meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<GitHub168> [opal] elia pushed 2 new commits to master:
<GitHub168> opal/master eafc614 Elia Schito: Merge pull request #573 from kylekyle/use_gem...
<GitHub168> opal/master 307d18f Kyle King: Use require_paths from spec
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<travis-ci> [travis-ci] Build details :
<travis-ci> [travis-ci] opal/opal#1926 (master - eafc614 : Elia Schito): The build passed.
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<boberetezeke> adambeynon, are you on?
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<meh`> fkchang, ping
<adambeynon> boberetezeke: hey there
<adambeynon> was sleeping when you messaged before :)
<boberetezeke> did you get my email the other day?
<fkchang> meh`: pong
<fkchang> adambeynon: just curious as to what's going on, any interesting opal directions?
<adambeynon> boberetezeke: ooo, er, let me check
<adambeynon> (sorry, appallingly bad at emails the last few weeks)
<adambeynon> what was it regarding?
<meh`> fkchang, remember the little overwolf app I showed you the other day?
<adambeynon> fkchang: playing with an angularjs wrapper
<boberetezeke> adambeynon: was wondering if opal-actionpack and opal-activerecord could get into the main opal repo?
<fkchang> meh`: I do, looked at ur repo briefly
<adambeynon> boberetezeke: ahhhh yes, sorry I did see that
<adambeynon> yes, I think thats a good idea
<adambeynon> I havent had a chance to look at either project/repo yet
<boberetezeke> cool, how do I it?
<adambeynon> boberetezeke: I think I need to grant permission
<adambeynon> will have a look when im back at my laptop
<adambeynon> out atm
<fkchang> adambeynon: cool, any possibility of revisiting the code/comment look up stuff? I'll be a doing a bit of opal work in the near future, will probably write some tooling
<adambeynon> will be back in a few hours
<boberetezeke> ok
<fkchang> meh`: nice, so you're going to enter that?
<meh`> yeah
<adambeynon> fkchang: yes, been working on some parser improvements which make it easier to keep track of comments as well
<adambeynon> comments can now be set on individual def/class/module nodes inside the compiler
<adambeynon> it also keeps single line comments, but they seem a bit irrelevant
<adambeynon> but, are available if needed
<fkchang> meh`: g'luck
<fkchang> adambeynon: Cool, drop me a line when there's something that I can mess with
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<fkchang> meh`: btw, u plan to open src opal-overwolf? it points to a local repo on your machine
<meh`> fkchang, I uploaded it recently
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<fkchang> meh`: any thought on prerendering lissio
<meh`> fkchang, as in prerendered in the backend? or what do you mean?
<fkchang> prerendered on the backend. I read how react.js can pretty much do server side rendering and the components just "pick up" from that knowing they are already rendered. I remember you talking about something similar
<meh`> fkchang, I think it sounds hard to do
<meh`> but I think it's doable
<meh`> but as soon as you have stuff depending on other stuff
<meh`> it gets weird
<meh`> as in, a component depending on an existing DOM, or another DOM
<meh`> you'd basically have to implement DOM yourself
<fkchang> my guess is that that react.js' virtual DOM is how they do it, since they diff the DOM before making any changes
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