meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<fkchang`> adambeynon: what causes sprockets to compile opal files into 1 file instead of separate. When I include opal-irb in a rails project, all the opal files get compiled into the application.js in dev mode and then jquery is not included
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<GitHub134> [opal] elia pushed 3 new commits to master:
<GitHub134> opal/master 0ca07f0 Kyle: Removing giant if statement...
<GitHub134> opal/master 2f49543 Kyle King: Make the Opal Tilt template work in any context.
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<GitHub134> opal/master fc841f1 Elia Schito: Merge pull request #570 from kylekyle/tilt...
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<wmnnd> Hey there, recently I asked about the status of the DateTime class from the Ruby standard libary in Opal.
<wmnnd> I was told that it is not yet supported and there are no plans to implement it.
<wmnnd> However, I have just tried using the native JavaScript date element and it seems to be accessible by Opal pretty much like a Ruby Date object.
<wmnnd> So I wanted to ask: Is this the way Dates should be dealt with in Opal?
<meh`> wmnnd, Time is accessible
<meh`> you don't need to wrap it yourself
<meh`> it works for you because Time is bridged to `Date`
<meh`> DateTime isn't
<meh`> Time, Date and DateTime are different things
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<wmnnd> I see, JavaScript Date objects seem to get mapped to Ruby core Time objects.
<meh`> wmnnd, yes, Time is bridged to `Date`
<wmnnd> Mhm, the Time class even brings consistent "rolling over" for dates like 2014-02-29 as in Ruby. Though, I personally find that rather undesirable^^
<wmnnd> But I keep being impressed by Opal :-)
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<IlIlIlIlIlIlI> is it possible to build js code from .rb files from the command line utilities opal or opal-build?
<IlIlIlIlIlIlI> I'm trying to build kramdown with $ opal --compile -I lib/kramdown/ lib/kramdown.rb
<IlIlIlIlIlIlI> the stdout is kind of not what I'd expect :D
<IlIlIlIlIlIlI> I've read the documentation, but the command line interface doesn't seem to be explained or exemplified
<IlIlIlIlIlIlI> and as a ruby non-native, I'm pretty much looking for a quick and dirty solution :)
<ryanstout> IlIlIlIlIlIlI: I’m not sure where the command line tools is at the moment, my guess is adambeynon or elia would know
<IlIlIlIlIlIlI> thanks
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<wmnnd> Hey there, I just came across a problem because Opal seems to handle while loops different from Ruby MRI.
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<wmnnd> Hey there, I just came across a problem because Opal seems to handle while loops different from Ruby MRI.
<meh`> wmnnd, what's the issue?
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<wmnnd> meh`: Sorry, irssi died. The problem seems to be that MRI evaluates the condition after running the scope once regardless of the condition whereas Opal seems to evaluate the condition before running the scope.
<wmnnd> meh`: So, this will give you no output in Opal, unlike in MRI:
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<meh`> wmnnd, open an issue please
<wmnnd> Sure!
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<fkchang`> adambeynon: ping
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<adambeynon> hye fkchang`
<adambeynon> hey*
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<fkchang`> adambeynon: need a tip in debugging running opal-irb with opal-rails, just including the gem causes all the opal files to be compiled to application.js instead of as individual files. That would not be so bad, but jquery also doesn't get included. Looking for some pointer to how opal interacts w/sprockets to try to figure out what's wrong.
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