meh`: so what's going on, u seem a bit sparse. I'm going to be working with opal again and I imagine I'll want to address bindings in lissio at some point
oh, and no gem for opal-browser?
take that back, it installs, but not in gem list --remote opal
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meh`: trying to use lissio w/rails but the lissio directive doesn't work, need to require something?
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fkchang, opal-browser isn't on rubygems yet because I still don't see it as ready
fkchang, and what do you mean by lissio directive?
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lissio app template has erb with lissio 'app', I've since read the code and see it's just including the app/assets/#{app}.js
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meh`: seems like the lissio gem when included with rails is overriding the sprockets behavior
fkchang, that's weird
I'm not changing anything in the Sprockets namespace IIRC
maybe not, I've been removing gems and I thought the only one I left out was lissio, but there's more
meh`: passed the sprockets thing, now I have an error to try and track "ArgumentError: cannot instantiate a non derived Node object", I'm finding src maps somewhat handy
meh`: looks like it's here "$document = $window.document" - wasn't there some sort of jquery/opal-browser conflict?
I'm wrong, break point fired off earlier than the error
meh`: looks like it's in the instantiation of Lissio::Application