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<AlexRussia> How i could generate documentation for opal library? @_@
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<fkchang> meh`_: ping
<fkchang> adambeynon: ping
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<elia> AlexRussia, what kind of docs you need?
<AlexRussia> elia: idk....i just start nothing understand how to programming on opal....
<elia> lol ok, my advice is to experiment a bit on
<elia> AlexRussia, you know ruby already?
<AlexRussia> elia: something....i know syntax and use ri for search methods :)
<elia> AlexRussia, don't expect to have a functioning ri on opal
<AlexRussia> elia: @_@
<AlexRussia> elia: but, for example, somewhere should be docs about opal-jquery enough....
<elia> it's an alternative implementation and not the best way to learn ruby unless you know very well javascript
<elia> AlexRussia, I agree, but as of now they're incomplete
<elia> you can find the docs regarding the non javascript code on
<AlexRussia> elia: yes, i know
<elia> for the rest you're better off looking directly in the sources
<AlexRussia> elia: just ri close :D
<elia> via bundle open or github
<elia> yes :)
<elia> AlexRussia, actually the should be easy enough to read:
<AlexRussia> idk, i decided to learn js yet
<AlexRussia> and jquery
<AlexRussia> btw, somewhy 'rails new <name> --javascript=opal' aren't work :(
<AlexRussia> by some reason*
<elia> I'll look into that
<elia> AlexRussia, "rails new foo --javascript opal"
<elia> worked fine here
<AlexRussia> elia: wtf,over?
<AlexRussia> elia: why there still '='/
<AlexRussia> ?*
<elia> AlexRussia, please avoid "wft"
<elia> about "=" it's just the same
<elia> I just tried with "=" and I see no errors
<AlexRussia> elia: it have errors on generate stage
<AlexRussia> elia: like 'rails g model <name>'
<AlexRussia> elia: it said 'error: no opal'
<elia> oh I see now
<elia> AlexRussia, I have no error with that too
<elia> AlexRussia, gotta go
<elia> feel free to open an issue on opal-rails
<elia> with the exact command you typed and its output
<AlexRussia> elia: lol, ok
<elia> k
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