meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<elia> adambeynon, ping (gist from yday)
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<boberetezeke> hey y'all anyone out there?
<elia> yeh!
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<boberetezeke> hey
<boberetezeke> I don't know if you have been following my opal-activerecord, opal-actionpack, stuff, but I am wondering what it take to get them included into the opal github account?
<boberetezeke> whatcha think?
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<elia> boberetezeke, (reading now)
<elia> boberetezeke, I think we should ask adambeynon
<boberetezeke> ok, how should I contact him? here or email?
<elia> lol, here should work, but try dropping a line too
<elia> boberetezeke, anyways what's the status of the libs? I remember checking them out some time ago
<boberetezeke> I am using them, but they are incomplete. I am using them for a commercial project so I can't talk about that right now, but I am updating my calculator sample app to where my commercial app is at.
<boberetezeke> What works: I am running server side controllers to get objects from local database using active record clone and then rendering views using them. I am sharing server side controllers, helpers, and views.
<boberetezeke> I also do updates back to the server in the background and get updates from the server in the background.
<boberetezeke> documentation is skimpy (well non-existent)
<boberetezeke> I need to go through and document it and document what is missing (very completely) from rails active record and action pack
<boberetezeke> but it does do a lot of stuff
<boberetezeke> 512K of for .js file
<boberetezeke> I want to do a preso for local ruby group (, but I need to clean things up beforehand and would love to have them as part of opal github
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<elia> boberetezeke, the preso would be a huge boost (I mean for general public / marketing)
<boberetezeke> yes I agree. I would also like to attract some contributors
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<boberetezeke> I feel like rails - ruby for web development is kind of dying because of a lack of a good client side solution
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<elia> boberetezeke, (about the dying rails) I'm not sure I feel the same, it surely isn't the new hot thing anymore
<elia> and relatively to the js ecosystem it became quite small
<boberetezeke> I think that it is being relegated to a server api builder
<elia> maybe it's true, in my day to day it's still an html spitter :)
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