meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<GitHub108> [vienna] loicboutet opened pull request #22: Adding class method for view tag_name and class_name (master...promote_tag_and_class_name_as_class_method)
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<elia> ryanstout, saw the PR, have you tried adding
<elia> stdlib/rubysl-set/spec/delete_spec
<elia> stdlib/rubysl-set/spec/delete_if_spec
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<elia> to the rubyspecs whitelist?
<ryanstout> I didn’t. Where’s the whitelist?
<elia> spec/
<ryanstout> ok, I’ll do that in a little while (gotta run now)
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<GitHub34> opal/master 1ac96b3 Elia Schito: Merge pull request #596 from ryanstout/master...
<GitHub34> [opal] elia pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub34> opal/master 1ceedff Ryan Stout: add delete, delete?, and delete_if methods to set
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#1981 (master - 1ac96b3 : Elia Schito): The build passed.
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<GitHub183> opal/master daef6b3 Elia Schito: Add specs for Set #delete, #delete? and #delete_if...
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#1982 (master - daef6b3 : Elia Schito): The build passed.
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<GitHub135> opal/master 2190459 Elia Schito: Add commented Set specs...
<GitHub135> [opal] elia pushed 1 new commit to master: