meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<elia> wondering how safari optimizes this stuff…
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<GitHub51> 24e5843 Elia Schito: Add docs for sourcemaps
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<GitHub145> 1c7f02e Elia Schito: Add docs for sourcemaps
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<GitHub21> f7c82c7 Elia Schito: Site updated to 1c7f02e
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<wmnnd> elia: Hey elia, thanks for your response.
<wmnnd> wmnnd: However, i still haven't figured out how to get the source maps working with the 0.6 branch. I am using Sinatra, so I have mapped an Opal Environment to /assets/js. But how do I get the sourcemaps in /__opal_source_maps__, where they are supposed to be?
<wmnnd> elia: I tried mapping that path to but to no avail.
<elia> ^^^ that's how it's done on Opal::Server
<elia> you should problably mount it along with sinatra in rack cascade iirc
<wmnnd> elia: I have just tried the Sinatra example from 0.6.2 and it's also not working there.
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<_elia> so I checked the sinatra example and it uses Opal::Environment that has no SM support
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<_elia> you should use Opal::Server to use SM
<_elia> I'll try to update the example soonish
<_elia> wmnnd, here's a working example,
<_elia> wmnnd, if you happen to fix the example and issue a PR that would be great :)
<wmnnd> _elia: But I would have to do it for the .6x branch, right?
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<wmnnd> meh`: I just cloned the opal-browser repository but there seem to be errors when i rackup it.
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<meh`> wmnnd, guess that's what is making the specs fail
<meh`> elia, do you have time to take a look at why opal-browser specs don't work?
<meh`> I have no clue what that error is on about
<meh`> and it used to work some version ago
<wmnnd> meh`: Do you happen to know of a working with source maps?
<meh`> wmnnd, nope, I'm still running on mostly old stuff
<wmnnd> meh`: Also not for 0.6?
<elia> wmnnd, sorry, I'm back
<elia> in order to use sourcemaps you need to be on 0.6
<elia> I'm still figuring them out in master
<elia> meh`, wanna give a try in FF?
<wmnnd> elia: But I am on 0.6.
<elia> seems that FF doesn't give a shit about prototype chain depth :)
<meh`> yep
<elia> meh`, looking into opal-bro
<meh`> thanks
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<GitHub147> opal/master eb5905b Elia Schito: Add a dir.rb placeholder with deprecation warning
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<elia> meh`, ^^^
<elia> I meved dir.rb from stdlib to corelib some time ago
<elia> *moved
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#1934 (master - eb5905b : Elia Schito): The build passed.
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<elia> meh`, TypeError: 'undefined' is not a function (evaluating '$'File')')
<elia> not sure if it's in obro, but cm is now scope.get()
<meh`> elia, opal-rspec needs a recompilation and release on rubygems
<meh`> unless its build system was fixed
<meh`> and you don't need the precompiled rspec
<elia> meh`, I remember to have "fixed" it some time ago, but I think adambeynon reverted it
<elia> for the good reason it needed rspec as a dep otherwise
<meh`> elia, can you release a new gem for it then please?
<elia> maybe we can add all rspec sources as part of the gem
<elia> let me see if I have permission
<elia> nope, it's chuck testa
<elia> adambeynon, can you add me and meh` to opal-rspec on
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<GitHub108> [lissio] meh pushed 1 new commit to master:
<GitHub108> lissio/master fd883c4 meh: router: fix initial handling
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<wmnnd> Oh wow. It looks like I got it working now.
<wmnnd> This is pure beauty.
<wmnnd> (though it feels somewhat dirty)
<wmnnd> What do you think, is this completely terrible?
<wmnnd> The only problem seems to be that /assets is hard-coded in server.rb
<wmnnd> Alright, this looks nicer and more flexible. If you want to use source maps in 0.6, this is the way to go, I'd say:
<wmnnd> This works with the sinatra example, however, I'm not quite sure how to do a pull request for an older version.
<wmnnd> Alas, while everything *appears* to be working now, however, all Exceptions seem to be mapped to the line with Document.ready? regardless where they occur.
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<wmnnd> The problem seems to be that blocks are not mapped correctly.
<wmnnd> Exceptions are always displayed at the beginning of the block that contains them.
<wmnnd> However, when using opal-jquery, exceptions are always located at Document.ready? which makes the whole thing pretty much useless:
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<elia> wmnnd, you can adjust the target branch of the PR while creating it
<elia> wmnnd, or just target master and I'll backport the fix by cherry-pick
<elia> > This is pure beauty.
<elia> awesome :)
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<elia> can you try it
<elia> ?
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<wmnnd> elia: Nice, that works too :-)
<wmnnd> Though it doesn't fix the problem with the blocks.
<elia> yeh, that probably is a real™ bug
<wmnnd> Yay!
<wmnnd> Sorry that I keep bothering you all so much.
<elia> wmnnd, no worries, it helps to see where people get stuck, helps improving docs / usability etc :)
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<GitHub73> 5143966 Elia Schito: Add details about sprockets and sinatra SM support
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<GitHub59> c61e529 Elia Schito: Site updated to 5143966
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<GitHub68> opal/master 3b7a66d Elia Schito: Add sourcemaps support to sinatra example
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<GitHub0> [opal] elia pushed 4 new commits to 0-6-stable:
<GitHub0> opal/0-6-stable a52e8e8 Elia Schito: Add a list of subscribers to method_missing stubs
<GitHub0> opal/0-6-stable 8dba499 Elia Schito: Add yard doc task
<GitHub0> opal/0-6-stable 81731be Elia Schito: Backport .gitignore from master
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#1935 (master - 3b7a66d : Elia Schito): The build passed.
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#1936 (0-6-stable - 55727d8 : Elia Schito): The build passed.
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<elia> meh`, any thoughts on normalizing stuff as _proto / __inc__ / __parent in runtime.js?
<elia> I think there's also some stuff using $
<meh`> elia, I've discussed that with adambeynon quite a few times, but we never came to a conclusion
<elia> was it just a matter of not having a preference? b/c any choice is better than the current mess
<meh`> yeah, I wanted $$ and he didn't
<elia> I'm trying to bake real module inheritance into Module#append_features
<meh`> because _ is valid in Ruby
<elia> I'd prefer not having that stuff accessible via ivars too
<elia> so $$ _$ are both good
<elia> but $$ is arguably better
<elia> elia, my inclination is to switch to $$ and eventually we'll switch back to whatever adambeynon wants when he comes back
<elia> ouch, spoke to myself
<meh`> lol
<elia> meh`, ^^^
<meh`> elia, do you think you can figure out the numeric thing as well?
<meh`> basically, bridging to natives should work with a class that has parents
<elia> gimme a moment to understand
<elia> too dumb for this stuff
<elia> ok, I don't understand, but I remember thinking that the two things are linked some weeks ago
<meh`> lol
<elia> lol and sad
<elia> did you read my email?
<meh`> yes
<elia> k, any thoughts on the sandwich inheritance?
<elia> b/c that's what I'm aiming for
<meh`> if it makes us compliant, anything is fine by me
<meh`> optimization can come later
<elia> +1
<elia> meh`, any way you can briefly explain the numeric problem again?
<elia> or I just re-look at the issue
<elia> ?
<meh`> we have to bridge `Number` to Number
<meh`> but Number < Numeric
<elia> ok, and have Number inherit from Numeric?
<meh`> yes, you can't bridge a subclass to a native right now
<elia> ok, I wonder how the prototype chain should look in that case
<elia> sounds like multiple inheritance -ish
<elia> but we can't change the proto for js literals
<elia> …we probably'd need to stuff all inherited methods into `Number`'s prototype
<elia> makes sense?
<meh`> yeah but then the problem is when someone changes Numeric, and it doesn't affect Number
<elia> needs to bust the cache
<elia> and rebuild it
<elia> I think…
<elia> ($$isSingleton or $$is_singleton?)
<elia> ("$$isSingleton" or "$$is_singleton"?)
<elia> meh`, ^^
<meh`> I'd say $$is_singleton
<elia> agreed
<elia> meh`, gotta go home
<elia> will push a branch with the $$ stuff I think
<meh`> cool
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<GitHub26> opal/master c3157a7 Elia Schito: Add a note about singleton classes inheritance...
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<GitHub187> [opal] elia created dollars-n-cents (+1 new commit):
<GitHub187> opal/dollars-n-cents 26f6149 Elia Schito: Internals, $$ Ed....
<elia> meh`, ^^^
<meh`> cool
<meh`> elia, did you figure out the rspec thing?
<elia> I can't publish opal-rspec
<elia> but I can give you a compiled rspec.js to include in opal-browser
<meh`> meh, I'll wait
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#1937 (dollars-n-cents - 26f6149 : Elia Schito): The build passed.
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<GitHub104> [opal] elia pushed 1 new commit to dollars-n-cents:
<GitHub104> opal/dollars-n-cents 1847590 Elia Schito: No need to check for ivar vs. internals anymore
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<GitHub197> [opal] elia force-pushed dollars-n-cents from 1847590 to c16eb6b:
<GitHub197> opal/dollars-n-cents c16eb6b Elia Schito: No need to check for ivar vs. internals anymore
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<GitHub197> opal/dollars-n-cents 2f244e4 Elia Schito: Internals, $$ Ed....
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#1939 (dollars-n-cents - 1847590 : Elia Schito): The build passed.
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<adambeynon> elia, meh`: Im fine with $$ btw
<adambeynon> makes the most sense as a prefix
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#1941 (dollars-n-cents - c16eb6b : Elia Schito): The build passed.
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<fkchang> opal
<fkchang> meh`: ping
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<GitHub195> opal/sprockets-3 8a8751f Elia Schito: Explicitly rely on tilt and hike
<GitHub195> [opal] elia created sprockets-3 (+4 new commits):
<GitHub195> opal/sprockets-3 1387f1d Elia Schito: fixup! Explicitly rely on tilt and hike
<GitHub195> opal/sprockets-3 5dae33b Elia Schito: Use a double instead of the real Sprockets context
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<elia> fkchang, opal! :)
<elia> adambeynon, merging then, happy to see you around :)
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] Change view :^...947f0fe39a97
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#1943 (sprockets-3 - 947f0fe : Elia Schito): The build passed.
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<adambeynon> back to 2 days a week now working on just opal projects, so should be able to get things moving my side again :)
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<GitHub44> opal/dollars-n-cents 3162827 Elia Schito: Internals, $$ Ed....
<GitHub44> opal/dollars-n-cents aeb25c4 Elia Schito: No need to check for ivar vs. internals anymore
<GitHub44> [opal] elia force-pushed dollars-n-cents from c16eb6b to aeb25c4:
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<GitHub187> opal/master d529c87 Elia Schito: Merge pull request #583 from opal/dollars-n-cents...
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<adambeynon> elia: other topic, but, have you used react yet? my next free night will be trying to get it to work with opal nicely
<adambeynon> Its so nice. giving up on haml/erb client side if I can...
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#1944 (dollars-n-cents - aeb25c4 : Elia Schito): The build passed.
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<fkchang> adambeynon: very cool, I've been seeing a lot of material on react.js lately. Like it a lot.
<fkchang> Would like to steal some ideas for lissio
<adambeynon> fkchang: well that is it. I always liked lissio for using a ruby dsl for html... just need to stick that layer on top of react, and boom!
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#1946 (master - d529c87 : Elia Schito): The build passed.
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<fkchang> I think the web components as ruby is really nice, using lissio on an internal tool, and it's the most fun front end I've had in I can't remember.
<fkchang> that being said, I think lissio's bundling behavior, markup and css in one, all in Ruby is better than React. I like the DOM diffing for performance and the Flux unidirectional architecture from React
<fkchang> I wished I had filed the OCRuby talk that I built/refactored an agile cardwall app from scratch in lissio in about an hour. All Ruby and OO all the way down, a really nice mindset that is quite freeing
<fkchang> The other thing is server rendered stuff that react can "connect to", is something I'd like to see in lissio, so I could prerender on lissio and have the lissio components "attach" to the markup instead of having to render it themselves
<fkchang> making search friendly apps w/quick startup
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<GitHub2> [opal] elia deleted sprockets-3 at 947f0fe:
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<fkchang> elia: off hand do u know what kind of work it would take to run the opal-rails rspec stuff in phantomjs?
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<GitHub154> opal/master 7551d54 Elia Schito: Prepare for sprockets 3.0
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<GitHub154> [opal] elia pushed 4 new commits to master:
<GitHub154> opal/master 345bd6c Elia Schito: Explicitly rely on tilt and hike
<GitHub154> opal/master be68dd5 Elia Schito: Use a double instead of the real Sprockets context
* elia is catching up with messages (cc adambeynon, fkchang)
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<meh`> fkchang, pong
<elia> adambeynon, no, I didn't try react yet, was waiting for the reactive stuff of voltrb to be extracted
<meh`> adambeynon, can you fixup opal-rspec plox?
<fkchang> meh`: how much work would it be to make it so something like super in the css part of a lissio component would run the parent's css?
<meh`> fkchang, how do you mean?
<meh`> fkchang, unless you're doing something weird, the component should inherit the class of the parent
<fkchang> so I'd love to subclass a lissio component in the css do something like
<fkchang> css do
<fkchang> super
<meh`> so all the css applied by the parent css will be applied to the child
<fkchang> # the things I wnt to change
<fkchang> end
<meh`> and it chains however deep you want
<fkchang> oh, then I get it already, and don't need to implement it?
<elia> fkchang, shouldn't be too difficult to run opal-rails specs in phantomjs
<meh`> fkchang, yep
<fkchang> meh`: nice
<elia> adambeynon, 2day/w awesome I'd really like to ship 0.7 :)
<fkchang> I've thinking of how to apply std oo to Lissio stuff, and css inheritance I think was one thing that would be easy, html inheritance not so much, but I could refactor out html as methods and do something like template method
<fkchang> meh`: other question was, what do u think it would take to "attach" a lissio component to prerendered html
<fkchang> instead of rendering itself
<meh`> fkchang, you can do that already
<meh`> element 'selector' instead of html/render/text/whatever
<fkchang> meh`: awesome
<fkchang> meh`: now just need to figure out how to render lissio on the backend
<meh`> yeah, that's going to get tricky
<fkchang> meh`: how would I attach multiple of the same components to multiple elements, i.e. lets say I had 2 dom elements prerendered, and they are both the same component, or would I have to subclass and change the element selector
<meh`> fkchang, you could make a Wrapper < Lissio::Component
<fkchang> meh`: the overwolf is stats on the upper right?
<meh`> and it def element; $document[@selector]; end
<meh`> fkchang, the thing on the right that changes across screenshots
<meh`> World Boss, Crafting etc
<fkchang> meh`: cool, I'll have to try it at some point
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<fkchang> elia: adambeynon meh` the other thing is I have opal-irb embedded in my rails app, pretty handy, will be adding features and tweaks
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<elia> fkchang, I'm eager to add it (as opt-in) to opal-rails
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<fkchang> meh`: I put instructions on the readme, I'll probably want to clean up some of the dependencies, vendoring some stuff, but giving options in case the app provides it's own
<fkchang> and make it even easier to integrate
<fkchang> I meant elia
<elia> +1
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<GitHub145> [opal] elia pushed 3 new commits to master:
<GitHub145> opal/master 75f3abc Elia Schito: Merge remote-tracking branch 'kylekyle/master'
<GitHub145> opal/master 58cc897 Kyle: Specify sprockets version...
<GitHub145> opal/master 892dee0 Kyle: Update dependencies...
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<GitHub176> [opal] elia pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub176> opal/master 39db72c Elia Schito: Merge pull request #533 from mieko/thread_shim...
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<GitHub176> opal/master c4c3a1c Mike Owens: Thread additions, Mutex and Queue...
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#1948 (master - 75f3abc : Elia Schito): The build passed.
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<GitHub49> [opal] elia pushed 3 new commits to master:
<GitHub49> opal/master cd504b4 Carlos Duarte do Nascimento (Chester): Negative counts reverse the shift direction
<GitHub49> opal/master 9115f84 Elia Schito: Merge remote-tracking branch 'origin/master'
<GitHub49> opal/master 069d2f7 Elia Schito: Merge remote-tracking branch 'chesterbr/shift_negative_count'
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] Build details :
<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#1950 (master - 9115f84 : Elia Schito): The build passed.
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<GitHub154> opal/master d3c5dc0 Elia Schito: Fix octal numbers with leading 0 lexing...
<GitHub154> [opal] elia pushed 1 new commit to master:
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] Build details :
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#1951 (master - d3c5dc0 : Elia Schito): The build passed.
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