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<fkchang> meh`: I found something interesting, a link href="#" seems to blow up my lissio app on the 2nd click. If I get the chance, I'll try to write an isolated example to see if I can duplicate. Wondering if you have any ideas off the bat
<meh`> fkchang, why are you using href="#"?
<meh`> fkchang, the reason is lissio hooks into every link
<meh`> so on click you're sending Application.navigate('#')
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<fkchang> ah, I had originally setup a "close" link that I bind an onclick event to, I changed it to a span that I bind an onclick event to. If I put a lissio component on the page and not an application (using vanilla rails for parts of the site, and lissio for the interactive parts), would that prevent the navigate issue?
<meh`> ah wait
<meh`> mh
<meh`> MMH
<meh`> let me check
<meh`> fkchang, so are you using Application or not?
<meh`> I can confirm the Application.navigate stuff is only when actually using an Application
<fkchang> I am using application, I should probably switch to just a component, but I never got around to it
<meh`> fkchang, yeah, if you don't want a full blown application just use the components
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<fkchang> meh`: switched to rendering a component instead of using lissio application, still crash on the heref="#"
<meh`> umh
<meh`> can I have some code?
<fkchang> I'll have to make a small project, but I was using a Lissio::Application, but I refactored to just
<fkchang> something like $document["#workarea"] << @@cardwall.render
<fkchang> meh`: hmm, made a new app w/lissio new, and it won't run w/o [Error] ArgumentError: cannot instantiate a non derived Node object (app.js, line 2436)
<meh`> fkchang, you sure you have everything at master without locks fucking it up?
<fkchang> same lissio I'm running my app fine with, master as of 2 weeks ago or so
<fkchang> looks like it's $document.ready? -- this error is kind of familiar to me, but I don't remember what I did about it
<meh`> fkchang, same
<fkchang> meh`: have this as my Gemfile, still same error gem 'opal'#, github: 'opal/opal'
<fkchang> gem 'paggio', github: 'meh/paggio'
<fkchang> gem 'lissio', github: 'meh/lissio'
<fkchang> gem 'opal-browser', github: 'opal/opal-browser'
<meh`> fkchang, I assume you already tried removing the lock and running bundle update?
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<fkchang> yeah
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