not that I like them as such, but opal-jquery should probably have all the event shortcut methods built in as well
<adambeynon> #submit(), #click() etc
<adambeynon> might need wrapping, as we customize the events a bit (like #on has to)
<elia> adambeynon: can it be done via method_missing?
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<adambeynon> elia: playing with CliRunners::Server, and it causes problems if there is html inside the javascript (e.g. html tags inside strings)
<adambeynon> do you mind If i alter it slightly so the js can be served up as a javascript file?
<adambeynon> then just add a script tag to the current html
<elia> adambeynon: no kidding, you can do whatever you want!
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<adambeynon> elia: lol, sure. Was just making sure it wasn’t going to break anything ;)
<adambeynon> trying to get the opal-rspec rake task working on top of the cli runners
<adambeynon> save a bit of code duplication..
<adambeynon> elia: also, I think it may be a good idea to try and remove Opal::Environment
<adambeynon> its only there to add the custom sprockets paths
<adambeynon> builder could possibly do that
<adambeynon> or opal::server
<elia> agree, it’s a duplicate of opal server
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<GitHub6> [opal] adambeynon pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub6> opal/master cda8b06 Adam Beynon: CLIRunner::Server now serves js in seperate request
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<travis-ci> opal/opal#2126 (master - cda8b06 : Adam Beynon): The build passed.
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<GitHub190> [opal] adambeynon created environment (+1 new commit):
<GitHub190> opal/environment a259d16 Adam Beynon: Remove Environment
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<adambeynon> elia: I have pushed that branch, removing Enironment. All the tests pass (minus the ones that were explicitly testing Environment)
<adambeynon> If you have 2 mins, can you double check it incase I have done something daft
<elia> can do that on the way back home (in 10min)
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<adambeynon> sure (Y)
* elia leaving, will let you know ;)
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<travis-ci> opal/opal#2127 (environment - a259d16 : Adam Beynon): The build passed.
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<elia> adambeynon: have only one concern
<elia> ::Opal.paths.each { |path| append_path path }
<elia> maybe we should ensure it’s done by the processor during its init time
<elia> not sure tho
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<adambeynon> elia: hmm. well, its possible that a new path could be added after it inits
<adambeynon> although, saying that, do we still need to be adding all opal paths to sprockets?
<elia> yes, the I was worried even with O::Env
<elia> adambeynon: what you’re thinking of?
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<adambeynon> elia: well, we only needed to add them to sprockets when sprockets was doing all the resolving.
<adambeynon> but, with the new builder, only the “main” file is actually resolved with sprockets
<adambeynon> Builder handles everything else
<elia> not so true iirc
<adambeynon> If opal-jquery isn’t added to the sprockets path, that is fine… our builder still finds it
<elia> builder has injectable path_reader that relies on sprockets when used inside processor
<adambeynon> ahhhhhh, I see
<adambeynon> that makes sense
<adambeynon> ohh, so the Hike based one is used otherwise?
<elia> yes
<elia> it’s kinda an entagled design, one day or the other I’ll try to clean it up :\
<elia> *entangled
<adambeynon> elia: well, it still results that Opal::Environment was only useful for building static applications, as we had to use rails’ sprocket instance and manually copy load paths anyway
<elia> yes, agree, maybe I’ll try to add back the spec on path_reader having loaded opal.paths later
<adambeynon> sure
<adambeynon> Off out for some foood
<adambeynon> I’ll have a ponder
<adambeynon> bbl
<elia> :)
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