meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<ylluminate> 404:
<ylluminate> referenced at
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<ylluminate> elia so i was thinking about adding jquery and browser to cdn. how would i go about doing that properly with the modifications you've made to building these out from src?
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<ylluminate> included `` and when i attempt to `require './some_class'` or various iterations of that i get
<ylluminate> Uncaught LoadError: cannot load such file
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<elia> ylluminate, not sure how to tackle it
<elia> currently I have a checkout of the cdn repo inside opal, and use `rake dist DIR=...` to update it
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<ylluminate> elia: well we'll tackle it here soon:
<ylluminate> i figure that might be a better place to post such a thing than here
<ylluminate> re: require. i thought you'd implemented that in master such that we can require other .rb files within .rb scripts
<elia> ylluminate, replying on gitter ;)
<ylluminate> :P
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<ylluminarious|aw> elia: is it true that to use something like document.getElementById, you have to wrap it in `` ?
<elia> yep
<ylluminarious|aw> ok
<elia> I'd probably use native to wrap document first
<elia> $document = Native(`document`)
<elia> and then $document.getElementById('my-id')
<elia> or $document[:location][:href] (for accessing properties
<ylluminarious|aw> alright
<elia> to get back the native js object un need to use #to_n (e.g. $document.to_n)
<ylluminarious|aw> so, like, when i write something with `` or wrap it with native, i'm writing pure javascript, right?
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<ylluminarious|aw> elia: i am trying to access ruby variables within some javascript like here: . am i doing this the right way? it feels awkward and i am of course getting an error (Unexpected token ILLEGAL) on the @ symbols on the draw method js calls
<elia> remember that inside `` you're in js land
<elia> and in js @ makes no sense
<elia> if you want to grab the instance vars from opal you need to interpolate ``
<elia> e.g. `document.getElementById("playing_field").getContext("2d").fillRect(#{@x}, #{@y}, 40, 40)`
<ylluminarious|aw> oh, alright. that makes sense.
<ylluminarious|aw> yeah, i guess i forgot that `` means that i'm using js, not ruby
<elia> :)
<ylluminarious|aw> does that make sense though? it seems that there should be a better way to access the window, document, and so forth rather than using js directly
<ylluminarious|aw> btw, thanks for the help, elia
<elia> np
<elia> IIRC requiring native already prepares those global variables
<elia> it prepares $global / $$ which in a browser is equivalent to window
<elia> hence $document = $$[:document]
<ylluminarious|aw> ok
<ylluminarious|aw> could you please give me an example of `document.getElementById("playing_field").getContext("2d").fillStyle = "white"` using $$ instead?