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<wmnnd> Hey there, is there any documentation on how to set up source maps with Opal? I have a run
<wmnnd> in my but it doesn't seem to do much. When trying to access the .map file, the browser gets a 404 error.
<adambeynon> hi wmnnd
<adambeynon> are you working off master, or a gem release?
<wmnnd> adambeynon: Hey there :-) I am using the latest gem.
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<wmnnd> Trying to figure out how this might work is really frustrating. Time for lunch break!
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<wmnnd> This is how I am currently trying to get the source maps: ('client' is the path where my Opal applicatoin resides)
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<wmnnd> Opal:Server seems to require debug to be set in order to output sourcemaps. But how do I do that with Opal::Environment?
<wmnnd> Or do you have to use the same Opal::Environment for serving both the JS files and the source maps?
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<wmnnd> Now I've also figured out that the Opal::Processors used in my environment have source_map_enabled set to true (which is not surprising because it's the default)
<wmnnd> But how on earth can they be accessed?
<wmnnd> I can also see that $OPAL_SOURCE_MAPS is populated. But they still cannot be accessed.
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<wmnnd> Now that I have upgraded to the master branch from the gem, it can't even compile my program anymore. This is not a good day.
<wmnnd> requires with relative paths don't seem to work anymore, all of a sudden.
<wmnnd> Now it has become even weirder. With the current master version, there is only one "sourcemap" and it looks like this:
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<_elia> wmnnd, I'm here, reading through, will explain in a while
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<wmnnd> _elia: Thank you :-) I have to leave now but I'll read the logs if you respond something :-)
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<_elia> k
<_elia> well, basically sourcemaps in 0.6 only works for individual files (sprockets debug mode)
<_elia> in 0.6 all sprockets stuff relies on Opal::Processor flags
<_elia> so in order to have them working you need to both have sprockets in debug mode and source maps enabled in the processor
<_elia> master:
<_elia> in master source maps are WIP (ok, broken)
<_elia> so if you switched to master hoping for better sourcemaps support you're out of luck :)
<_elia> sprockets on the other hand will have sourcemaps support in some future release (4.0 probably) and that would solve everything and also make our sourcemaps support less hackish
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