meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<adambeynon> jgn: not really, no
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<adambeynon> _elia: hello!
<_elia> adambeynon, hey you're back!
<_elia> :'D
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<_elia> jgn, saw the question, usually is not what you want for global stuff (you set the @a ivar on the main object)
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<jgn> Regarding "clearing" the runtime: My use case is eval'ing Ruby in the browser in a series of slides. I wish I could "reset" the context so that instance variables and classes don't linger around between evals.
<jgn> It occurred to me to create a module and the evaluate in the context of the module, though the constant names for created classes won't be what I want.
<jgn> ALso: When I write: Opal.Opal.$eval(...) what is the difference between the top-level Opal and the Opal owned by it?
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<adambeynon> jgn: `Opal` is the namespace for the opal runtime, and all top level modules/constants are stored on it
<adambeynon> so `Opal.Opal` refers to the ::Opal ruby module
<adambeynon> `Opal.Array` would be ::Array, etc
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<jgn> thanks adambeynon
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