meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<AlexRussia> Hello! I am complete noob in js and opal seems easy for me as man with experience in ruby.Thanks for this nice thing!
<AlexRussia> with ruby experience*
<ryanstout> AlexRussia: hello
<AlexRussia> :)
<fkchang`> AlexRussia: enjoy your time w/opal
<AlexRussia> i just want something what help me do my app less static
<AlexRussia> fkchang`: sorry, i am not much in english aliases, what mean 'w/'?
<AlexRussia> fkchang`: 'welcome to'?
<fkchang`> short for with
<AlexRussia> fkchang`: oh :(
<AlexRussia> uhm
<AlexRussia> then Document is a object connected with current html page?
<AlexRussia> oh, i guess, Document is part of 'opal-jquery', i just seem docs....
<AlexRussia> as i understand, opal is server-side, everything on client side is pure js.i am right?
<AlexRussia> folks?
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<AlexRussia> ryanstout: does you have example's opal code? doc's seems little...
<ryanstout> AlexRussia: sorry, maybe I missed the conversation
<ryanstout> what are you referring to?
<ryanstout> looked at the irc logs
<AlexRussia> ryanstout: if you here then you may be use opal in own projects.Does you have any public example opal code? @_@
<ryanstout> the only thing I have public is the opal framework I’ve been working on ( ), but thats not really the typical way people are using opal (at the moment)
<AlexRussia> ryanstout: i just want something what help me move more work on the client side of my little rails app...i just think, generated new html page with any request not much good :D
<AlexRussia> ryanstout: and i guess, i found it
<ryanstout> AlexRussia: is it a rails app?
<AlexRussia> ryanstout: just i love living examples :)
<AlexRussia> ryanstout: is it?
<ryanstout> that you are working with?
<AlexRussia> ryanstout: yes :D complete rails
<ryanstout> there is opal-rails, which sets up the compiler in the asset pipeline
<AlexRussia> ryanstout: but we could mix rails and jquery under opal, aren't?
<ryanstout> yea, so you could use opal and opal-jquery on the front-end
<ryanstout> opal-jquery lets you access jquery from ruby (via opal)
<AlexRussia> ryanstout: lol, name your framework remember me good times when i have only j2me phone and bolt browser....hmmm, idk why i remember it :D
<ryanstout> AlexRussia: sorry, I didn’t understand what you are saying.. Maybe rephrase it?
<AlexRussia> ryanstout: jquery seems interesing and what i want(as i see, it could request data in json fromat and use it to change page)
<ryanstout> yea
<AlexRussia> ryanstout: nm, it's just good memories
<ryanstout> :-)
<AlexRussia> ryanstout: idk why when i remember about past time i am happy....may be because i've was more kid and i didn't worry about this lot things which i need worry now :)
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<AlexRussia> ryanstout: just my memory works something like that: yet another morning, first think: 'what i did yesterday? @_@'
<AlexRussia> ryanstout: and i...can't remember :D
<AlexRussia> ryanstout: i don't forget everything, but a lot
<AlexRussia> ryanstout: and random words sometime pick up good memories without my black hole of memory :D
<AlexRussia> could sometime*
<AlexRussia> ryanstout: sorry, i just can some time speak a lot about me when nobody care it :D
<ryanstout> :-)
<AlexRussia> ryanstout: why you smile everytime?
<AlexRussia> ryanstout: :-)
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<AlexRussia> ryanstout: does you know rails?
<ryanstout> yea
<ryanstout> been doing rails since 06
<AlexRussia> ryanstout: so, may be you know how to enable opal support in rails into exist project?
<ryanstout> just add the opal-rails gem
<ryanstout> into the Gemfile
<AlexRussia> i mean as js
<ryanstout> what do you mean as js
<AlexRussia> just on site written sth like 'rails new project --javascript=opal'
<AlexRussia> i guess, javascript option mean engine to prepare js files
<AlexRussia> (by default(
<AlexRussia> )*
<ryanstout> sorry, I’m not understanding
<AlexRussia> :(
<AlexRussia> oh, i guess i understand
<AlexRussia> i just didn't see 'or' keyword :D
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<AlexRussia> lol, my connection are sh*t today
<AlexRussia> good night, folks!
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