meh` changed the topic of #opal to: - Ruby runtime and library on top of Javascript | 1.0.0 is near | This channel is logged at
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<ylluminate> meh`: how would we build opal-browser singularly as we do opal-jquery?
<ylluminate> for example, we can do: `gem install opal; gem install opal-jquery; opal-build -r opal-jquery -o opal-jquery.js -- opal-jquery`
<ylluminate> i attempted to clone opal-browser from github, then build it via `gem build opal-browser.gemspec; gem install opal-browser-0.2.0.beta1.gem`
<ylluminate> then i tried `opal-build -r opal-browser -o opal-browser.js -- opal-browser`
<ylluminate> sooo....
<meh`> ylluminate, dunno, haven't looked at opal-build yet
<meh`> ylluminate, also keep in mind opal-browser is cherry-pickable
<ylluminate> how would you normally build it meh`?
<meh`> ylluminate, I don't build static stuff, I just use the Opal::Server thing
<ylluminate> hmm, so i want to use this via a cdn
<ylluminate> as we discussed it before; we kind of got it working previously from our chat
<ylluminate> but elia has this new build mechanism in place
<ylluminate> and we'd like to get it flowing into the cdn along with opal-jquery
<meh`> we should ask elia
<ylluminate> that way it's easier to use browser as a whole or even cherry picking
<ylluminate> yeah, last time i asked him he suggested building it manually like this and running the opal-build as noted
<ylluminate> but obviously something's b0rking each time
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