meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<meh`> adambeynon, elia, had any time to look at gh631?
<[o__o]> Proper bridging:
<elia> meh`, had a quick look on mobile, need to properly understand how the runtime/donate stuff changes
<elia> I also tried to fix one of the failing specs but only managed to crash phantomjs
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<meh`> lol
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<elia> meh`, ylluminarious was talking about a bug on file, you have any info?
<elia> meh`, is it related to how opal/browser uses it?
<meh`> I don't think so
<elia> I mean I don't see calls to file in it and doesn't seem to be broken on master
<elia> will give a try later checking out the code later anyway
* elia is going to upgrade the os
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<jeremedia> Howdy. Just getting started. Looking for docs/examples for opal-browser. I'll parse it out using the tests if nothing is yet available.
<jeremedia> Thanks.
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<ceej> I seem to be having issue with opal in ie8 and phantomjs… I get SyntaxError: Invalid regular expression: nothing to repeat, ReferenceError: Can't find variable: Opal
<ceej> with the 0.7 beta
<ceej> (($a = ["$"['$+'](("%.2f"['$%'](vehicle.$acv())).$gsub(/(d)(?=d{3}+(.d*)?$)/, "\1,"))]), $b = self.$dom().$at("#vehicle-acv"), $b['$content='].apply($b, $a), $a[$a.length-1]);
<ceej> is the line failing
<meh`> ceej, are you sure the regex is valid in js?
<meh`> regexps are passed as is to js from ruby
<ceej> meh`: ah ok, that’s probably why it doesn’t like this at the moment too
<meh`> ceej, yeah, that won't work on js
<ceej> meh`: is there also anything special I have to do with phantomjs, if I wrap a method in if RUBY_ENGINE != ‘opal’, it’s still getting compiled to js
<meh`> ceej, I'm not sure exactly how you're running/compiling things
<ceej> meh`: just capybara/phantomjs…. I’ll dig a little deeper and put a demo app in issues